This is the Message Centre for KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness


Post 221

Researcher 234607

well the only reason mr korrigan bossman is getting the main seat is cos hes told me to get on with my dancing and come to work or im out the door smiley - groan so i need to show him just how good my dancing is smiley - laugh
if i pull in enough punters ill get a bonus n pay rise right?? smiley - laugh
well totty must go now and do her preparations for tonight...polish g-string, shine stilletos oohhhh better have a good wax as well!!! lmfto smiley - yikessmiley - laugh
spk later smiley - hugsmiley - smiley


Post 222

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley Oh well in that case i think that Mrsmiley - pumpkinhead has a very good case, afterall one dance in how many weeks, but whats this BONUS business, i think that if you dont get enough bums on seats youre out the door regardless smiley - biggrin so what sayeth you to that?

Yes i waxing may be in order, we dont want any wild beavers running around the place now do we?smiley - laugh I certainly dont want to be charged by the RSPCA now do i?

Right then catch you later

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 223

Reality Manipulator

hi donna and bnsmiley - blue i hope you are both keeping well. homemade biscuits are always better than the ones you buy in the shops. i have not heard of the group REM. i have been a bit out of touch with the music scene for over the past 12 years. donna i will be popping in at 10.30pm at the boars head.smiley - smileysmiley - smiley



Post 224

Reality Manipulator

donna please tell me why high stilletos are?smiley - ta



Post 225

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley HI Kat, so if homemade biscuits are better (which i do agree with) wheres mine then?

smiley - tea for you and of course for myself as well smiley - tea/

I also think that you will find that REM have been going for longer than 12 years, as far as i can REMember "its the end of the world as we know it"smiley - musicalnote was their first big hit, and their most popular would be sither "losing my religion" or "shiny happy people"

Well hopefully catch you in the function room later then.
Regards BNsmiley -


Post 226

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersbnsmiley - blue i remember them now, not good at remembering bands names. yes i do remember shiny, happy people. here are a sample of my home mad bics: refrigrator biscuits and shrewsbury biscuits.smiley - smiley



Post 227

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersthanks bnsmiley - blue for the smiley - tea.smiley - smiley



Post 228

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smileysmiley - tea no problem, still waiting for the biscuits though, the way in which i send them is @@@@@@@@@@@@@ like thissmiley - biggrin

So what have you been doing with yourself then? Having a good day?

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 229

Reality Manipulator

bnsmiley - blue here are my favourite biscuits:

lemon and orange biscuits:@@@@@@@@@
triple chocolate biscuits:@@@@@@@@
shrewsbury biscuits:@@@@@@@
ginger biscuits:@@@@@@@@

thanks bnsmiley - blue i have been smiley - ok apart from back and neck pain. i have a good day but i have not done anything special.smiley - smiley



Post 230

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley maybe i am a bit too lazy but arnt days off best spent doing as little as possiblesmiley - biggrin

So what have you done in order to have back and neck painssmiley - erm

I know i only live about 40miles away but whats a shrewbury biscuit, thats one i dont believe i have come across?

I much prefer cookies mmmmmmmmmm or milk chocolate hobnobssmiley - magic

Catch you later then and once again sleep well smiley - hug

smiley - love BNsmiley -


Post 231

Researcher 234607

mmmmmmmmmm jaffa cakes r my favourite!!! lol smiley - hug


Post 232

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley jaffa cakes are nice, but i am not going to ask as to the reasons why they are your favouritesmiley - winkeye

I reckon we could set up a cult, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of smiley - hugs going on this eveningsmiley - biggrin

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 233

Researcher 234607

oohhhhh i smiley - love tho smiley - smiley
and as for why i like jaffa cakes......they taste good why else would i eat them u nutter!!! smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout


Post 234

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Well lets just say i was getting carried away with the spirit of the eveningsmiley - laugh only joking but hey thats a thought isnt it?

Besides that hark whos calling whom a nutter anyhoo...... ring any bells (or was that quasimodo again)smiley - weird

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 235

Researcher 234607

pmplmao now now BN a normal smiley - hug wouldve been fine but oh no!!! uv got too smiley - bleeping half kill me with them bearsmiley - hugsmiley - laugh not that im complaining u understand...a bearsmiley - hug is better than no smiley - hugsmiley - sadface

so u saying u look like quasimodo now eh?? smiley - laugh hmmm what a lovely looking lad then smiley - laugh
smiley - hugsmiley - tongueout


Post 236

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well the competition wasnt up to much was itsmiley - biggrin

Mind you i could hardly be described as lad now a days could i?

So let me get this right:

TOTTY smiley - love quasimodo or just smiley - love being bear smiley - hugsmiley - hug by quasimodosmiley - erm which one, once again you decide......

smiley - spacesmiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 237

Reality Manipulator

hi bnsmiley - blue and donnasmiley - smiley the reason for my back and neck ache is the amount of shopping i do - no car taxis are very expensive. but the more likely reason is just stress and tension i get these episodes now and again and they go away eventually.smiley - hugsmiley - hug shrewbury biscuits are biscuits with raisins in. i have visited shrewsbury several times when my once late uncle and my aunt used to live. i also love jaffa cakes.smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - smiley



Post 238

Researcher 234607

mmmmmmm jaffa cakes are amazing..but far too adictive smiley - laugh

errr no i dont smiley - love quasimodo!!! smiley - laugh no my type of man im affraid lol smiley - tongueout
the last smiley - hug i got was from my brother on friday night smiley - smiley


Post 239

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

hello remember me?


Post 240

Researcher 234607

yep im talking to u in the bar lmao smiley - laugh oohhh u mean BN smiley - laugh

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