This is the Message Centre for Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs
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Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jun 22, 2003
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jun 26, 2003
yeah - i collapsed toady at lunch and theres not been anything but tears recently. I feel like my boy doesnt caer, but im sure he does. Its just that i need to hear him ask how it went and what happened and all the other stuff. But all he's asked is if im ok. I know he means well, but i feel like im putting up a facade to hide it all from him...
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Jun 27, 2003
facade...seems familiar. Like my friends are too dense to notice when I'm hiding something. I think I have some kind of poem/rant type on this subject.
Erm, as for asking, I don't have too much to say to help on that. I feel like I'm the only one who ever asks people how things went. No one ever asks me. (poor memory?) This is a touchy subject with me. Every once and a while I get really annoyed, because it seems as if I have nothing to do with anyone outside of school hours. I'm sure that people care, but they never seem to do anything to show that. And some of the stuff the group does I wouldn't care to join them for, but after a while I get tired of hearing everyone talk about their stupid plans and feel like screaming at everyone. No, maybe I won't come with you to whatever you're doing, but it wouldn't hurt to *ask*. Just because I don't show it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Off topic drift, but that's typical here. I'm just a little something, maybe upset, don't know exactly, because I'll be leaving for Michigan soon, won't get back for three weeks, and I haven't heard from anyone since school ended. And if I'm home I can always stupidly hope that someone will actually email me, or call, or *something*, but I'm not sure how to let anyone know I'll be gone (well, email, duh) and more signifigantly, if I should even bother. Like anybody cares. Okay, I mean, I'm sure they do, but it's not like anyone will ask how it was when I get back or even try to find out if I'm home again. (except for you guys. Maybe it's because it's written down so you can read it again, but it seems that people here actually care and want to know how things went) I don't know. Maybe I'm just afraid that I'll come back to school and everyone will have changed and I'm the only one who won't know about it. Even during the year no one tells me anything about the group dynamics (constantly changing), what I know is what I've gleaned from just standing there watching everyone talk (oh, and hardly anyone talks to me at the same rate they do anyone else. That may be because I usually talk to communicate and not to make inane comments, but if people would just take the time and if we weren't being *constantly* interrupted maybe someone would see that there's more to me than Jen the studious who plays violin and does girl scouts but never does anything social (there should be hyphens between all those words but I can't be bothered to put them in. takes too long and I always mess up.) So yes, the best description of me may be something along the lines of wallflower and I may not do well in the post-school social setting that everyone else prefers but that doesn't mean I don't want to do stuff with my friends. Hard to believe it, but I actually enjoy doing stuff with people. I just save my time for the ones who aren't social butterflies, who aren't plagued by interruptions when we're trying to talk. Someone I've known since second grade (age 7-8) is my very good friend, but the only time we actually talk to each other is after she's been babysitting for my younger sister (earlier this year she used to come over to watch my sister when I was at fencing practice after school). We'd be waiting for my parents to come home to give her a ride to her house, and we actually were able to talk, but at school she seems just too busy talking to everyone else to care. The small things that matter to me, like saying bye when you're leaving, even if you haven't said hi because you were too busy talking to other people, some people who notice and know that I appreciate that are doing, but it's not like very many people notice. A little far off the topic that I began this bracketing on, I will end it now anyways) The cynical side of Jen which is acutally quite present but never acutally says anything to anyone else is actually talking. Um, don't worry about the wordiness. I get like this when I'm typing about something that I care about or's been bothering me. Maybe because I never talk the rest of the time?
And don't worry about processing this all at once or anything. I think I just wanted to get it out there and now that someone else can know I feel a lot better about it.
Now for the actual helpful reply part:
Short of a not-so-subtle prod, is there anything you can do to let him know? I'm a big fan of suggesting that people talk to each other, but I don't like it as a suggestion to apply to myself. But it oftentimes seems that if someone doesn't know how you feel you need to tell them, because otherwise things get messy and stuff and no one knows what anyone else thinks and that kind of yucky complicated junk. Is there anyone nearby in RL that can be friendly and helpful? You aren't going through this alone are you? It's good to have someone to talk to or hug. All in all, I think the main thing is him knowing how you feel, yes? I don't know what your RL situation is as far as seeing him but I'd assume that if you want to talk you need to spend some time with him but as I said, I don't know the details of the situation, so some of this may be redundant.(run-on sentence. My english teacher would kill me ) But I hope some of this makes sense.
And then if you get really mad you can always tell him that you're not okay. I personally find this works as a good conversation starter, if anyone ever notices that I'm out of it. Or yelling or screaming. But those aren't really nice ways to handle things.
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jun 27, 2003
Maybe your friends dont want to handle the severoty of other peoples problems. Though it sounds unfair. You do know you can rant to me anytime and i'll listen, absorb and respond. My friends in school are like that too. Think its summat about the fact that we're some one else in school. Out of school, ive been told im hard to read but my best friend can then can usually tell. He's been so good through this whole fiasco. Better than daniel.
Asking how things went... how did *anything you want to talk about* go then? Im not sure if there is anything, but i hope u'd tell me if there was and how it went. Only Matt and Lucy have asked me anything (not counting the peps on here) regards the whole thing. All my other girl friends have asked if im ok, but i usually give the non descript answer *yeah fine* before starting to cry when i leave the room. I usually try to ask, but sometimes i avoid it because i know they'll start complaining about boy truble or that their fat or something. I respect that they dont like it, but there are worth things in the world. And i know it sounds selfish, but sometimes i just want to scream *YOU THINK YOU HADE PROBLEMS? TRY LIVING MY LIFE WITH MY MEMORIES AND PAIN. IMAGINE LOSING YOUR BEST FRIEND AND BOYFRIEND BECAUSE YOU PUT HIM IN JAIL. IMAGINE LOSING NOT JUST ONE BABY, BUT TWO...* and so on. You know what happened dont you? I try as hard as possible to keep peps in school just for school, coz then they're protected from the shit outside and they dont gossip or make fun or stuff. But a few people do know what happened in school, and they might start complaining to me or telling me stuff, before they bottle up and say - how can i complain about something so petty with you after all you'ev been through, when im no different froma nyone else. Everyone thinks im this really strong person who doesnt need to be heard, but will listen. And i like to, but i cant vent to anyone myself apart from matt... even my boy doesnt understand.
I'll care that you are away... I hope you'll have a lovely time. And dont worry about your friends... you need to prove to them that you are better than that. AAlternatively, let your side down and let them see that you need them. I may be out of place here,but would it be an idea to try find differnt friends. Just if they dont talk to you much its not very good... sorry if that was out of place. Your friends sound like this girl in my year. She was my best friend between last october and april, and then for no erason she stopped talking to me and now she doesnt even say good morning. Ive made the effort with her, but she just doesn respond with anything worth while. I hate it.
Ive tried the subtel prods - telling him ive been crying, geting stressed that he'll leave me (not faked either), stuff like that. To which he always tells me im being silly and that im a wonderful girlfriend or he tells me not to stress. But he never asks what about or tries to talk it out. He jsut says it'll work out ok. He doesnt even know what they did to me - stuck a cold tube inside me and ripped apart my insides. I have a number of people in RL who are helping me. Matt is the best. And my form tutor has been amazing. But alot of people know and try to avoid it thinking idont want to talk about it. Thank you, you helped alot with that...
kitten lick xxxx
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Jun 28, 2003
I don't think it's that they just don't want to take care of other people's problems. They do that enough with everyone else. And I'm sure if I was having a big problem they'd help. But they always seem so busy sorting other people out or doing stuff with other people. I think the thing that bothers me most is that they always make time to do stuff with each other but never to do stuff with me. I'm basically soley in charge of my social life. If I want to see a movie with someone it's up to me to arrange to do that. I know no one would ever take the initative themselves. And then when I do finally ask no one can ever come, they always have plans to do stuff with other people. I feel like I've stopped trying before I've even begun, but I don't know how much more of this I'm willing to bother with. And I agree. I feel like I'm an entirely different person at school. At school I'm busy trying to pull stuff together for the team (I'm co-captian of our highly disorganised fencing team) or find one person or another that I need to talk to. Or I'm working. I wonder if they really know who I am, and I doubt it. Outside of school there's the Jen who loves to play with her 8 and 10 year old next door neighbors and the same person who can work so hard at violin, but that's also the person who likes to squander time just for the sake of wasting it. And the more cynical side, when it's Friday night and I know I won't talk to any of my friends again until Monday.
I used to have problems with anger management, and *everyone* would know when I was mad. But now I don't show any of this stuff, I just hide how I'm feeling. If anyone was willing to take the time and pay attention they'd probably realize if I was upset, I tend to get quiet and don't talk to people like I normally would, but I also find that unless I make an effort to talk to these people they don't notice if I'm there or not, and particularly if I'm not talking. Some days I'll go into my homeroom and just sit there and not say anything, and if someone were to ask what I was doing the answer would probably be sulking, but because I go and sit in my homeroom every morning no one ever notices. It's just that on normal mornings I talk to people some. But no one can tell, I think because they don't notice when I'm talking to them either. I'm at the point where I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions. Yeah, maybe people can tell when I'm really happy, but not much else. I've taken a lot of teasing through the years, for being bad at PE and being a good student/bookworm, and now all I do is completely ignore it.
I think though, that because I'm always observing and never actually an active participant it's given me a perspective on the group. They seem really petty a lot, getting concerned over the stupidest things or actually caring about clothes, shoes, etc. I dress to look nice and all my clothes match and are clean and stuff, but I try to avoid going shopping because I don't really care about the latest fashion. So it all just seem so stupid. ANd also by watching I'm not concerned with what I'm doing at the moment, so I can usually tell when someone's having a bad day. But after school hours everyone does stuff without me there, so even if I know someone's not happy I don't usually know why.
Y'know, when I ask someone how they are doing, it amazes me, the response is almost always "fine". Even when they aren't. And I can see where it's easier to say that to avoid talking to someone, but sometimes it also seems that if people would just honestly say what they were feeling things would go a lot smoother. One of my friends does that and maybe she doesn't realize, but when I can tell something's not right I really do care about how she's feeling. I know I'm not the first person people turn to when they're upset, but often times I _never_ hear what was wrong. No one ever thinks that I care too. So it's really just by listening to what people say during the half hour (total) that we spend together as a group that I'm able to find out what's wrong, but because they all have classes together (I pretty much don't) and IM each other at night I miss a lot. It took me a few months to realize that two of my friends were going out with each other, I think mainly because no one thought that I might not know, so no one bothered to tell me or anything. Although it got kinda obvious once they started holding hands when everyone was around.
I think I understand where you're coming from with the bit about listening but wanting to be heard too, but I don't really know what to say. That's soemthing I'm trying to figure out for myself. I want people to know that there's something to me, that I have "insides" so to speak, but it doesn't seem that it would be right if I were just to tell them that I need someone to listen to me too. I can't help but feel that it would be false for them to listen without seeing for themselves that I have a need for that. I'm not sure about your school situation-I have gathered that it is an all girls school, but do you board or is it in your town? My school is in my town, and all of my school friends are my friends from home, so there's really no separation of school life and home life. Well, there is, but there also isn't. It's not like we don't all go home at the end of the day, etc. but it's easy (I think) for people to extend their interactions with each other into post-school hours.
It's not that my friends don't talk to me exactly. It's just that I didn't share any classes with them last year, and won't _ever_ in the future (I take all honors level classes. Most of my friends take *no* honors level classes, so there's no chance of us being in the same class) and never really had time to interact one on one with anybody. I shy away if we're in a group setting (which we are normally) because it is hard for me to feel with what they are talking about much of the time. I could care less about it (it usually being something stupid). I honestly try to be an active part of the group, but they don't seem to see that, and I really need for someone to reach out to me to do that. It's not like I did something and that's why they're not talking to me, I think it's just that they don't normally talk to me much. Yes, people say hi, how are you, but I'm not going to tell them if I'm not fine, because I wouldn't want to prevent them from talking to each other because they're trying to take care of me (stupid, I know) I don't know. I feel like completely ignoring them all summer, not even bothering to email or anything and then just waiting to get back to school and everyone would be like "oh wow. There's jen. Forgot about her. So, Jen, how was your summer?" But it also would be a total waste. THere's a good chunk of time that I'll be gone, but I would kinda like to do something with someone when I'm home. I hate to destroy things, waste things. Above all I preserve stuff, do constructive/creative things, not destructive because I find it such a waste otherwise. (Just to clear things up in case this should ever be a problem, I'm a pacifist vegetarian, which parallels my outlook on life and morality. But I'm not against abortion and I don't think you did anything wrong. I just wanted to clear that with you, because I know it will probably come up at some point and I don't want you to think that I think badly of you because of it. I value you too much as a friend to want to hurt you like that, so I wanted to make sure you understood in case this ever becomes an issue. And for the record, I think you made the right choice.)
I realize you're leaving today for your trip so you won't see him for a while. But here it goes anyways. It's probably going to be like pulling teeth to get him on to the subject, but you can also probably do it. Next time he tells you you're being silly or something else facile you need to tell him that you're not being silly and it really does matter to you. I find getting mad can be very effective, even if it's not the best way of handleing the situation. Something along the lines of "No it's not going to be okay and you don't even care how I feel anyways" can be a great eyeopener. That kind of thinking is a little cynical, but it seems to get the message across. And while you're gone, if you can't talk to someone write it down. Write a letter to someone or something. And if it's something you're actually going to send it can be easier to say things because the person can't acutally see your face and you can't see them. It's a little more impersonal in that aspect. I end up writing down a lot of stuff that I maybe intend to send, but later decide I acually don't want to. But in case I do ever send it it usually starts in generally the same way. "I don't really know where or how to start, but this is too important to me to leave unsaid while I'm trying to decide where to begin. So I'm just going to start and you'll have to suffer the consequences of that (because it's because of you that I'm writing this anyways. (although I don't write that part))"
I hope your trip goes well and that things start to sort themselves out while you're gone. Best of luck with it.
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jul 5, 2003
Well, are you happy with who you are? Coz you sound to me like you are.. and thats what is important? Who really does know us? I dont think even my parents know the real me... the closest thing to me is my cat. And she only knows everything coz she doesnt answer back. All my friends know a mishmash of me.. but not the whole me. I wouldnt want that. I like my privacy...
I cant say i understand how you feel, except perhaps in reference to a few of my friends, not all of them. Ive spent this last week in tears everyday coz of the termination and coz i was in scotalnd i hadnt got my best friend with me or anything, just some friends from school. They were amazing. But maybe coz its the frist timein years anyone has seen me cry. Shock factor perhaps.
I'd agree with the whole Petty thing that everyone seems to have. Its rediculous. And the way some pleople need to be really loud so that they drown out everything else. I have urges to scream at them, but i cant coz thats not the person i ever seem to be. Like everyone thinks im really strong and can handle stuff by myself, but not many know that im crying myself to sleep most nights and how hard it is for me to continue to not self harm (40 weeks yeaterday!)
Some people say they're fine coz they cant open up. Im like that. Even when i have tears streaming i'll still say im fine coz i dont know whats wrong or i dont know how to start or i think i'll come across as petty.
My school is all girls. Its 20 miles from home, but i dont board. Its just a private day school. THeres only about 90 in a year so its aclose community. Theres not much people dont know. Because me all live so far from school (some peps really close) we're close to both friends in and out of school. It varies on the friendship groups.
What about othery friends in your honors classes? Totally seperate from your friendship group? Like when you do work in groups or stuff, you must have friends amongst those people? Perhaps you should try saying your not ok. Give them a shock? Whats the worst that can come out of that?
Thanks for saying that about the termination. If you didnt agree with it it wouldnt make much differnce, id just avoid talking about it. I respet that everyone has opinions, and they're all equally valid. For the record im not a veggie or anything like that. I was a wytche, but for the time im not sure coz im abit messed. Verging towards being a athiest like DNA, coz it seem s the most advisable way. Who knows.
I tried to get dan to talk last night And he wouldnt. He's spoken to his mates but he wont mention it to me. He knows ive been upset and really screwed up. I told him i wanst the strong person he thinks i am. That everyone thinks im am. But he wouldnt accept that. He says i am and he wouldnt listen to me.
I hope your having a lovelt time! Speak to me when your home again! I'll miss you. Meanwhile, i'll keep you posted with the teeth pulling regards daniel...
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jul 10, 2003
hello sweetheart... hows the trip going... even though i know your away and cant answer this till your home...
well... i found out some stuff bout why dans been difficult... he knows im sensitive so doesnt want to start me off again and depress me further... and also hes scared of it happeneing again. But i showed him today that its better he upsets me and we talk than if he pushes me away. Right?
So we're closer than ever! yey!
How u bearing up?
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Jul 22, 2003
I want to get back to this, but don't want to lose the thread while I'm trawling through all the other b'log. So...
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Jul 24, 2003
welcome home! How was your trip?
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Aug 5, 2003
I'm back a second time now! Both trips were great.
First trip: I rreally enjoyed seeing my cousin's family (I was at their place for a week before camp). Their lifestyle is completely different from my family's, a lot of running around. But everyone meets up for dinner (even if it's late) and hangs around together afterwards. Completely different schedual-up until or past midnight and then some people (my aunt and uncle) wake up to go to work, other people (James) sleep as long as possible (well, it's the typical thing for a teenager to do. The only reason I don't is because I'm not exactly typical) and I'm not sure what Helen does. She's my second oldest cousin, a sophmore at univ this fall, and because everyone else is staying in a 2 room apt. while the house is worked on there isn't much room, so she's been house-sitting and staying with her friend. And she's teaching tennis most of the day, so I didn't see her until about four every day. So everyone else in my family thinks that's a little weird, but I acutally liked it quite a bit.
Musically, camp was great. And I liked a lot of other stuff too. THe main complaint I had was that the people in my cabin were a bit too normal. I see no reason to use a hair straightening iron, and especially not to bring one to camp, likewise makeup, etc. I don't think it's the end of the world if you haven't shaved in a few days because we're at camp for gods' sake. There is no heat or insulation in the cabins, barely electricity. The showers are almost constantly cold. This isn't music camp on a univ. campus, this is music camp at CAMP! No one cares. (this is something I feel strongly about) I think everyone in my cabin thought I was weird. So I spent as little time there as possible, and in avoiding them I made a really good friend. Mira plays the cello, and she was there for the music as well, less so for anything else. We both wanted to do chamber music in our free time, but it wasn't an option the camp offered, so we played Pleyel duets for vln and vcl. That was one of the most enjoyable things I've done recently, sightreading with someone who wants to, and then celebrating when you make it through a difficult section, or even the entire piece.
Second trip: Also great. We did all the usual stuff. (we went to Nova Scotia to visit my grandmother, an annual trip) Renee (U219331), my cousin, came too, along with her younger brother. Their parents haven't been up in about 6 years, so we took E (my nickname for Renee based off of her RL name) for the first time in 5 years last year, and her brother came for the first time recently this year.
And next week I go to chamber music "camp." It's 5 1/2 days of rehearsal, plus concert, to completely put together one or more movements of chamber rep. from (almost) start to finish. I'm doing Mozart Flute Quartet in D, k. 285 (i think). I should be getting the music today (in a fax. My original assigned piece, which was a beethoven trio, was sent to me in the mail last week, but the pianist couldn't play her part, so I got switched. But, we got home on Sunday, and Jen (the director of the program. yep. another J/Gen) had left a message saying that it wasn't my piece anymore, but I hadn't started practicing it yet, so all is well) So, you learn the music ahead of time, but all your rehearsals are crammed into 5 days. Most people don't know the people they are grouped with, but I went last year, and so did the people in my group, so I know them. It seems like it will be a great group, with a high level of musicianship. (I'm paired with the two counselors and one of the teachers, so I *hope* it will be a good group
How have your various trips been?
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Aug 8, 2003
Welcome home!!!! Sounds like you had a fantastic time, which is good... Tell me about Mira? Did you know each other before???
Yeah, playing chamber music is great when your with other people who want to... on my orchestra trip this year, we were playing for fun in a quartet, me and my best friend were playing cello and viola and the two violins couldn't believe it when we started to improvise our parts... it was really funny. Anyway - its a great laugh....
My trips were good... Scotland was really hot, which is amazing. The orchestra trip was so much fun. I made loads of new friends too, wich was good. Mostly brass players... lol. I didnt used to talk to them so much, coz we tend to hang around within aour sections, ie, strings, woodwind etc... but it was great. I cried alot while i was away though... physically im ok now after the termination, but mentally im a mess. I have to go to school on Thursday to get my as-level results and im scared... plus my tutors are going to ask aload of qz to make sure im ok now.... grrrr
anyway, how are you? Goodluck with the next trip!!!!!!!
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Aug 8, 2003
Mira...I didn't know her before camp, but she's a bit of an oddball as well, and cares about more the same stuff I do. *And* she was the only one who wanted to play with me, so that makes her unique. (James said he'd play with me before camp, and then after camp, but we never did, even though I was staying with his family) My sister won't play with me either, although I think this music is too hard for her. A little more tenor clef than she's comfortable with. She's actually good at treble, reading at least, and is getting a lot better at playing notes in that range (she plays piano as well, so she knew how to read treble clef before she started cello). It's Pleyel duets for vln and vcl or 2 vln (op. 19, I think), really quite nice.
My orchestras, people don't have time to hang out at school during rehearsal, and for outside of school, everyone did suzuki method (it's primarily a suzuki orchestra, but other people (me!) are allowed in) and knew eachother for years, so they all hang out together. But I'm hoping to get into a more advanced orchestra this year, and all of my musical school friends are in it, so I'll have people I know pretty well. I have a friend, a flutist, who was in that orchestra as well (like you, most of my friends are string players, and my orchestras, except this new one, are all string, so I didn't meet non-strings when we went on our retreat), but he's going to boarding school in CALIFORNIA this year, so I don't think I'll see him at rehearsal. I know some horns and clarinets as well, but that's because they're in other stuff I do. (A friend from my english class, my co-captain, last year's camp roommate...)
Good luck with your as-level results. Does that mean you're taking a-levels this fall? Which ones?
Tell your teachers that you plan on becoming a hermit, so could they please prepare lesson plans for you in advance, as you will be stopping by the post office once a month to pick up schoolwork and food (not in that order).
Do you think it will help to get back to doing something every day? School certainly means for me that a) I see all my friends (doesn't happen in the summer) and b) I'm too busy to think about anything besides school (*not* a good thing. I don't *like* thinking about school)
Is Scotland normally not hot then?
I learned a poem yesterday about celsius that gives a general picture about what each temperature means:
When it's 0 it's freezing
10 it's not
20 is warmer
and 30 is hot.
real award winning work, isn't it.
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Aug 9, 2003
Me - i used to be able to read treble clef really well, but then i took up the cello and it sort of faded. I can read tenor and alto clefs really well, but treble i find really hard... ah well... the trick with tenor on the cello is that you basically finger the not in base/bass clef but ont eh next string up... lol... violins are lucky... just the one clef most of the time. Do you ever switch?
Orchestras are the best palces for making friends. I met my best friend Matthew in my orchestra. He plays viola and hes adorable...
Im taking my A2 levels next Summer... taking Human Biology, Chemistry and Physics (and General Studies too). I took Maths as wellt his year, but my teacher hated me. He was really evil coz he didnt think i could do it, but i proved him wrong and in our last ever lesson he asked me to do Maths next year... i won in the end. That felt good...!
I cant tell them i'll be a hermit coz i want to go ot school for my biology lessons. They are fantastic. Its my favourite subject... fascinating. I guess its like music in the respect that i can lose myself in my own little world when i do it.
I dont really want to go back for my results, as for going back to school, if ive done really badly, i wont be going back... watch this space.
Scotland is normally wet and wondy and cloudy, like Mancheester. But - i went there and got a darker sun tan than my boy who went to the Mediteranian. I think thats impressive.
Love the poem... infact, its inspired me to go see the sun now and sunbath and generally be a lazy little madam... lol
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Aug 9, 2003
Violins only ever use treble clef, but I want to/am trying to learn alto clef so I can play viola as well, but I don't have a viola to practice on. It's like playing in third position, one string over. There's another clef, I forget the name, maybe soprano, that has g on the bottom line (it's a third higher than treble clef) which is used with the violino picolo, a 3/4 sized violin tuned usu. a p4th higher, but the most modern/well known example, on of the Brandenburg concertos, is tuned a M3 higher. But nobody plays it anymore, because a new (modern) postion of holding the violin, under the chin instead of at elbow level, has made shifting into reallllllllly high positions possible. (cite Tchaik. 4 as example)
I haven't taken bio yet. It's one of my classes this fall, so I'm currently working on my summer homework for it. (AP level course means I need to do some work in the summer so we can fit everything it-but then I can get uni credit if I take and pass the AP exam) But I like it so far.
Have fun today. I need to practice, and then my grandmother wants to take me shopping. She thinks I need school clothes. (somewhat accurate. I would like another pair of jeans (I have 2 right now), but that's about it) My Grandpa thinks we need to go somewhere so I can get a dress too. That's fine with me. My current thing that I'm looking for is what I call a dance-y skirt. Long and lots of extra fabric so it's great for square dancing. But if I can't find a good one soon I am going to make one. I already have the fabric.
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Aug 11, 2003
See! Violins get it easy! One clef... hah! (joke) Ive never heard of that othery violin thing you mentioned... but i have now... *intrigued*
You havent done biology? I started it at 11! What have you done so far though? Its amazing... good luck. Any qz, just ask coz im going to do it at uni... lol.
You do square dancing? Didnt kno that! What sort of thing is it? Making your own clothes is good - i make alot of gothic type things for myself. Velvet coats and the such... but im not goth... lol Good luck with it!
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Aug 20, 2003
Um, the section of the book is on ecology, and I'm doing chapber 24, our changing environment. It's the last one that I need to do. I have a few unanswered questions, but I'm going to call my friend, becuase I haven't talked to her this summer, and she probably has some questions for me.
I do some square dancing, although can rarely find a place that's doing it close by. I got the fabric for the skirt I want to make, but have decided that I don't like the pattern I bought last year. It's a pretty straight skirt, and I want something that flares. so, back to walmart to find a new pattern. My friend (Mira, acutally) is making a cape right now, but it's not black velevet, or anything like that, it's actually light blue wool. (this coming from the ungoth who tucks in her shirt and does up the top button on her polo shirt, and her friend who dresses the same way)
And nobody's heard of the other violin thing. Did I tell you, though, that one of the brandenburg concertos was written with a part for one? they are "normally" tuned a p 4th higher, but bach wanted one tuned M 3rd higher.
and no, I haven't really done biology. I've done earth science, Introduction to Physical Science (IPS), and some intro to bio stuff (kingdom, phylum, etc., cell structure, basic genetics, although I know more than we learned, mitosis, meiosis), but never a true biology course.
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Aug 21, 2003
Ahhhh - environmental biology. Thats not one of my favourite bits. I do human bio so its all about cells and organisms and insidy bits. lol.
You should make a guys and dolls type skirt (sort of retro 50s) its look fantastic. What colours? Capes dont always belong to goths! Im not a goth, and ive got some lovely capes. But then again, i am sort of odd. Whats this cape in aid of?
As for biology, im sure you'll love it. Itsone of the most fantastic subjects ever... yeyeyeyeyeyeyey... the best bit is DNA replication with mRNA and tRNA. I love that. Oh! And disease and blood and the heart.... generally everthing really! lol
Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! Posted Aug 26, 2003
Colors? Nova Scotia tartan
I have no idea what the cape is for.
Biology-It's fun already. Also, the background that I have had I really enjoyed. All very interesting. I like the stuff on DNA, genes. And any type of interaction between stuff. And probably a lot of other stuff that I haven't heard of yet.
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- 1: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Jun 20, 2003)
- 2: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jun 22, 2003)
- 3: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Jun 24, 2003)
- 4: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jun 26, 2003)
- 5: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Jun 27, 2003)
- 6: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jun 27, 2003)
- 7: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Jun 28, 2003)
- 8: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jul 5, 2003)
- 9: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jul 10, 2003)
- 10: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Jul 22, 2003)
- 11: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Jul 24, 2003)
- 12: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Aug 5, 2003)
- 13: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Aug 8, 2003)
- 14: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Aug 8, 2003)
- 15: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Aug 9, 2003)
- 16: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Aug 9, 2003)
- 17: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Aug 11, 2003)
- 18: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Aug 20, 2003)
- 19: Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs (Aug 21, 2003)
- 20: Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime! (Aug 26, 2003)
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