Allan Treilhard

I am a Canadian, a history buff, and most importantly, an objectivist. I enjoy listening to classical music, especially Beethoven's most powerful symphonies (the fifth and ninth).

I am homeschooled. I enjoy my studies completely. I do advanced historic studies, and enjoy literature - which I have read a lot of.

My favourite authors are:

1. Tolkien, JRR.
2. Churchill, Winston.
3. Taylor, AJP.
4. Rand, Ayn and Peikoff, Leonard.
5. Thatcher, Margaret.

I enjoy communicating, so feel free to leave a message (or two, or three, of four ect.).

I live in a rural area. The members of my family are all sophisticats, many of them university graduates. I always enjoy a lively philosophical or historical debate.

I will keep this introduction short, so you can go and add more entries on the site.

But before you leave, here is a list of my favourite toasts:
1. To a good day, and a good day's work.
2. To wealth, women and wine.

Thank you for visiting me introduction and good bye,

Allan Treilhard


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