From Plastic Pigs to Medical Devices

As the title suggests my range of interests are pretty diverse.

Setting out at the beginning of my career as an engineering apprentice, an interest in all things motoring led me in the direction of the motor trade where I worked for many years (hence the reference to plastic pigs).

Deciding in my early thirties that it might be fun to go back into engineering again, led me into five years of further and higher education, finally graduating with a degree in electronics engineering.

Having well and truly got the education bug, the affliction drew me towards an agri-business placement which involved spending a lot of time with pigs (real ones this time). After two years of mucking around (literally) with computerised automatic feeding systems I wrote up for a Masters degree before moving on to work for the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC).

The MLC at that time had a small yet select engineering department, just two of us in fact, and we did everything. From advising people on the best way to hang gates, through installing million pound automatic pig feeding systems (that’s million pound systems, not automatic pigs) to having a hand in shaping the climate change legislation.

Three years of that was sufficient to send me off looking for something else to fill my time, so now I am engaged as an electronics design engineer developing medical equipment.

And the point of telling you all this? Well, if anyone has anything they wish to discuss about any of the following please be in touch;

General Engineering
Motoring – cars, driving habits, traffic calming
Electronics Engineering – especially using PIC microprocessors
Animal behaviour studies – especially concerning pigs
Automated feeding systems
Medical devices – FES for stroke rehabilitation

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Hello there Deny... May 23, 2003


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Bleah Jul 20, 2003 Dec 2, 2008
I hate them too... Jul 20, 2003 No Replies
Hello there Deny... May 23, 2003 No Replies


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Deny Lenor

Researcher U224852


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