This is the Message Centre for KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness


Post 261



Yeah he is helpful & Dandyhighwayman & REBs have been helping me & Jen too,in fact im making a pest ov masel allover the place hun LMTOPMGS Im already on list asked to be put on last week smiley - smiley i think im in my 3rd week here & learning loads ov stuff all the time...oh aye & i know im a daft auld bat whose lost her marbles but who wants to be sane in this world anyways you`d go MAD....LOL...Trish xxx


Post 262

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well can i just say that you have taken to this like a duck to watersmiley - bigeyes

Help is always useful and most people on here dont mind being pestered, we were all new oncesmiley - laugh

So did you lose your marbles playing roll around townsmiley - erm?smiley - jester

As for sanity, i too am happily insane, for arnt the sane ones the ones with the problems, hee hee, and i never said that you were an daft auld smiley - bat now did i? just hinted at itsmiley - biggrin

Dont worry i am sure that you will soon enough learn to swing the smiley - fish high above your head and swing it at my mush yelling you cheeky smiley - bleepsmiley - magic

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 263

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersthanks bnsmiley - blue for the smiley - tea and jaffa cakes and cookies @@@@@ i love also eating them with smiley - milk.smiley - smiley



Post 264

Reality Manipulator

i think the french car commercial about peoples bottoms or as they say in french your derrier is really smiley - laugh.smiley - smiley



Post 265

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well maybe smiley - strawberrysmiley - milksmiley - puff couldnt find shake so smiley - puff will have to dosmiley - laugh

I wondered when the French car commercial would REAR its ugly headsmiley - laughsmiley - jester


OK smiley - blue i was just in keeping with the french connection moi chere


Post 266

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well maybe smiley - strawberrysmiley - milksmiley - puff couldnt find shake so smiley - puff will have to dosmiley - laugh

I wondered when the French car commercial would REAR its ugly headsmiley - laughsmiley - jester


OK smiley - blue i was just in keeping with the french connection moi chere


Post 267


BLUENOSELD smiley - rose
Well shy bairns get nowt hun,i have spent a lot ov time being too quiet & a bit ov a wallflower to boot but those days are gone
smiley - stiffdrink ? Thanks for praise hun smiley - smiley gratefully recieved.

Lost my marbles way back now & i just canna remember where..mebbes the borrowers took them for some strange purpose LOL..I know ya never said i was a daft auld smiley - bat i did & its true,im a daft auld smiley - bat with THUNDERTHIGHS LOL
I like cheeky smiley - bleep kind ov ppl hun so i won`t slap ya (this time) xxx


Post 268

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley ooooooh but you are thinking it then smiley - erm all i ask is that you dont team up with smiley - angel as i have already started a food fight in the Boars Head bar and cuddly wolf has joined insmiley - biggrin

Oh look you are thinking of that smiley - fish again arnt yousmiley - laugh

smiley - stiffdrink well if you insist i will have a southern comfort, neat of course, although i normally drink smiley - ale worthingtons, and yourself? smiley - bubbly to match your personality, well with your thunderthighs, do you wear stockings and look like nora smiley - batty, oh i just couldnt resist, oh smiley - bleep ducks quickly to avoid the smiley - fish and makes a sharp exitsmiley - run

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 269



Who me ? would i join in a food fight ? Too Bloomin love to start one at a poshies do
LOL Will get you with fish when you least expect it smiley - winkeye
I like Bacardi n Coke with ice n Lemon & i do wear stockings (in fact on LD i was also PurpleLaceyStockings) but i look nowt like that batty woman LOL cheeky smiley - bleep ya better smiley - run an all....Trish xx


Post 270

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well you did say that you liked cheeky smiley - bleep people and me being such a nice person was only trying to obligesmiley - winkeye

Oh but the secret to a good food fight is to start it and smiley - run out quick and watch the melee tha t ensuessmiley - laughsmiley - jester FANTASTICsmiley - magic

Well Nora smiley - batif you want your smiley - stiffdrink Bacardi and coke with ice and a slice you will have to ask smiley - angel to serve you, as im off dutysmiley - biggrin

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 271


BLUENOSELD smiley - burger

I like that song (Sing) or is it sing (Song) LOL anyways where they have a food fight smiley - smiley the person who starts it there (nearly) gets away with it LOL

I have brought my own smiley - stiffdrink & i think this is right >>>> smiley - ale 4 u smiley - love Auld smiley - bat in Gawd i am running round in circles tonite & my bloomin dogs are being mega pests,oldest one is whining to be out coz shes in heat smiley - sadface


Post 272

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley i know that bitches (no assumptions made) are more loyal but what a pain whilst in heat, i bet you get all the other smiley - dogsmiley - doghowling around of a night time.....rather you than i? So what breed you got then smiley - erm?

Sing a songsmiley - musicalnote wasnt that max bygraves smiley - laugh no the video to sing is very good, mind you travis arnt such a bad group are they?

WEll smiley - cheers for the smiley - ale tell you what i will supply the smiley - crispssmiley - crisps, oh no i can feel a new horror movie coming on

smiley - lovely auld mad smiley - bat woman being chased by the houndssmiley - dog of hadessmiley - laugh

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 273


BLUENOSELD smiley - rose

Sorry i disappeared last nite but i was shattered n being bombarded
from all sides with msgs so i headed for the old wooden hill as my m8 Steve would say smiley - smiley
I was havin a few problems sendin msgs an all...My dogs are that good old fave Heanz Beanz LOL they resemble Pharoah Hounds though & mother & daughter... smiley - dogsmiley - dog

I like Travis & one day when i got some money gonna buy one ov their albums can`t remember what its called now (The Man Who i think) smiley - musicalnote

I hope this horror is gonna be scary with lots ov good on the edge ov ur seat bits in it hun,can`t get a horror to scare me smiley - sadface & i do like them
I`ve just woke up so 4give me if im slightly dopey hun smiley - rose
I need a load ov smiley - coffee to wake l8rs ok Trish xxx


Post 274

Researcher 234607

lady thunderthingy smiley - laugh
"the man who" by travis is a great album, iv saw them live and they were fantastic!!! smiley - smiley


Post 275


Hiya Tartan Totty smiley - smiley
Call me Trish hon,i remeber you from the days ov LD...we chatted a few times,canna think what about now likes LOL Yeah i think they got loads ov talent hon..
not like these falmin or flamin (typo,again) manufactured bands I would love to go & see them,ur lucky smiley - smiley Trish


Post 276

Researcher 234607

Hiya Trish smiley - biggrin
my names what name did u use on LD then cos i cant remember ever talking to this name smiley - yikessmiley - laugh
Travis are fantastic live smiley - magic i saw them at the SECC in Glasgow last year, its one of the best concerts iv been too and would defo go and see them again smiley - biggrin
well im of to try and catch up on some smiley - zzz so ill catch u later smiley - biggrin


Post 277


Hiya Donna
Well i couldn`t remember ya 1st name b4 but now i do..probably coz ya said it & it clicked LOL
I used loads ov names but im a bit tired masel so seens as ur away hon i`ll answer you tomozz ok nite & sleep well...Trish
aka RoseGold ?


Post 278

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley morning, and i bring smiley - coffee and smiley - oj to bootsmiley - biggrin hold on im a landlord not a waiter, oh well wont hurt for once.

I wouldnt worry about disappearing smiley - ghost as i got kicked off the tv by the smiley - dragon so i went and had a quick half hour on the PS2 and then an early night (well for me that is)

Yeah Travis are good and no i havent seen them either. Whilst on the subject of musicsmiley - musicalnote, could always lose the plot with the horror and end up with Kate Bush's (no comments TOTTY) the smiley - dogsmiley - dogof smiley - lovesmiley - biggrin

As for horrors, i too enjoy them but do have a problem with not being scared but finding most horrors nothing more than a comedy, especially the real bad ones that can not be taken seriously at all.

Mind you if you like a real good horror you should of seen TOTTY dancing in a tartan g-string the other night in the function room of the Boars Head smiley - laugh sorry toots couldnt resistsmiley - winkeye

Well i must be off now as i must get ready for w**k, it has to be done i suppose

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 279


BLUENOSELD smiley - rose
Thanks for the smiley - oj & smiley - coffee
Need some help to wake up bloomin exam this afternoon & my head feels fuzzy smiley - sadface who is the smiley - dragon (i mean username) its obviously ur lady LOL,does she come on here ?
Kate Bush eh,gawd that takes me back a bit smiley - smiley she used to drive my dad mad,he hated her voice What would you say was the best horror you have seen ? I wouldn`t say it`s really scary but i like WishMaster....
Giggled oh em i`ll pass on thinkin bout TOTTY in a G-String i think LOL I gotta go get ready too soon so take care & have a lovely day smiley - smiley Trish xxx


Post 280

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - runsmiley - spacesmiley - ghost

smiley - ghostsmiley - spacesmiley - run

smiley - runsmiley - spacesmiley - ghost

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