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me again...
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Sep 5, 2003
Hello, great to hear from you
Certainly sounds like you have been very busy. The trouble with getting all that stuff done is that everything starts to look alot worse before it gets better! When i go on a mad tidy spree and decide to sort out all my nursing notes the living room ends up looking like a bomb site and i wish i hadn't started and lose enthusiasm to finish the job!
Having said that i did tidy my living room today - especially around my pc which has been my dumping ground for the last 6 months so it was a mess. But a friend is bringing me a new CD drive and some more memory for the hard drive so it had to be done. (my friend works in IT so 'recycles' the stuff they don't need. they are always updating to the latest stuff so they just throw out the old stuff. Thats how i got my PC )
I haven't been too well over the last 2 months so have been a bit quiet onsite, but hopefully i can get back into it.
me again...
Universal Granny Posted Sep 5, 2003
Oh Mort, I didn't realise you hadn't been well. Nothing too serious I hope. I did wonder where you had got to. Hope you are feeling loads better (is it a getting better sort of thing?)
I am in the process of being diagnosed with ME, and I am not sure how much longer I can go on working. At the moment they cover for me if I need to go and rest up for a while, but I can't let them do that for ever. I have bad days and good days, but on the whole I am a lot better than most sufferers, just don't know if it will get worse.
It's such a long and complicated process because they have to rule out everything else first with the same symptoms, and all the while I have not been able to tell them officially at work, so they expect a full nights work from me, no question!
I do hope you continue to feel better. Drop in any time you have a moment.
Take care Universal Granny
me again...
Universal Granny Posted Sep 30, 2003
Just seen your on-line so thought I would drop in. Hope you are OK and all is well in your world.
As you can see by the last post the decorating is progressing, and it is even further on now, because the decorator is returning this Wednesday to do the front room (hall and back room now done), and then I can finally get the downstairs straightened out. I need to re-paper the kitchen, but that will have to wait for a while, and I will probably do that myself.
are all well although the eldest cat is getting very stiff in the joints and has taken to sleeping indoors a lot of late. He hasn't caught anything for about a year, it is such a shame that he is not his old self, a real "jack the lad" he was, but I am sort of glad he is not presenting me with half mutilated starlings, and graunched up mice and rats.
I am glad of the friends I have made on here, and especially of your help in times of need! Thank you, Mort.
The writing projects will have to wait until after Christmas now, the house is so near being finished and the garden so near being as I want it that I am going to concentrate all efforts on that before I settle down to really enjoy myself.
Take care, Universal Granny
me again...
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Oct 3, 2003
you must have just caught me as i was going offline. i am just about to head for bed but i will post later. my conversations window isn't behaving itself and i don't want this thread to get buried in the back log so posting this will bring it to the top of the list until i can reply properly
It's always good to hear from you!
Back later
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