Journal Entries


Right, now I'm getting annoyed. It's 3.15pm and so far no dvd player. I also feel like utter crap and should take out shares in lemsip max strength, which (considering I feel like mild crap compared with total crap yesterday) seems to be starting to work. Been looking at tattoos on the net today. Getting my 4th tomorrow with my best mate and she had the rather sweet (and I don't care if it's cheesy) drunken idea we should both get the Chinese for 'friend' since she says I'm leaving her on her own when I leave the country.

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Latest reply: May 2, 2003


so this morning I haul my backside out of bed, after several groans and fits of coughing/nose blowing before reaching for the lemsip max strength (my salvation) and draggin myself to work. Why? So I could get my new dvd player delivered here since they are (I suspect) incapable of delivering to my house. It's now 3.55pm and no delivery. I've got 3 new discs waiting at home - still cellophane wrapped and everything. I think that waiting for things is the worst experience - but then this is the girl who is too impatient to do crossword puzzles!

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Latest reply: May 1, 2003

why me?

Why is it that whenever I make big plans I get ill?!
Rather than just going out on bank holiday Monday I am now going shopping/tattoo buying with my best mate all day Saturday and then out on the lash Saturday night as well as Monday. Now, less than 24 hours after that conversation I'm once again stockpiling soggy tissues on my desk and once again coming to the conclusion that mucus is the bain of my life!

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Latest reply: Apr 30, 2003

By the way...

By the way, I didn't pass out cos I was drunk! I was standing at a long meeting in a very stuffy portakabin with no windows and it was heat that did it...I have never ever passed out from alcohol consumption and don't intend to start!

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2003

last weekend continued

Coast's clear now. Right, where was I? Oh yeah...I was gonna say I felt bad cos it was only a quickie but on reflection that was actually kinda nice. Last time we were there for an hour and a half, I had grazed knees and elbows and as for the sand...I was still finding it 5 days later! Hmmm...the things we do after alcoholsmiley - winkeye I went backwards through the glass shower cubicle door in my house on Saturday night because of that stuff, it wasn't my fault though! My mum left a big stereo in the middle of the bathroom floor and whilst trying to avoid falling over that I ended up sitting on my backside under the (thankfully intact) shower door which I'd knocked off the hinges. Got a lovely bruise over most of one upper arm. That arm doesn't have a very good time of it: I passed out a couple of months ago and that was the arm I fell on. It went bright turquoise!! I mean, TURQUOISE for goodness sake!

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2003

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