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Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 17, 2003
I have a nice bottle of scotch waiting for me when I get home... I dont get a friday off until the 13th of june.. so no real fun for me till then.. just drinking alone till then
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 17, 2003
My sister was born on Friday 13th of June!!!
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 17, 2003
I'll make sure I have a drink for her... my birthday is 2 weeks later... the 27th...
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 17, 2003
cool happy birthday to you for that day
whats your favourite music by the way? or don't you like music?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 17, 2003
What I listen to most at the moment is Evanesense 'Bring me to life' though I am sure we covered music earlier
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 18, 2003
Sorry if we covered music in an earlier post. Evanescence is ok but theres a lot more great songs out there in my opinion.
Ok then have I asked you about academic stuff and holidays too?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
I know theres better stuff out there.. but Evenescence is what is stuck in my head for the moment.. it will pass soon and either go onto something better or worse...
What sort of academic or holiday stuff do you want to know?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
well have you been/are going/ are too young to go to uni?
are you going on holiday this year?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
I finished Uni years ago.. I have a degree in cultural arts, marketing and business management.. I'm 27..
As for holidays.. well the last 9 or so years is technically a holiday for me.. even though I work.. I travel so much and explore during my free time..
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
I wish I could get my degree and go travelling like you do been anywhere interesting?
may I ask you if you have or had a partner do you think you would find them attractive every time you saw them?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
I've been to many interesting and often dangerous places, but it has been fun... its very lonely though... I havent had a partner since sept 11 when the terrorists struck.. my partner at the time was american so she went home... and I've been single since..
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
why did you choose to visit dangerous places?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
sorry that took so long .. so busy tonight.. I tried to reply within minutes and got swamped...
.. lunch in 20 minutes YAY
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
dangerous places are more fun.. .. excitement is good.. and really.. would you want to see boring places?
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 19, 2003
Nah boring places aren't nice at all. I'm an action girl into white water rafting, rockclimbing etc, so I love holidays which include those.
Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
Demon Posted May 19, 2003
hehe.. action and adventure and excitement are good things... makes the road easier when you have things to look forward to...
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Howdy Doody Lemon Trudy
- 61: Demon (May 17, 2003)
- 62: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 17, 2003)
- 63: Demon (May 17, 2003)
- 64: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 17, 2003)
- 65: Demon (May 17, 2003)
- 66: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 18, 2003)
- 67: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 68: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 69: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 70: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 71: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 72: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 73: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 74: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 75: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 76: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 77: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 78: Demon (May 19, 2003)
- 79: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 19, 2003)
- 80: Demon (May 19, 2003)
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