Journal Entries

An answer at last!!

November 21st.
I did it,eventually!!!
I stayed awake,and at long last i managed to to talk to ABBI!!!!smiley - applause
I passed on everyone's messages ,told her we all missed her,and asked after her health.
She said she's not 100%,but, in her words"but i'm smiley - oksmiley - smiley
She laughed a bit ,and is looking forward to twinny visiting in the very near future.
I think she will make a determined effort to drop in before long and say hello to everyone,but at least we all know she's smiley - ok nowsmiley - hug

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2007

As usual!!

Please post as usual,if the mood takes yasmiley - laugh
I'll be offline for two weeks from saturday,20th october,but i always look forward to reading posts when i get back,so feel free,won't you.I shall misss my friends while im away,but i'll be thinking of everyonesmiley - hug
Catch ya all soon.smiley - love

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2007

A special month !!

It's Hubby's Birthday on the 4th August..his 60th...smiley - bubbly!!Loads of smiley - love ,from me.xxxx
It's our eldest's anniversary on the same daysmiley - bubbly Congratulations to her and her other half!!!!
On the 19th it's her Birthday as wellsmiley - kisssmiley - bubbly
On the 31st it's our youngest daughters partners Birthday smiley - bubblysmiley - hug
Then...on the 2nd's our Ruby years,and everyone said we were too young!!!smiley - laugh
Help yourselves to a smiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - alesmiley - ojsmiley - stiffdrink,and some smiley - cake!!smiley - disco

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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2007

Belt up!!!

I just looked out and a car went past,three children in the back..and NOT ONE wearing a beltsmiley - steam i noticed that the driver had his on thoughsmiley - grr
smiley - sorry i just needed a rantsmiley - steam

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Latest reply: May 2, 2007

Havea good one.

I just wanted to wish all my friends in H2 a Happy ,and peaceful Easter.I hope everyone has the sort of Easter that means the most to them.smiley - chicksmiley - chick

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Latest reply: Apr 7, 2007

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