Journal Entries
Bumper Stickers
Posted May 15, 2003
I was going through the e-mail from hotmail and I saw web site in the States for bumper stickers and some where fun my favourite is ^Unless your a heamarroid get my my ass* .so I got to thinking about some ones of my own so here's a few
Get any closer and you can see the crack.
Yes I drive like your dad because I am him.
F.... You and the horse your riding.
If I had a face like you I be in a zoo.
The car blows horn does the driver.
Nice car shame about the idiot behind the wheel.
Hubba hubba nice front.
Feed the kids collect road kill.
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Latest reply: May 15, 2003
What if
Posted May 14, 2003
I was pondering today at work and it occured to me there's a lot of what if,s in life.What if when leaving school I went to work in my present job would I be up the evoluntionary chain of command or stuck in still in the same level.What if I didn't go to the Phlippines in 1987 or even 1985 and went somewhere else would my life be any different.To be honest I'm glad I didn't.My life would have been less richer for all the things I done and seen.
Another bee in my bonnet today was pay rises the ceo of our company voted himself a whopping 15% payrise bringing him to £2.8million a year.If having asked why?,no doubt the reply would be because he make important descisions.In that case we all should be on £2.8 million as we make some descisions that affect ourselves and other people around us.This year we will get our 2.5% and be told to like or lump it the union(USDAW) are to weak to brew a cup of tea.
Thats another bee in my bonnet why bother having unions when they can't even get you a decent pay rise.I was briefly shop steward to USDAW when working at TVAM with union help I manged 7% it took four years to top that.Yes I know blowing my own trumpet(If we men could blow our own trumpet would we get out of bed every day???).Well I got that of my chest I'll come and talk to myself tommorow??!!>
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Latest reply: May 14, 2003
Random thoughts weekender 10-11/5/2003
Posted May 11, 2003
I guess as it's a Sunday I ought to get religious.I am a Catholic and for those who think we are all sitting with our rosaries clicking away your wrong and why is this here is a tale.I remember when I had my divorce I went to a nearby local church where they ran a group for those Catholics who get divorced.It is a bitter blow as a Catholic to face divorce,as in our faith we are taught to think marriages will last forever.
Anyway the priest who ran the group said that for adivce on relationships don't go the rosary clickers as their head is full of zealous ideas and are the least helpful people.That goes for all reiligons,the idea of beliving in something other than yourself is a help through life.For those who don't belive in anything I feal sorry for I have been in a presence bigger than myself on occasions.
In my family I have an eldest brother who dosent bother with church and has decided to bring up his children as humanists.My middle brother is a Benedictine monk and about as down to earth you can get with any person.What I'm trying to say is that we shape our own thoughts and views and we create our own destinies,but there are times when the world gets to big for us the big picture gets fuzzy so we need a guiding hand someone we can talk to a spirit to which our souls find solace and comfort.
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Latest reply: May 11, 2003
Fleeting glance of fame random thought of the day 3 8/5/2003
Posted May 8, 2003
I thought I would starting dating my journal as I will get lost in time.My random thought today is dealing with 15 minutes of fame.I had mine back in 1978 on Capital Radio Cash On Delivery it was just 15 minutes of fame I came away the winner but not with the top prize.I didn't tell any of my friends so it was a surprise when I saw them the next day some had heard me,I had a really big ego for about two days.The funny thing I realised when I sat down to write this.I had my fair share of fleeting fame thats where you think or know you where in view of a camera.
I know two one was a long shot when my family where on holiday in Scotland at Gleneagles they where filming A Round With Alice a golfing programme.The other was more of a puzzle on the Pet Shop Boys West End Girls,there is brief flash of a car passing the camera.Now at that time in my life I was working as a chef at TV.AM and I use to travel home through Trafalgar Square on my way home.So one night I was going home when whilst in Trafalgar Square I saw a film crew lights everything so I forgot all about it till I saw the video.Your asking how do I know it's me well the shot is of a sliver grey car a Mini Metro by the shape and I had a similar car at the time.
So the next screwball idea I had what if I tried to claim Royalties of course no sensible person will dream of asking because it's only a micro second.Can you imagine all those crowd scenes at rock concerts,sporting events everybody claiming royalities,entertaiment TV companies and rock groups wil all go bankrupt.We all crave fame lets be honest and we all want that adulation if only for a few minutes or hours it's something we can bore our grandchildren with when we are all dithery old goats blocking up the pavements with our elecric chairs.That's where Sir Clive Sinclair went wrong instead of a elecric cars he should have made electric chairs instead.
Because at this stage we should have reached the hover chair and it would have taken us to work it would have eliminated cars and pollution, you see thats where inventers go wrong they should invent ideas thet make pratical sense not miracle break throughs.
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Latest reply: May 8, 2003
Random thought of the day
Posted May 7, 2003
Well to today is my day off from my work which means I have list as long as my arm to do,one is to go to my local library to collect a Book on Emma Hamilton Lord Nelson,s bit of stuff.It's part of my research into my family history according to my dad we are related to Emma Hamilton.directly through her from one of her children I know she had two but which one??.
Before I got to this I checked my e-mail which included a Microsoft Survey asking me allsorts of questions I always make up the replies because your not really face to face with the questioner so why tell the truth you can't guage their response.(my spelling is bad so if I make a mistake though luck).
As write this I'm listening to Planet Rock on digital tv 861 I found that music definately soothes the savage soul,especially when they have Eric Clapton on or some real mellow stuff.Its better listening to my local station Horizon which I'm sure only has 8 records.Which reminds me of true story I was on holiday in Rome it was my first time abroad.The hotel we stayed in Ostia had a disco with only 8 records honest.
In my company we have what they called an OFI(Oppotunity For Improvement) where we submit good ideas that help our job "Cheaper better simpler" to quote the blurb So why dosen't the government have one or if God is listening have one for creating new life or improving existing life.At work it's rated as1:Do it which means it needs no approval,2:Pass it if its to techincal pass it own to someone who knows,3:,,RAT it(RAT stands for Rapid Action Team)where we us a problem solving tool kit which consisits of PSTB(PROBLEM SOLVING TEAM BUILDING) The 5 whys(Apparently in you ask a question 5 times you get an answer) and Root cause analysis using a fishbone techinque if I had a scanner I'd put it on display,3:Finally we have no action either because it to expensive or its already in place.So if anybody read this bit lets have your ideas.
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Latest reply: May 7, 2003
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