This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot


Post 721

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

I suppose I would like a gadget shop or two, and an electronics shop with some decent prices, oh and I would like an instrument shop right in the center, rather than on the outskirts of Drammen...

Yeah, I did. Can you imagine carrying that drum around on a strap for hours and hours on end?

I am... I think.

Nope, the first possibility comes next Friday... If I'm lucky, the teachers will go on strike, and I won't have to sit any exams at all...

Well, good luck with the revision, then.



Post 722

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Ooooh there's a lack of gadget shops? Actually speaking of such i found a new sort of gadget shop in Glasgow... well actually it's more like Forbidden Planet but still. Tis fun.smiley - smiley

hmmmm yeah that strikes me as child abuse actually... and im not even kidding. I hate how schools etc use their kids to make themselves look good. I bloody hate that when you see young folk being dragged into events they couldn't care less about so as to make some snooty headteacher happy. Yeah im away in a tangent now. Can you tell im bitter? hehe

could that seriously happen or are you joking?



Post 723

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

Yeah, there is. Weee. What does it sell?smiley - smiley

I can understand that. I dislike it too, and I openly oppose any such thing. The marching band was, however, independent of the school and had nothing to do with the headteacher. It's just what every marching band does that day...smiley - sadface

Well, if I'm lucky. The teachers are extremely likely to go on strike, for a numbe of complicated reasons, and if they do, then they'll strike where they can cause some trouble, which is at schools that are holding exams...smiley - bigeyes



Post 724

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Well it sells really random stuff... CD's, posters, odd dolls and bags and stuff!lol... i didn't get a proper look because i was itching to get to Thorntons(which is next door to it... aaaah

aaaah i see... even still for you to have got lumbered with a part in it seemed unfair... well since you hated it and all.

aaaah i see... i'd have thought the teachers would have preferred not to disrupt the students exam diet. These exams you'll be sitting, does the whole of Norway not sit them at exacly the same time on exactly the same day?



Post 725

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

Weeee... Sounds like a fun shop...smiley - smiley A whole shop full of chocolate? Mmmm... must be heaven.

I did it sort of voluntarily. I hated the marching, but I needed the practice, and the rest of the year was alright. I just didn't like concerts.

No, they wish to cause as much trouble as possible. Yes, they do... So the subjects all have their separated days...



Post 726

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello!smiley - smiley

yup... it truly is heaven... 'Thorntons, Chocolate Heaven Since 1911'smiley - smiley gosh i must be obsessed, i even know the wee slogan.smiley - smiley Me and my mum always go in for cookies or something, it's what makes shopping bearable.smiley - laugh

ah i see... hmmmm actually i think if teachers went on strike over here there would be measures put in place so the exams would still be on.smiley - sadface

gosh i just came off the phone from my friend Sean who is rather concerned that im "running off to Norway with a guy i hardly know"!(he's a total drama queen but perfectly adorable). He doesn't seem to trust 18-year-old males... he's 18 this Tuesday...!lol anyhoo he seemed more concerned i wasn't making it to T In The Park for a merry old time!



Post 727

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

Oh, I see. Is that really their slogan?smiley - biggrin Incredible...smiley - smiley

Yeah, but they can't do that for oral examinations, where the teacher has to be present...

Hahaha... Not to worry, I'll take good care of you...smiley - smiley You can have all the brown cheese you can eat...smiley - tongueout



Post 728

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hiya!smiley - smiley

yup it sure is. My aunt used to work for them so we used to get lots of free stuff... *gets all nostalgic*smiley - smiley

oh duh, i didn't think about that. Speaking of exams my exam today was pretty horrible. I mean it's supposed to be difficult but surely not that difficult!smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

awwww i know.smiley - smiley It's very difficult to explain to people the way things are y'kno?! I can understand the general reaction but it's hellish trying to convince people how safe this is. He said "oh you should definitely go but i think you're incredibly naive". Deary me.

yaay!smiley - smiley



Post 729

Mr. Carrot

Hi!smiley - smiley

Mmmmmmm... Free samples...smiley - smiley

Hehe, well, I'm wishing for it.smiley - smiley Awww... Well, perhaps it went well nonetheless? You never know what's expected, you know?smiley - smiley

smiley - smiley I suppose it is...smiley - biggrin Well, it's fun, that's all I can say for it.smiley - smiley Well, what does it matter what he thinks? You'll come back, and hopefully, you'll have had a great time.smiley - winkeye

Are you sure about that yay?smiley - tongueout



Post 730

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Yeah before that she worked for the Mars company... aaaaah smiley - smiley

yeah that's true. I think it would have been preferable to have had more time. I think they should revise the exam really. I mean 10 extra minutes would make all the difference really.

well it doesn't really but he's been my friend for a long time so i don't take it lightly when he gets all negative on something. Och he's just another loon! hehesmiley - smiley

well i must admit it's the weirdest tasting/looking cheese i've ever seen but it's not inedible for a Scots lassie y'kno! hehesmiley - biggrin



Post 731

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

Now, that sounds good.smiley - smiley That reminds me of when I worked in television, and we got in some two cubic metres of pringles... Mmmmmmm...

Ah, so you ran out of time? Gosh, that's horrible, isn't it? It's just exremely stressing.

Oh, of course. Well, he's right, considering what he knows... We've met before and talked... So you've got something to base your decision on that he doesn't know. It's that simple, really...smiley - biggrin Like us, then...smiley - smiley

Hehe... You actually managed to eat it?smiley - biggrin Well, that's impressive, considering your nationality...smiley - smiley



Post 732

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello there!smiley - smiley

hehe... were you having a party? I hope there was dip!smiley - smiley

well actually i didn't... i ended up with 15 minutes left over because i'd rushed so much!lol i had to go back over each question and finish it... i mean you'd never believe i'd actually had some sort of exam technique! It all went out the window when it came down to the final.smiley - sadface

yeah that's true. Yep precisely that. A first class loon.smiley - smiley

well yeah but not all of it at the same time mind! hehe... admittedly it's a bizarre taste to get used to. hehe



Post 733

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

I brought a tray home with me...smiley - biggrin

Oh, jeez. Ah, well, you'll have to wait for the results, I suppose.

Sounds like a great guy...smiley - smiley

I'm really impressed, I must say...smiley - smiley It really is.smiley - biggrin



Post 734

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

i was replying this thread earlier today when the box crashed, then i had to go to my dad's i hadn't forgotten about it.

yeah like a brother! hehe... well i mean you have to do that when you're a fille unique.smiley - smiley

ah today my dad told me he's going to buy an electric drumkit and that he'll teach me to produce! yaay!smiley - somersault



Post 735

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

Awww. You are forgiven, no worries.smiley - winkeye

If you can do that, then I think you've gotten the better part of the deal.smiley - winkeye

Weeeee. Sounds like fun to me.smiley - smiley



Post 736

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

yeah i guess that's true.smiley - smiley

yup i mean i've been waiting around long enough for him to teach me drums... lets just hope there's no accidentals this time! hehe

im just back from Glasgow and im knackered. Im beginning to miss the rain! hehe. just kidding. A Anyhoo, oh yeah we were in this store which my mum always goes in because it sells homewomeware*eugh) and the woman who works there(who has pretty much got to know has as a Norwegian friend(who also works there) a0 and she was telling us all about Norway. She started talking about "there's this cheese which looks like a bar of chocolate". hehe small world eh?

i know i've made a load of typos but i think thhis blimmin box is about to crashsmiley - wah



Post 737

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

Lucky ducky.smiley - tongueout

I don't think it's possible to do accidentals on an electric kit. That would have to be a good kit, anyways.

Weee. So did you tell her that you've tasted it?smiley - biggrin

Not to worry, it's hardly noticeable, and I don't care, as long as I can understand what you've written.



Post 738

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Yeah i told her... we both agreed it doesn't taste how it looks. We also both agreed that the Norwegian accent is rather Irish/Highlander. yaaysmiley - somersault

I think you'd understand what i've written even if it was written phonetically! hehe



Post 739

Mr. Carrot

Hello!smiley - smiley

I can agree on that.smiley - biggrin Oh, yaaay!smiley - smiley That's a very nice conclusion indeed...smiley - smiley

Well, after reading a whole book that was written in Glaswegian...



Post 740

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Hehe... yep one could do worse than have an Irish lilt.smiley - biggrin

hehe that's true!smiley - smiley Hmmmm when i was on the phone to Sean i was speaking about something and i said "the mast" when i meant "The most". He interrupted me and asked since when did i start saying "mast". i then asked my mother and she said it's true, ever since i started going to college in in Glasgow my language has deteriorated somewhat... och well. hehe


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