This is the Message Centre for Meg
ye oLDe Tea Shoppe
Billy60 ... Started conversation Sep 15, 2003
Hi Meg
Why not pop along to the Tea Shoppe for a and a
its pretty quiet and I could do with the company
ye oLDe Tea Shoppe
Meg Posted Sep 15, 2003
bit busy at the moment, see you later if you tell me where the tea is.
ye oLDe Tea Shoppe
Billy60 ... Posted Sep 15, 2003
Just go on to my page and click on the tea shoppe 5 conversation , we have all sorts to offer and all at each
ye oLDe Tea Shoppe
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Jul 6, 2005
hate wasting paperso revitalise old thread
I've popped in to ask how your friend is, that had gone?missing and found,could you please pop in to the eye say thread and update for us
Thanks Meg...
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ye oLDe Tea Shoppe
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