This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hi Vampy

Post 541

Dragon Lord back with avengence

V.. ok babe you t/c... and yeah it is lol..

smiley - loveScott xx

Hi Vampy

Post 542


smiley - dragon boy,

lol i was going anyway smiley - tongueout

catch you later, take care smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon

Hi Vampy

Post 543


hi vampster

i dont knowof any other transsexuals im very reclusive

Hey Vamp

Post 544


Hello You retard! How`s tricks??? Ha,ha,ha! Because that dozy Sod from Sheff aint left an intro on his space I can`t have a pop at him!. So You`ll do You Muppet (Animal!). xxxxxx Guess Who! Sea,Sea...Seasiders! LOL! xxx

Hi Vampy

Post 545



i used to talk to these 2 on yoome, i was only on it very briefly though, they were really funny but confident about what they were..should of heard them b***hing at 1 another about who had the best legs in a skirt etc i used to pmsl think they was from the W.Mids..wish id got their email off them id of put you in touch

you dont know any other smiley - fairysmiley - fairy yet but your pc is a tool, use it, get in touch with like minded people who dont feel as though they have to hide, you wouldnt feel the need to hide if you didnt feel so bad about yourself, getting around and meeting/talking to others would be really beneficial to you, i dont understand you but theres loads of people out there that do

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 546



speak for yourself ya smiley - puff
the 'dozy s*d from Sheffield', (your words not mine smiley - tongueout), cant leave an intro because he has a lifetime barring on this site, no point putting an intro, soon as the h2g2 police find out its him they bar him again

guess who? hmmm lets see, BFC supporter erm? well i have only ever come across 3 people from your neck of the woods, (more or less), 1's a sick OLD man who preys on young girls but as far as i recall hes a Preston supporter or whatever it is they call their team, another is a top bloke who's helped me out with pc related stuff though hes never mentioned supporting any smiley - football team so that just leaves the other 1, a bloke with an obsession for a certain smiley - football team amongst other things smiley - winkeye lol

what you doing here? thought you couldnt be smiley - bleep with this site but you have yet another name hmmm? next time you want to come on here and want to keep your name, (and the smiley - bleep calls me a muppet! smiley - tongueout lmao), give us a ring ill make sure you keep it..good luck for tonight by the way smiley - kiss

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 547


Hiya Vamp, Well I`ve tossed and turned! hardly got any sleep. It was great that You phoned last night and We sorted out that problem We had!. But You asking Me to let by-gones be by-gones and to make an honest women of You!. Well Vamp I`m truly honourd that You asked Me to marry You, But (there`s always a BUT!) I don`t think it would be for the right reasons!. Yes We spoke once on the phone and got on dead well, We also had those six conversations on LD, But although I think You`re witty,kind and thoughtfull I really think We should get to know each other a bit more before We tie the knot!. Of course I`m flatterd that You asked Me to be Your husband, but call Me old-fashioned but I`d like to see You in the flesh first. Yes I do believe that You`re blonde size 10 with a 44 double D and look a bit like Pam Anderson. But I just feel We may be rushing it a bit!. Also!, What concerns Me is that with Me living In Lancashire (As everyone knows) That it`s the place where everyone want`s to live. And You living in Yorkshire (as everyone knows) You can`t wait to get out of! You may just be wanting to better Yourself!. Vamp Soooooo much going on in My head at the mo I can`t say yes!.
I hope We can still be friends? ....And Who knows maybe One day You`ll get lucky?, And I`ll say YES!!.

Sorry that I couldn`t marry You this time! (like last time You ou asked Me!) But Hey! keep on trying. One day You may catch Me off My Guard!!! LOVE YA LOADS!

PS. But a wedding is right out of the question! (Sorry)

BIG,BIG,BIG Hugs and loads of kisses BLACKPOOL FC.

Hey Vamp

Post 548



lmfaopmprotffl you bullsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep what smiley - bleep fantasy world are you living on? smiley - rofl

so this is what that text was all about this morning??!!! hoping id forgive you ya smiley - bleep lol

you 'tossed', (smiley - bleep lol), and turned cos your always thinking about me thats fair enough i can understand that smiley - tongueout

dont flatter yourself i believe in the institution of marriage but im not ready to be commited to an institution yet, (though others opinion may differ on that smiley - laugh), and im way to childish as you know smiley - tongueout

you think we should get to know each other a bit more? lol you know me well enough! or aswell as your likely too smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

witty yes but kind and thoughtful? smiley - bleep off now i know your smiley - drunk lol

you believe im a blonde size 10 with a 44 double D and look like Pamela Anderson? you daft g*t lol might be pushing it a bit with a size 10 and im not as blonde as when we last met, told you im dyeing my hair black but i can live with your perception of me just promise me 1 thing? dont ever buy glasses smiley - rofl

Yorkshire? lol yeah ok if you say so smiley - winkeye and if they didnt they'll think the do now smiley - laugh

of course we can stay friends, i wouldnt want you thinking otherwise cos when i see you next im going to beat the smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep out of you, you cheeky smiley - bleep lol

maybe 1 day ill get lucky? lol maybe you'll get me on an off day and you'll get lucky more like smiley - winkeye
id still turn you down for marriage though lmao smiley - tongueout

dont appologise it'll never happen lol except in your own fantasys

of course you love me ya muppet smiley - kiss but get in the queue lol smiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 549



ok i see you online, just behave yourself! smiley - tongueout you have been smiley - evilgrin
smiley - kiss

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 550


Oi, Vamp You really is a thicky aint Ya?. Firstly Valentine`s day isn`t till the 14th (did You not trust Royal to get it to me on time? LOL!). And secondly You aint ment to sign it You nincompoop LMFAO!. You really is quite the little poet! or did You copy all that lovey dovey mush You wrote? ha,ha,ha! It was quite touching coming from You.
Anyway on a serious note, when are You in court for the shoplifting? I`ll try to get down for case, You`ll need all the support You can get. Bloody hell!, Why didn`t You let Me know You were so short of money. Had I known I`d have sent You enough for some new underwear.I take it You get legal aid? Has It been in the local paper Yet? Why? oh! Why? did You have to go and steal a pair of panties from Ethel Austins (the shame of it!) Ill stick by ya, Ya big Galoop LOL! OK! gota go now,once again thanx for the slopy card even though You did send it a tad early and sign it. Let Me know about Yer court date.

Love The Seasider.. xxxxx

Hey Vamp

Post 551



i knew you was up to something, and it dont take a genius to work out what from your telephone conversation ya smiley - bleep lol

is that a subtle hint? hmmm but then you are that desperate for a......Valentine card? smiley - rofl

speaking of Royal, they are a bunch of robbing smiley - bleep 18p short on the letter and i have to pay a £1 for it!
but thats another story

the card couldnt of been from me cos id of addressed to TWsmiley - bleepY, you been sending yourself cards again? smiley - laugh ahh bless i know your hard up and a little smiley - blue cos i turned you down again, if it means that much to you ill send you 1 but dont read anything into it eh smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

the only courts your likely to find me in is the tv shop so who knows what you've heard, or did we make up another fantasy about me? pmfsl you can smiley - bleep right off, even in your wildest dreams i wouldnt go over the tv stands for you! smiley - rofl

lmfao if i was so short i couldnt afford new underwear id go commando smiley - winkeye lol i dont know what Ethel Austins is but it couldnt of been me cos id only go to A.S smiley - biggrin

you'd support me eh? i think i do ok but thanks for the offer lol smiley - whistle

oh by the way, that smiley - tit you was with, did the rash clear up? llf ooopps hope that wasnt a secret smiley - biggrin

ahh still smiley - love me dont you, you'll wait a long time for me but no harm in hoping you never know i might go senile 1 day smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 552


hi scott hows u

vampy can you give scott my -phone no

Hey Vamp

Post 553



oi say please smiley - bleep ill email it to his Mum or or Dad cos i cant remember his email address, ok frilly smiley - fairy?
now say thankyou and dont mention twinsets or ill give you a dead arm

smiley - fullmoon

Hiya Vamp from Taamyu

Post 554


How are you?
Did you get my private message? smiley - huh
Speak to you soon smiley - biggrin
smiley - coffee

smiley - diva
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - diva

Hiya Vamp from Taamyu

Post 555



just replied, have had quite a few to catch up on smiley - smiley

mmm smiley - coffee would kill for a smiley - redwine but no donors around so smiley - coffee would be great cheers lol

im great thanks Taamyu, same as..hope alls good with you too

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 556


thank you sweet vampster

Hiya Vamp from Taamyu

Post 557


smiley - hug

smiley - biggrin

Take Care smiley - coffee

See you soon smiley - cheers

Hey Vamp

Post 558



want a kick in the teeth? lay off with the sweet smiley - bleep eh smiley - tongueout and next time ask someone else, i dont do favours, people usually do things for me, ask any of my Bsmiley - bleepES, i dont do smiley - bleep all for anyone unless theres something in it for me, so keep it to yourself eh dont want people thinking im going soft, especially with smiley - fairysmiley - fairy LMAO

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 559

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Stand aside little people I'm here on offical business. I am the Liquid Warrior in the Holy Crusade Against the Tee-total. Pull up a bar stool and I'll buy you a pint. Say you sure can drink a lot.

Hey Vamp

Post 560

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Sorry forgot to add. My Name tag. It is the catchphrase of Bart Simpson

he Liquid Warrrior (Eat My Shorts)

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