This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny

me again...

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hello, I saw you were online so thought i would just say hello and see how you were getting on.

I also wondered what you were doing up so late !!smiley - laugh
I have been a bad girl and stayed up all night again, and now its dawn already, well its h2g2 , it is so addictive!

Although i am on my way to bed now!

In case you are interested some of the places i like to frequent as well as some good places to visit (this assumes that not all the places i frequent are necessarily good smiley - tongueout) are listed here A989508 . United friends of h2g2 is a great place to visit.

It started as a list to remind me of where i had joined and then just grew and grew!!

The more places you see the more links you get and the more people you meet and the more links you get with more places to visit and so on!

Anyway, if i dont get to bed soon my cats will wake me up early out of spite for keeping them awake so late. Bless them.

Take care


Hoarding - dont talk to me about hoarding! Every so often i do what you did and then a couple of years later i repeat the whole thing again and seem to have more 'i am sure i need this stuff' than i did before.smiley - laugh

me again...

Post 2

Universal Granny

Hi Mort, it was good to hear from you.

Easy answer to the "what are you doing up so late?" question. I am, in fact not up late, that hour is my daytime. I am a night shift worker, six nights a week, and the times you will find me on-line are between 2200 and Midnight and again between 0200 and 0300, 6 nights of the week. Tonight is my night off and I am using my own (very slow) computer, but during the week I use the works computer which is quite up to date and fast.

I have recently become the night supervisor and spend much time doing paperwork and organising the flow of things, so I can keep the computer on h2g2 until I need to use if for something else. The 0200 time is my break.

I work in a very male dominated environment, and my appointment to night supervisor was greeted with some trepidation, but so far all the guys have been co-operative and the work has been getting done.

'Nuff about me - how do I get smiley things into my text? I have played with the <> buttons and putting words in between but when I do that it just looks like this smiley - cat Not too clever at this, am I?


Universal Granny

me again...

Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

well the smiley - cat became a cat! so it is working. there are only some that become smileys. if you click on this link >> <./>smiley</.> then that will give you the full list but basically so long as you have no spaces between the word and the < > then it will work!

But don't worry, you will get there in the end!

I will be back later!

smiley - cheers that smiley is < cheers > (without the spaces)


me again...

Post 4

Universal Granny

Well, thick or what? I didn't realise you had to post the message before it became a smiley - I forgot they were shy. All I have to do now is learn which one is called which, but I have found my way to the list, so that shouldn't take too long.

I like this place, you're all so friendly smiley - biggrin. Back to work tonight so able to use better computer and catch up with messages. Been "grannying" all day, so glad to be at work for a rest.

Catch up with you later
Universal Granny

me again...

Post 5

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

"grannying" smiley - laugh

What you can do is use the 'preview' button next to the 'post message' button and that will show you the post as it will appear on the site, and then you can check the smileys have worked ok!!

Its very refreshing to be on a site where you can post on a complete strangers page and they are actually happy to chat to you, i haven't been involved in chat communities as such myself but have heard that they are not as friendly as this one. In fact you are the second person that has said it to me today.

And this so much more than a chat site anyway. It really does feel like a community.

I have done nothing all day, thought about the hoovering but that was as far as i got - thinking about it smiley - laugh

Oh well i suppose it is a bank holiday - that is my excuse and i am sticking to it! smiley - winkeye


me again...

Post 6

Universal Granny

It's 3 o'clock and you're still up! At least I have an excuse, I have just come to the end of my break. Let me ask you though, when I click on to the "Who's online" button, is it only the ones that show in red that are up and awake and diddling about on the keys?

If that's the case - then it's only you and me!

Happy Tuesday!

Universal Granny

me again...

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

thats a thought - just the two of us rattling about in the cyber universe! smiley - laugh

Actually the people that come up are the ones that are logged in and online, although if you haven't clicked a a link after 15 minutes it shows you as offline (ie no eyes at the side of your name on your space or in post) smiley - online2long

The ones showing in red are your own name and the peoples spaces you have been to! I think it 'forgets' after a while but at least for a couple of weeks it will remember and highlight it. Its the same with page links too.

I have no excuse for being up this late - i am watching Dead Man Walking on TV. Bit sad. Although i am sure i have seen it before.

smiley - cheers

me again...

Post 8

Universal Granny

Thanks, Mort, I'm learning all the time.

Bad night, tonight, so can't hang around

See you soon

Universal Granny

me again...

Post 9

Universal Granny

smiley - zoom Just passing!

You OK?

Happy Friday!


me again...

Post 10

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

hi there, sorry i have been torturing the Aces wannabe recruits - well got to get fun where you can!!!

me again...

Post 11

Universal Granny

Remind me not to apply!


me again...

Post 12

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - laugh

me again...

Post 13

Universal Granny

Hi Mort, I need a bit of help negotiating this site.

If I find someone on-line at the same time as myself, is it possible to "speak" directly to them? One of the sites I visit has got a "gathering" and we are asked to be on-line between certain times, how is this different?

You must realise after the difficulties I had with the smiley - smileys that I am no expert at this game, but I want to learn.


Happy Wednesday

Universal Granny

me again...

Post 14

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi how are you?

No there is no place like that here although it has been discussed a few times. The only way is to click on their name on the list and it will create a new page (browser window!) with their personal space on it and just leave them a message.

If they regularly check their conversations like me then you can get a quick reply but if they are out galavanting on the site then there may be a delay with the reply.

You had the smiley - smileys sorted ok - you just didnt realise you had smiley - laugh


me again...

Post 15

Universal Granny

Thanks Mort, I just needed to know so that I wasn't missing anything - can't bear to miss anything!!

Yes smiley - smileys OK now. I know how to send smiley - choc, smiley - coffee, smiley - cake
smiley - fairys and all sorts now, it's smiley - magic! Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it.

smiley - hug

Universal Granny

me again...

Post 16

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

You are welcome!

smiley - choc yum!

I have a cold and tonight my fever is back - thought it had gone smiley - sadface so it is making me very grumpy. Particularly if the site is slow and it takes ages to do anything.

Probably feel better after a shower though - just need to get the energy now smiley - laugh


me again...

Post 17

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Just dropping by to say hello and see how you are getting on smiley - smiley


me again...

Post 18

Universal Granny

Hi Mort, nice of you to drop in, sorry I wasn't about. I am actually on a fortnights leave while they re-wire my place (and that's another story!) and as my computer at home is so slow, I generally get on line at work. Have popped in today to catch up on a couple of bits (despite the fact I should be on holiday) and thought I have a look in.

I seem to be navigating the sites pretty well, but when my re-wire is done and things are straighter at home, I want to start submitting articles, and I will probably need your help then. One thing at a time though. Hope you are OK and not too busy.

Take care, Universal Granny

me again...

Post 19

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Re-wiring - must be a nightmare. Hope it isnt too disruptive.

No probs with writing advice. I have just about got my way round the various writing forums so sort of know what goes where smiley - winkeye

Just give me a shout and i am happy to help!

smiley - cheers


me again...

Post 20

Universal Granny

Hello Mort, not heard from you for a while, you OK?

Re-wiring all finished and the decorator is coming in next week to repair the damage smiley - magic - can't wait! Whilst I cannot do anything in the house, I have been concentrating on the garden, which had become no more than a rubbish dump.

Last year I had a garage and two sheds knocked down to give me more garden space, but that left a pile of "things to keep" under a tarpaulin at the end of the garden until I had a new shed erected. This has all gradually fester, rotted and collapsed and needed a good sort out. That's done now.

New greenhouse also erected and I am just sealing it up at the bottom so the rain does not get in under the aluminium frame. That done I can then rehouse the staging which is dotted around the garden, and most of the mess will be cleared.

Grandchildren can't wait because I now have a very large patio, a patch of grass and a small tree/bush area at the end for making "camps" etc. Up until now the garden has been lethal and they have not been allowed further than 10 feet from the back door.

But how's life been for you? What you been up to? I hope all is well in your world.

Happy Friday

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny

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