
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87933162 - The Royal Navy Submarine Museum, Gosport, Hampshire, UK [15]No PostingAug 12, 2019
Peer Review: A87933739 - Outwitting History: How Aaron Lansky Rescued Yiddish Literature [8]No PostingAug 10, 2019
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Peer Review: A87928005 - 'Orphan Black' - the Television Series [10]No PostingJul 26, 2019
Peer Review: A87929365 - Stand By Me: The Journey Started with Some Sheet Music [11]No PostingJul 26, 2019
Peer Review: A87930679 - Overtoun House, Dumbarton, Scotland: Dog Suicide Bridge? [14]No PostingJul 19, 2019
Peer Review: A87917728 - The Ultimate DisneyToon Studios Animated Film Guide: 2010-2015 [18]No PostingJul 19, 2019
Peer Review: A87933045 - Sexy Abe Lincoln: Twitter Does History Again [12]No PostingJul 12, 2019
Peer Review: A87932398 - What3words: How to Be Found on Earth, or Finally, an Electronic Thumb [25]No PostingJul 12, 2019
Peer Review: A73988914 - The Lake Peigneur Disaster [16]No PostingJul 7, 2019
Peer Review: A87924333 - 'Spyder's Web' - the Television Series [4]No PostingJul 5, 2019
Peer Review: A87937690 - Caroline Herschel - Astronomer [12]No PostingJun 28, 2019
Peer Review: A87938086 - The Pittsburgh City Directory of 1815: Everything You Never Knew You Wanted to Know [14]No PostingJun 28, 2019
Peer Review: A87814515 - Goulash - the Hungarian national dish and its cousins [16]No PostingJun 21, 2019
Peer Review: A87899774 - The Ultimate Carry On Film Guide: 1958 - 1964 [11]No PostingJun 21, 2019

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Number Twelve (who bears a strong resemblance to Number Six wearing a hat & dark glasses...)

Researcher U224285

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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