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Glad ya made it man!

Post 21


smiley - ta J`Z`D!
It`s just that there`s so much to DO here smiley - earth w/the 2 early-20 yr.olds who live here.smiley - erm,esp. if Dad`s out-of-town on w**k!smiley - laugh
I`m bound to just fall-over,smiley - zzz as I hit the ground,...soon!
smiley - cheers,
smiley - bigeyes

Glad ya made it man!

Post 22

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - erm Try & drag a pillow down first! smiley - winkeye

Glad ya made it man!

Post 23


I`ll probably 'become 1' w/a comfy couch tonite as I watch TV...
smiley - weirdly yours,
smiley - bigeyes

Glad ya made it man!

Post 24

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Just a suggestion, had you thought of using the 'Preferences' button to change your s,n or nickname?

Glad ya made it man!

Post 25


smiley - ta J`Z`D! smiley - wow
You`re a smiley - wizard to think of the preferences button! No, it had NOT occured to me..It`s on my 'to-do' list now
smiley - cheers, smiley - bigeyes

Glad ya made it man!

Post 26

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Not that I have anything against the venerable Python tradition, just thought it'd "let you be youself". smiley - smiley

Glad ya made it man!

Post 27


smiley - nahnah,smiley - bigeyes here~
L`s about to smiley - run me over to the smiley - weird1`s house~all things must wait~
I`m smiley - steam not to mention smiley - grr,J is a manipulative smiley - dog,he knew L was smiley - run on vacation,& we`d be uprooted for a bit..So,smiley - ok-Although I`ll be back here as soon as I can,J manipulated events sucessfully..My car thru Fri? Oh,no problem--but not 1 person(other than me)would EVER lend him THEIR car...
Bye all~
smiley - fairysmiley - bigeyes

Glad ya made it man!

Post 28

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Gee, sorry I missed you earlier! I was finishing off a welcoming note to a newbie ( U805798 ) & just before I found your posting, was making a short reply to another one I'd gotten earlier. Really hope everything goes as well as sound like you can handle it, let's just hope it's not too much of a strain!smiley - hug

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