This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

I'm not impressed

Post 41

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I yam still me! smiley - biggrin

I'm not impressed

Post 42

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

There is a slight downside that I've encountered with this "tony" thing.

I changed my name and then read it as "Tories Menthol Penguin" Not quite the effect I wanted!smiley - doh

I'm not impressed

Post 43

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Do Tories like menthol? Or, er, penguins? (I gather from Monty Python that they have unusual tastes...)

We haven't had any in North Carolina since 1784. smiley - winkeye

I'm not impressed

Post 44

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

"Albatross, albatross - smiley - bleep seabird flavoured albatross"

smiley - pirate

I'm not impressed

Post 45

You can call me TC

That reminds me! At my local cheese counter recently, there was a green cheese - Japanese!

I couldn't believe that Japanese Sage Derby really existed. Then I asked to try a slice. She did warn me it would taste of horse radish. smiley - yuk it was awful!

I'm not impressed

Post 46

aka Bel - A87832164

I've seen King Bomba is a mere usernumber. Last I knew was his name being King Bomba, which certainly doesn't qualify for any of the reason that have been mentioned so far.

I'm not impressed

Post 47

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

I was surprised my previous one wasn't nuked as it ended in "Currently castrated to 50 chars"smiley - shrug

I'm not impressed

Post 48


Mine's nice and short. Maybe they'll delete it on suspicion of being a cuss word?smiley - winkeye

BTW Some idiot entertainer has sued for a TV ad that uses her first name to identify a baby -- a first name that only a million other women have on their birth certificates. Maybe we should all be "Lindsey".

I'm not impressed

Post 49

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Mines been yikes'd three times since yesterday smiley - blush

I'm not impressed

Post 50


Mine got yikesed again this morning smiley - weird It was "toybox - dandetony, tell me what you're thinking now" I really cannot fathom what was wrong with it smiley - erm

I'm not impressed

Post 51

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It was longer than the 50 characters and spaces allowed smiley - erm

I'm not impressed

Post 52


I got one yikesed last week for breaking the house rules. They were perfectly justified; and I apologised. However, the posting was made in March 2005 - how much back-log have they got to wade through?

I'm not impressed

Post 53

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Well they do have the site re-design as well.smiley - smiley

I'm not impressed

Post 54


smiley - yikes

So it is true, mathematicians can't count smiley - blush

I'm not impressed

Post 55

Icy North

They weren't speaking your language, obviously.

Now if they said {x < 51; x € N} would that help?

I'm not impressed

Post 56

Gnomon - time to move on

scorp, the mods don't wade through backlog. They only act on postings if someone reports the posting to them.

I'm not impressed

Post 57


Thanks Icy, that's much clearer now smiley - ok Except, I'm not sure an empty nickname is accepted (N contains zero, at least in France it does).

However, I'm afraid the problem is deciding whether the length of my ex-nickname belongs to that set or not which is a difficult problem. I don't see any grad student around to whom I could suggest to solve it smiley - wah

I'm not impressed

Post 58

Gnomon - time to move on

Toybox, there's a little-known recusrive procedure for character string length determination. It involves solving the problem for length = 1, then increasing the length in increments of unity, while simultaneously moving through a list of words known as number names. The process terminates when you reach the last character in your nickname or the number represented in Roman numerals as L, whichever comes first.

I'm not impressed

Post 59


smiley - eureka

So basically you build a bijection with a suitable finite set. Why can't TPTB explain these things in such simple terms, I wonder? smiley - winkeye

I'm not impressed

Post 60

Gnomon - time to move on

I suppose the hampster doesn't count.

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