Journal Entries

Im still going to hell!

Things were starting to worry me.

For a few years Ive slowly been becoming a pillar of the community. I hardly ever do drugs and Im pretty much a law abiding citizen.

The womens rugby team had asked about doing a saucy callender and I vetoed it on grounds of seism and setting a poor example to younger girls in the club. They weere here as athletes and would be respected as such.

Two of them had the hots for me and even though they are both attractive women I put proffessionalism ahead of pleasure.

I was starting to think there was something wrong with me.

Then last night I got the "blasphemer"smiley - cross look from a room full of people.

smiley - wowsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic etc...etc...smiley - alesmiley - evilgrin

We had just been given a presentation about the rise in STIs and the hig rates of teen pregnancies in the borough and nationally.
This man sat in the same room as me and said:

"Regardless of the Fraser guidlines I wouldnt give condoms to a fourteen year old in a scenario where she told me she was going to have sex because that would be condoning it."

smiley - grr

The room was full of people who are in a forum for voluntary youth organisations, as we run a youth rugby team we are part of it. Most of the people there were from church organisations, so I guess he thought he was on safe ground.

I held myself together and managed to ask "Would you give a crash helmet to a child who was going to jump off a ramp on their bike even though other people had done it and got hurt."

"No" says he "Because it'd be dangerous and that would encourage him"

"Yeah but you're not listening, he doesnt need you're encouragement he's going to do it anyway! Someone has enough trust and respect for you to talk to you about it and you arent going to do what you can to make them as safe as you can. We know that children have sex whether we tell them to or not, you have the power to protect them but you're going to put your morals before their safety"?

Another faither warned about young women ruining their lives by getting pregnant.

smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

I lectured them about not souring the relationship with young people by being judgemental and using prejudical language like "ruining your life". Particularly as we had just been told about the high rates of PND in teen mums and that there were other options for career developement still open to young mothers.

There, a safe, nuetral answer, that did not upset anyone. Sadly I had become what someone who shall remain nameless likes to call "an angry atheist". So I couldnt resist asking a final question to the forum.

"Anyway did being a teen mum ruin Mary's life"?

smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Feb 27, 2008

The failure of multiculturalism

I magine a computer, it isnt hard to do.

Imagine an operating system and an operator, it easy if you try.

Imagine all the people living in the UK they are at once the operators and the the computer and the operating system that most of them are try to run and use is multiculturalism.

It keeps crashing though, there are all these stray bits of programme that shouldnt be there and to top it all some of the people are just too dim to understand the operating system. Now Im not chastising people for being too dim no more than Id chastise a sea anenomae for not being much use as a partner in a doubles table tennis tournament.

So if we need answer to the crahes, as some people insist we do (for me I dont like and try to avoid them but accept them as part of lifes general imperfections), what could that answer be? A monoculture? Well its been tried a few times but has failed. The puritans made Britain a scary place for apples that fell too far from the tree but the people of this nation rejected that if not in word but most certainly in deed.

However having had a conversation with two young people Im prepared to take another look at monoculture as an operating system for the UK.

So the other day we were out with a group of young people and they started spouting soem run of the mill ignorant nasty stuff about non-WASP people. The pakees, the Kosovans, the Muslims and the Indians. Not black people though, well one of them was black and far bigger than the other, not to mention that two of the workers are big guys f mixed heritage.

After much of the counselling and information you'd expect me to give the upshot of their gripes were that the people they had denigrated and viewed as worth less than them regardless of skin colour were people who didnt do things "our" way.

So in the interests of harmony between people I have a plan for unifying the nation.

Black people, we all know that whitey harbours deep seated mistrustof us despite years of trying to intergrate well we have been doing it peacemeal and we need to buy into British ways entirely. Surely our biggest influence here has been in the sporting and cultural spheres. Well there's your problem *influence*, influencing isnt the British way. It hasnt worked for "Yo! Blair" and it wont endear us to everyone one either.

Ive looked at British history and the right way to do things is to subjugate all other culture, we dont want to work hard to get into the England tems we want to set up our own leagues and not let whites play.

Asians in general get a lot of stick for speaking English with "funny" accents and being hard to understand. Having observed Brits abroad the proper way to speak is in your first language but with the *accent* of the country your in.

China and other countries in the "tiger" economies are seen damaging to the UK balance of trade. It is not the British way to damage the balance of trade. They are producing mass amounts of high quality low cost goods that consumers here want. Very un-British. What they want to do is destroy our balance of trade by making trade negotians while they have a whole bunch huge naval vessels parked in the Thames. then they should dictate high prices for any old stuff they choose to send us while sinking ships of rival suppliers.

Polish and East European migrant workers just dont get it do they. What parrallel universe must they come from to think that coming over here, working all sorts of hours, for reasonable wages, doing skilled work and sending a portion of their wages home rather than spening it all on fast cars, boob jobs and getting out of their heads on booze and drugs is going to endear us to them. What they want to do is come over here and make us work for nothing, take all the profits of our labour back east with them and leave us next to nothing to show for all the effort we have put into make them wealthy nations.

Then we wont moan about these people and their foreign ways

Do you think I should turn this into a guide entry?

smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2007

Things are mcuh better, thank you.

Well its been roughly a year since I last made a jouranl entry and what a pessimistic one it was.

Well my job status has imporved considerably even jus this wee I got a raise of 33% for some of the freelance work I dosmiley - cool but to recap so it makes sense.

My back got better thank the slowly diminsihing power of self healing but it was damn slow going. It made me think about looking after myself a bit more atleast.

My contract did not get renewed and though I had some savings these ran out soon enough and I relied on family for living expennses and Im just now paying off what I had in handouts. The worst part of all was breaking ties with pupils who I had good working relationships with and staff who had become genuine friends. I still see a lot of them as I go back to do bits of work for the schoool but every day was a ball with the other mentors and I still miss that.

I ended up doing some play work developing playground activities and structures for a local school which was great and ended up doing some feild and residential trips with them. If you have never done a camp trip with 50 8 year old boys and girls who dont even know that a sheep is not a wild animal or that a Magipie is not actuall a "Cukaroo" dont even put yourself through the hassel just take my word for it that it is fun, but some people think that crack cocaine is fun too, but I wouldnt advise you rush off to try that either.

Rugby has been constant in my lfe since I was 16 and my dedication to it such as it is payed oof big style because I managed to get two part time posts developing rugby for children (6 hours) and the same for Women and Ethnic minorities. I also got asked to work free lance for a a group running an alternative education programme for children expelled form schools. One has meant working with dreadful kids but great staff and the other has meant working with great kids and dreadful staff so work isnt that different to how it used to be.

Serendipitously (is that a word?) I got some more work through as a sports coach and because my "sports leader" qualification means I can coach most things in schools I have been having a very interesting time. So as a beer swilling, rugby playing, mud loving, pie munching man of 34 years who dances only when full of dutch courage I ended up teaching my first dance class to a group of ten year oldssmiley - weird

My love life has been going so well that as this is a family site cant mention most of it, but whilke I was unfortunate enough to have been working behind the bar of a pub I wasa fortunate enough to be asked for my phone number by woman. I wont say too much about her as I ve already gone on long enough, but lets just say that she scares and excites me in roughly equal measure and she is a sweet as she is tough. My kind of woman and obviously I hope it stays that way....

Anyway...anyone nosy/concerned enough to read to the end thank you and the same to the rest of you who wished me wellsmiley - hug

smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2006

Things could be worse!...and (soon)....

Well that's what it says above the display box when you accidentally hit the preview button and the journal entry is displayed witha title but no date of entry.

Odd, slightly shocking and quite enrgising, if your like me and work best with a tight deadline.

Anyway Ive really hurt my back it is really rubbish not being able to do even simple things like put my socks on without a great deal of pain struggle and swearing. The swearing is caused not just by the pain but general frustration too.

Even without that Im not having a great time, it looks like I'll be out of a job in December and I quite like it here, but nothing is permanent these days I guess. Then there's my business idea which has hit the skids becauseof people being just plain difficult and digging their heels in for some reason they wont really elaborate on.

So things are pretty bad except for two great things this weekend. Once my friends and family had squuezed every drop of comedy out of my temporary invalidity they all did their best to help out with little things.smiley - hug

On sunday when the juniors were playing very well and using most of the stuff I and the other coaches had been trying to get them to do in training one of the players in a tight corner pulled off a fantastic box kick.

After the game he came over and thanked me for teaching him itsmiley - magic

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2005

There's always one....

Thaks Stupid for putting my question on ask.

I'll write about the fiendish things I pulled on them at leength some other time.

One of my favourites was this though.

Fenton asked if he needed to add 044 to his home number to call his mom. I *know* Wales is another country but the thought had never occured to me. While this sank home with me and I considered telling him what a stupid peice of "scum" he was I had another idea.

"yeah you do scum, and dont forget that you have to have Welsh Money for the slot on the payphone."

"Oh can we use the tcuk shop then so we can get some Welsh money, Mr Chairman Sir.

"Yeah later"

After I went and told everyone else smiley - laugh

On the way home they covered me in shaving foam and dismebered my teddy so he got his own back.

smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 2005

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