
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87926188 - Heurigen - a traditional Austrian tavern [15]No PostingApr 27, 2019
Peer Review: A73988914 - The Lake Peigneur Disaster [109]No PostingApr 26, 2019
Peer Review: A87926025 - Apple Crisp [14]No PostingApr 18, 2019
Peer Review: A87927862 - Krunculis Daax [5]No PostingApr 17, 2019
Peer Review: A87899792 - The Ultimate Carry On Film Guide: 1970 - 1992 [10]No PostingApr 14, 2019
Peer Review: A980255 - Irish Stone Circles [19]No PostingApr 14, 2019
Peer Review: A87923433 - Architecture of the Middle Ages - darkness and light [26]No PostingApr 4, 2019
Peer Review: A87917791 - 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Show Live' [16]No PostingApr 4, 2019
Peer Review: A87929310 - The Ultimate Carry On Film Guide: 1974 - 1992 [15]No PostingMar 22, 2019
Peer Review: A87929941 - Normality Orange [10]No PostingMar 19, 2019
Peer Review: A87922768 - Godwits - a Family of Wading Birds [18]No PostingMar 16, 2019
Peer Review: A87921985 - The Caspak Trilogy that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs [19]No PostingMar 15, 2019
Peer Review: A87918989 - Arts of the Middle Ages - sacred words and sacred pictures [28]No PostingMar 8, 2019
Peer Review: A87924937 - Molang - a Cute Cartoon Character [6]No PostingMar 8, 2019
Peer Review: A87924108 - Classic Sandwich and Sponge Cakes [39]No PostingMar 4, 2019

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Number Twelve (who bears a strong resemblance to Number Six wearing a hat & dark glasses...)

Researcher U224285

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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