This is the Message Centre for KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness


Post 201

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley hey wingfoot try and give yourself a nice little tag afteryour name, ie smiley - flyhi, this is done by putting the word flyhi
in between .

Come to the Baoars head for a nice smiley - ale just click here on the blue to be magically transprted A1042534

Hey TOTTY enough of your cheek, i could always borrow your red tassles and sparkling g-stringsmiley - laugh

smiley - angel race you to the pub smiley - runsmiley - runwheyheyyyyyyyyy

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 202


Hi hun
not chatted over a cuppa for a while so I think I'll join you in the Boars Head later this evenin... when the kids r in bed
Send me a mssg hun n tell me wot room you'll be in
smiley - hug


Post 203

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley Hi Jo long time no chat, dont try the boars head thread, the bar still works thoughsmiley - ok i keep getting booted from my own pub smiley - wahsmiley - grr

smiley - tea @@@@@@@@@@ and smiley - cake to be getting on with.

So how you finding h2g2 now, it must be getting easiersmiley - biggrin

How hows tricks then? and of course the smiley - monsters

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 204


I'm ok smiley - ta hun, thanx for the smiley - tea though i dunno about the@@@@@ n smiley - cake!! are you tryin to fatten me up lolpmp smiley - biggrin

Yep it is gettin easier though i give up on GuideML smiley - laugh
I must be blonde or summat! smiley - whistle
Well hun, i'm still doin my bathroom! It's gettin there.... just the tilin to finish and grout, floor to tile, shower screen to seal,and gloss the woodwork smiley - steam
how come you can't get into the pub?
Have they given you the sack? smiley - nahnahsmiley - whistlesmiley - laugh

smiley - hug


Post 205

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley given me the sack, no they wouldnt dare, all i get given is the oh look frozen digibox, go an unplug it and try again.
As i said the bar is still open, as far as i am aware it is just the boars head thread`within the Boars Head (ie not the whole thing)
Oh well if the mountain will not go to mohammed then smiley - stiffdrink take this one, i picked it up from the off licence on the way out.

So then bathroom smiley - erm is that a good or a bad subject now as you must be sick of it by nowsmiley - winkeye

Come on get your glad rags on, were off to the pub, i will walk you home as usualsmiley - laugh

Quick we can catch the smiley - bus just press the bell A1042534

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 206


hismiley - bluehows you i usedto talk to you on ldsmiley - smiley,we all used to use the pub that was when chelle was in chargesmiley - biggrinonly just started using this so p atience plz c u l8asmiley - zoom


Post 207

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley Morning Unicorn, yes we certainly did, and yes i can say that i do remember you, if you click here A1042534 then you will be magically transported to the Boars Head where Chelle is my bar manageress, well lets be honest who did most of the work in the pub roomsmiley - winkeye time for a bit of revenge i saysmiley - biggrin

Are you still using digibox (i am) if so you may have already been told, but make sure that you are in plain skin (the back ground colour of the screen should be a sort of grey colour) if you are not do this first as it will stop most of the bootings ( i cant remember the link of the top of my head, so click on my name, which will take you to my page and then look out for the make this digibox friendly and follow the instructions) your ACE may have already told you this (chelle is one)so you could look at your youve been ACEd conversation.

Best of luck to you in getting used to the site, as it is most definately worth it. One last thing if you are on digibox not all the things that you see on the screen work, you have to use links (but dont panic you will get used to it)

Regards BNsmiley -


Post 208

Reality Manipulator

good morning bnsmiley - blue, unicorn, chelle, jo, donna, brummiescot i hope you are all keeping well.smiley - smiley



Post 209


hi agensmiley - bluethanx for the replysmiley - biggrinmite pop into the pub l8a for ansmiley - ale or two,its so hot today i need tosmiley - cooldown,has chelle or smiley - vampirebeen in today.see you soonsmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - peacedove


Post 210

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley Unicorn, i will give you a bit of lurking ssssssshhhhh advise if you want to know if someone as been on (both smiley - angelandsmiley - vampire have) then and i presume that you have put them on your pals list, click on their name and check to see when their last posting/s was smiley - winkeye Anytime that you are passing just pop in and say hellosmiley - biggrin

Ah ha Kat long time no speak, nice to see you again, so how are things with yourselfsmiley - erm and goes the jam and Dr Who?

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 211

Researcher 234607

hellooooooo im back!!!!! lmao need to get my page in order,,put the plain skin link (which i REALLY needed to stay in this smiley - bleeping place smiley - laugh) and whos online link on my space....thats all i need right now!!!! lol
smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smiley


Post 212

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley anyhoo......its nice to see you back again, your page looks well smiley - erm possibley better than last time (oh picture the scene as TOTTY goes oooh you cheeky smiley - bleep)only joking im just playing at being a bit of a smiley - jester tonightsmiley - biggrin

So have you managed to keep the same email addy for more than ten minutes thensmiley - laugh

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 213

Researcher 234607

smiley - grr dont even mention emails to me or i might just smiley - bleeping scream!!!! i couldnt stay in here due to not getting far enough to putting the plain link on my my box kept reseting smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr and everytime i had to go back into emails i had to set up my emails again!!!! having to dig out my account number arrggghhhhhhh i need a smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - laugh
im away to do my guest book...brb

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smiley


Post 214

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well i think that you may need a few more than one, so allow me smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink mind you i dont know why you are bothering to do up your page, because by the time that you have sorted it, you will be on you umpteenth new email addysmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Right then i am away for the night so i shall bid you farewell and catch you later.

smiley - love` as always BNsmiley -


Post 215

Researcher 234607

oi u..less of ur smiley - bleepin cheek!!!!! smiley - laugh ill have this email addy for a while (eerrr shouldnt say that too fast eh smiley - laugh)
ok the BN night night catch u later

totty smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smiley


Post 216

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley here TOTTY are you looking at my rear, or was that not the cheek that you had in mindsmiley - laugh

I thought that i was the comediansmiley - jester but you trying to keep hold of your email addy, well that beats anything i could say hands downsmiley - biggrin

smiley - runsmiley - ghostbefore you come and start hitting me and making me look like a smiley - panda causing me to wear smiley - cool sunglasses!!!

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssneaks back, phew i think it is safe nowsmiley - magic

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -


Post 217

Reality Manipulator

hi bnsmiley - blue, donna, unicorn, jo and everyonesmiley - smiley i hope you are all keeping well.smiley - smiley

smiley - hugthanks bnsmiley - blue i am feeling great, not eating the smiley - donuts but lots of homemade potato salad and biscuits.smiley - smiley



Post 218

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley Hi Kat, smiley - ermhomemade potato salad and biscuits hey, i tell you what would go down a treat with that, i nice cup of smiley - tea well i was brewing up anyway so you are more than welcome to have onesmiley - tea

smiley - musicalnoteREM should also be played at the same time as i feel this would help with the enjoyment of the prementioned (gourmet) feast that you have preparedsmiley - biggrin

Right then i shall catch you later, have fun

smiley - love BNsmiley -


Post 219

Researcher 234607

come watch totty dance LIVE in the function room of the boars head tonight at 10-30pm
u better bring plenty of smiley - 2cents BNsmiley - blue totty doesnt come cheap!!! lmao smiley - tongueout


Post 220

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley now tell me something i dont know, do you know how much it cost me to get all the repairs done after your last little rendition?

Now as i have said afore you do not need a new uniform as you can be TOTTY in a sparkly G-slingsmiley - laugh

So how come Mrsmiley - pumpkinhead gets the main seat then, he may be the owner but are you forgetting who is the landlordsmiley - erm perchance?

I will endeavour to try to get and watch (thinking i must get this on tape and then i can sell it at £5 pounds a throw smiley - 2centssmiley - magic)

smiley - love as always BNsmiley -

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