Journal Entries

nothing in particular

When I first joined this site 4 weeks ago,I thought with journal I would write everyday but after awhile I don't seem to find time and stuff I could write down would appear boring to some.It does help me to unwind the thoughts that tumble around my head.I am still hooked on ebay and with pay day coming up I have to think what I can budget for.
I listen to planet rock while I write it is a good radio like all radio stations these days it has one draw back repeats of certain records.This subject came up yesterday at work.When you don't have control over what you hear,you are at the mercy of who has access to the radio it seems we are stuck on some London based radio station.I susupect it's Magic as it's mostly 80,s soul or disco.
Don't get me wrong some of the 80,s music was ok but some was just muzak and it seems that the radio station we're stuck on is on that plays muzak.The powers that be did try to have poll on our favourate radio station some how I think the living dead where working at the time because we got stuck with what we have know.Maybe the senior team think to much good music will have us singing along to much.Can't have that staff enjoying work what ever next decent pay yes right ah well what ever!!.

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2003

Bank holidays why ??

Why do we go through this ritual of bank holidays well its the first time I had two in row normally I work them but.I planned to go out today but having paid to many bills that means either a nice walk or short trip to some where else.The wife wants to go to see a shop at Northampton we seen a few times all because they might have something she likes,as for me I unwind by driving,for me it's relaxing I enjoy getting lost in some back road and finding my way home.
The trouble with bank holidays for those who work them your paid double or treble then what do we do with our money spend it on something other than a bank holiday.Here's another pipe dream why don't companies save for those who work bank holidays.Have fund they pay their bank hloiday money in to so when we do get our bank holiday off we can then draw some money out and spend the day on getting away in some nice pub or what ever soak in the atmosphere so we can store it in our memories and when the boss gets on our case we can shut down till he run out of wind thinking that there is life out there besides work.

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Latest reply: May 26, 2003

hooked on Ebay

Yes I need my daily fix on Ebay,trawlling trough somebodies tat and finding occasional gems.My better half is worse than me sitting up till midnight yesterday so she can get a trink box that her ex gave to her daughter when she was 2 and lost it.
I went looking for a Brittney Spears autographed photo for my daughter I hope she will like it.The trouble with Ebay is that you don't know wether to stop or carry on and then you start thinking well if I don't get that will I ever get a chance to find it again.
Dosen't life get like that we try to find the missing pieces from our pass only to find that me missed them for a reason.Touch wood I'm one of these people who are quite happy to let go of the past but keep a record in our memories so we recall if we need something to remind us how it use to be when the future looks bleak.
Life for me is like a long journey we travel along a road sometimes we come to a cross roads.We have choice to go in any direction we want to,occasionally we go down a cul-de-sac so we have to retrace our steps start again.often we are carried along by the crowd and miss our turning.or we tempted down another road.Now and then I look back down my road and wonder what if I went down that path or this path where would it have led me to would I have been a better person than I am now or worse.
I know that given another chance I would change a few bits here and there and would have been a lot more assertive.

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Latest reply: May 22, 2003

rant on paying bills

Ranting on paying bills has help soothe a savage soul having just sat down to a hill full of bills.The air was blue yes you know what it feels like you go to pay bills do a mental calculation find out there's not enough so who gets paid who dosent.Here's a pipe dream why dosen't the government give everybody at birth a £100.000 and say,s that you can't touch it till your first bad debt then you can pay it off and with the rest assuming the government has included compound interest on the £100,000 you buy your partner and children a holiday hide away send them there for a year so you can grow the hair back you pulled out or what ever.
Ah!! well it was nice thought.Isn't this the curse of this world when some bright spark said money is the root of all evil,yet we can't live with out it so dose that mean we are all cursed for all time.It's all right for sprouting Communism as cure all,where everybody share the common wealth of a nation.Communism is a good idea but it always lands in the hands of the ignorant or the intellectually stupid.
For me the idea of earning enough to keep out of debt is good but life gets in the way.At school they don't really prepare you for lifes ups and downs.Lets scrap exams that are not helpful to existing and introduce exams that make sense and have practical application to life.

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Latest reply: May 20, 2003


Well today IS WAFFLING day well its killing time which sounds a strange concept.First how would one be charge and what kind of sentence.Life in prison on 101 year sentence with someone who wants you to be his very best buddy and you will live all of those years or community service in a clock factory.Marking time in one of those endless queues at banks.I guess thats what purgatory will be thousands of queues and when you get to the end there ones of theses telephone sales reps putting you on hold till they found right department lising to endless muzack.Hell even worse you stuck an endless call of Jehovah Wittness.s,Mormons and lost taxi drivers looking for raods that don't exist and the Readers Digest telling you that your on the short list for a massive win but you must enter a competition with usless free prizes they got from bankrupt stock sales of strange plastic objects that no ones know what to do with.

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Latest reply: May 19, 2003

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