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Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 41

Malabarista - now with added pony

And then the government gets hold of the sensors and literally tracks every step you take...

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 42


Track our every step, huh? Well, agent "socks" will wonder what I am doing spending the week hanging in between the shirts (which is, I'll bet, where some of those missing socks have gone. Static from the dryer, you know.)

Yes, those "sneaker socks" are for summer, so you don't get a tan line in mid-calf. B'El, you just waited too late in the season to buy winter socks.
(Hope you arrived safely in London!)

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 43

Sho - employed again!

we buy smiley - chef socks for Father's day, birthdays, christmas... every present giving occasion, actually. Something to do with Harry Potter, according to the Gruesomes.* The last pair we got were the best, made out of Bamboo. So we're going to stick to those in future.

Now Gruesome #1's feet are getting to nearly the same size as me, our laundry sorting is getting complicated. And since the Gruesomes often have simliar socks, we had to come up with a solution. Which is: all new socks that come into Chez Sho for the female members of the house, are not worn until Sho (sigh) has sewn a coloured tag in the back of them. Orange for Gruesome #1, Blue for Gruesome #2 and Green for me.

We too have an odd sock box. And it's not just boys who can wear out the socks even as you look at them. #2 Gruesome is simply awful with socks and tights. smiley - grr

*Their idea, they also give me socks too.

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 44

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - bigeyes That sounds like far too much w*rk.

I have an acquaintance who drives his girlfriend up the wall by wearing out her socks, and in unmatched pairs, too! He gets dressed in the dark and just pulls any two socks out of the drawer. And then has the gall to complain that the other doctors in the A & E department make fun of him when he grabs a pink sock smiley - rolleyes He claims she's "selfish" for buying them, don't know how serious he is!

Though one of my friends just wears her socks unmatched deliberately - she says it saves time on sorting them. So usually, she'll have one red and one tie-dye sock. smiley - weird

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 45

Sho - employed again!

I very rarely wear socks. If they are made of the same fabric wearing odd socks doesn't bother me in the slightest.

What I really want in a sock right now is a cotton, strethy thing. Nice and thick though - but with a nice decent turn down. This means they have to be nice and long.

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 46

Malabarista - now with added pony

Turned-down socks? smiley - bigeyes

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 47

Sho - employed again!

you know, ankle socks. I think they make your legs look silly if they don't have folded over tops.

er... well, since you rarely have them here it's difficult to explain.

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 48

Malabarista - now with added pony

I don't think I've ever seen this phenomenon. I did have some turned-down socks as a little girl, but they were white with red lace edges for wearing in patent-leather shoes smiley - silly

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 49

Sho - employed again!

that type of thing
but just normal knitted ones. They look so much neater and nicer than the usual type.

Which is why i wear sneaker socks most of the time now. Which are no good with docs though.

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 50

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've never seen them smiley - laugh

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 51

Sho - employed again!

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 52

You can call me TC

I'm sure Mal's new tag has something to do with the subject in question, but I can't just put my finger on it: "Malabarista - now with 32% fewer footnotes"

And if I remember my Harry Potter correctly, Sho, shouldn't the receiver of the sock then be slave to the giver of the sock? I see where the Gruesomes are coming from there! How's about you give them some socks (which you probably do anyway). Who's the slave and who's the master then?

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 53

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Nope it's the other way round.

If a master gives a house elf a piece of clothing, the house elf is freed.

That's the way Dobby gets free. Harry Potter hides a sock in a book he returns to Lucius Malfoy. Lucius then gives the book to his house elf Dobby. Thus Lucius gives Dobby a piece of clothing and Dobby is a free elf and doesn't have to serv the Malfoy family any more.

Dobby then thinks thatt odd socks are normal,and consider people wearing socks of the same kind being smiley - weird.

smiley - dragon

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 54

Malabarista - now with added pony

DQ is right smiley - smiley

And my tagline is due to all my lovely footnotes being removed in PR smiley - winkeye

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 55

Sho - employed again!

TC - I think the sock giving came from HP getting a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks for Christmas once. But I can't remember which book it was - one of the early ones I'd guess.

I reckon Dobby would be in heaven in Mala's bathroom smiley - run

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 56

A Super Furry Animal

Right, poeple, I'm going to introduce a radical new idea into your brain-space. It's what I used to do at school, and I've stuck with the system ever since, because *it works*.

Pin your pair of socks together with a safety pin. place in washing machine. remove from washing machine.

Magic! smiley - wizard Self-sorting socks!

Imbue, engender, or otherwise embed this behaviour in your offspring (I know, too late, TC, Bel et al! smiley - biggrin)

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 57

Sho - employed again!

I've thought of that, only the pins would get rusty, wouldn't they?

I've got a new and ruthless sock pruning policy. I only iron/fold once a week, any leftover socks go in a box. Once a month or so I check again, and chuck the strays away.

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 58


Reddyfreddy, with that idea you cause unemployment - there are people actually researching on the phenomenon of single socks smiley - winkeye

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 59

You can call me TC

You can get little plastic things to sort your socks. But, as everyone has realised, it's a case of training the sock-wearers.

The little plastic things come in all sorts of shapes, but the most sensible to me seems the kind with two rings to pull the socks through and a little hook on the top for hanging on the line. The socks should either be in these little holders or on your feet. Simple, but humans seem to have some gene which prevents them doing it.

As pulling the socks through a narrow ring would always give you a bit of the sock which doesn't dry properly, I prefer this idea:

Sock-shopping and wardrobes

Post 60

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Still, slightly unable to believe there is an entire thread devoted to socks, can I pont out that the idea of Sat-Nav electronic socks would be unfeasable, as a day in my trainers would melt any of the sensitive electronics, and the "aroma" would block, or severely distort, any signals they tried to send out.
"Sock MH666 appears to be in Gorgonzaola. Or Parmesan."

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