This is the Message Centre for Andrea
Greetings Andrea!...or Dublinia
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation May 1, 2003
Yes, this is indeed quite the place, isn't it? I'm here fairly often, & have made friends from; Estonia, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, Australia, etc.
Anyway, I'm just popping in on some of the recent arrivals to say 'hello', 'welcome aboard', offer you a or
& some
...perhaps *digs in his knapsack*...some
? You can use those icons (the
, etc), by typing smileys into the search window...that'll take you to a long list of them, with easy instructions for using them. And you can refer back to it anytime.
Feel free to click on my underlined nickname above this message, to visit my space if you like...possibly leave me a note & we can start a 'conversation' (& if you'd like, I can 'introduce' you to a few friends). Look forward to conversing, ok...bye for now *waves*
Greetings Andrea!...or Dublinia
Andrea Posted May 1, 2003
Hi there Jazzedupcurry (what a name!)
Argh! I didn't really make my nickname Dublinia did I? Naf naf naf. Will have to go about changing that asap - can I do that? Anyway, what's this about chocolate ...?
Bye for now.
Greetings Andrea!...or Dublinia
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted May 1, 2003
Sure you can, just click on 'Preferences' in the lefthand margin, ok...that'll let you change it & modify it if you want, periodically.
Yes & help yourself to the
! Good to get a reply Andrea.
Greetings Andrea!...or Dublinia
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted May 1, 2003
Oh, & btw, we tend to choose imaginative nicknames here, some of them based on(or loosely fashioned after) the Douglas Adams books ! just call me jazz or jazzed, alright. Hope you & Ray are doin' well.
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Greetings Andrea!...or Dublinia
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