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Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
you seem to be knowledgable about media may I ask how you know?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
Well depending on which area of media you go for of course...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
Are you famous then why have the press been after you?
I'm not famous but I have been in the newspaper, radio and on tv before
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
famous infamous.. its all the same in the end... they still wind up a pain in the ass
I've been in papers, tv and radio as well... a few times in a few countries...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
what did you say you do as your job?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
I tried to find it and the closest I came was an traveller and musician am I right? or completely wrong? or did you say you worked in an office?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 20, 2003
ok why don't you just say what you do for a living instead of messing me around?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 20, 2003
oooohh grumpy.. LOL ..I'm currently working in a office being a general grunt...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 20, 2003
Its just irritating when I'm being messed around by someone. I mean if you were messed around would you like it? no of course you wouldn't so please spill the beans I'm curious.
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 20, 2003
I wasnt deliberately messing you around... I didnt actually realise I was doing it.. my last answer was pretty much it... I'm an office grunt.. I work in a call centre... and take crap from people all night...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 21, 2003
Oh dear sounds like you should get another job that makes you happy. Nobody should be unhappy in life we all have a right to be happy and enjoy our lot in life before its all over.
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 21, 2003
Well its only temporary until I move to my next location.. then who knows what I am going to be doing... as long as it pays bills and lets me have fun I dont mind.. I've done worse jobs in worse conditions... and I've had much better...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 21, 2003
ah I see personally I hope I don't get an office job 9-5 or whatever in the future.
I've just gone all romantic cos I watched Romeo and Juliet I wondered what romantic words guys like to hear. I am not male so I don't know what would win a guys heart and what wouldn't. I want to say something romantic to my boyfriend but am not sure what to say I don't want to be too cheesy.
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 21, 2003
You can say the most romantic thing in the world and it wont mean a thing if the mood isnt right... you need the mood to make the words have weight...
One of the moments that immediately comes to mind was a few years ago.. my (now ex)girlfriend and I had just got home from dinner... i sat on the lounge.. she sat beside me and snuggled up and said "you make me feel warm"
While it may not look like much now.. at that particular 'moment' it was an incredible statement it literally rocked me and almost brought me to tears...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 21, 2003
and there was I starting to think males weren't keen on romantic statements. I just sent an email saying 'you will be in my dreams tonight xxx' to my boyfriend I hope he likes reading it.
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 21, 2003
I hope he appreciates it too.. he bloody well should... LOL its not every day that someone says something nice and with meaning...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 21, 2003
I hope he appreciates it too.. he bloody well should... LOL its not every day that someone says something nice and with meaning...
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Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
- 81: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 82: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 83: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 84: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 85: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 86: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 87: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 88: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 89: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 90: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 20, 2003)
- 91: Demon (May 20, 2003)
- 92: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 20, 2003)
- 93: Demon (May 20, 2003)
- 94: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 21, 2003)
- 95: Demon (May 21, 2003)
- 96: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 21, 2003)
- 97: Demon (May 21, 2003)
- 98: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 21, 2003)
- 99: Demon (May 21, 2003)
- 100: Demon (May 21, 2003)
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