This is the Message Centre for Deny Lenor

Hello there Deny...

Post 1

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Hello and Welcome to h2g2! smiley - biggrin

I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and I'm here to check that everything is ok and to let you know that if you've got any questions about the site, don't hesitate to ask. smiley - ok

The Edited (i.e. official) part of the Guide has loads of entries on Engineering (too many to name individually). You'll find them all listed at - C60

Also, if you want to ask questions about Medical Devices, Plastic Pigs (what are these by the way?) or anything for that matter <./>Askh2g2</.> is a good place to go. Members of the community can usually be found there ready to answer questions or discuss topics.

Or you can write entries yourself about your favourite topics and then put them into the Writing-Workshop (or even, if you think they meet the Writing-Guidelines, <./>PeerReview</.&gtsmiley - winkeye

Like I said, any questions about h2g2, just ask smiley - ok


Hello there Deny...

Post 2

Deny Lenor

Hi there
thanks for taking the trouble to welcome me along. The term Plastic pigs is a name 'affectionately' givern to the three wheeled Reliant cars. I don't actually remmember having too much to do with them, but the reference sort of fits with what follows.
Thanks again

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