This is the Message Centre for smurfles

What a lovely experience

Post 1


On saturday we hired a minibus,and set off to the lake district,a long drive that i didn't relish.
My youngest daughter and her partner were getting married in the afternoon.smiley - applause.
The wedding took place in a big hotel,and the room had an open fire,which wasn't lit until later in the day.The whole fireplace,and shelf above it was filled with lighted candles,tea lights i the hearth,and church candles in the grate and on the shelf.At each side of the fireplace was a small table,one containing unlit candles in the shape of a heart,the other displaying pictures of departed mum and nan,and others who couldnt attend.
During the ceromony the vicar invited all the children to come forward and light a candle,to light up the heart on the side table,it was beautiful.
The vows were so full of promise ,and love,and i have to say it was one of the nicest weddings i have ever experienced.It made me feel very proud .
We had a wonderful time,and i just had to share my thought with my friends on here.
So,congratulations to both of you,i.m sure you'll have a wonderul life together,and i didn't lose a daughter,i gained daughter number 4.smiley - to both of you.smiley - hugxxx

What a lovely experience

Post 2


Ah! that sounds great Smurfles!!smiley - magicsmiley - cool
Im glad it all well went so well for you all, give them all the best form all of us here on H2smiley - magicsmiley - hugsmiley - blushsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

What a lovely experience

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - love AW a wedding! smiley - biggrin
Many blessings and years to the happy couplesmiley - bubbly
Congratulations to them.

Glad it was lovely and you are a proud, happy Mom.

What a lovely experience

Post 4

Misty Blue

What can we say.... Thanks Mum!!! xxxx P.S I know you only came for the cake really!! *wink*

What a lovely experience

Post 5


No thanks needed smiley - love,it was an experience i wouldn't have missed for anything,and a lovely atmosphere.I enjoyed every minute of it.smiley - applause
And the fruit cake was lovely...i wonder how i know that?????smiley - winkeyelove ya both lots.xxxx

What a lovely experience

Post 6

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

i love wedding cake
congratulations to the happy couple and may all their worries be little ones
smiley - footprints
jinty smiley - hugs

What a lovely experience

Post 7

Misty Blue

Hmmmm... little ones?????? I think this person may need a little background information... but thanks, never-the-less!

What a lovely experience

Post 8

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

My dear Smurfles,

What a lovely wedding, You must have all enjoyed it.

With a great many good wishes for their future happiness, and congratulations and lots of lovely smiley - bubbly to all concerned.

With affection

Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish

What a lovely experience

Post 9

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

That sounds wonderful Sal... smiley - love
Pity about the mini bus... not the most comfortable of transport... Still, I'm sure it was well worth it.. smiley - hug
Congratulations... smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

What a lovely experience

Post 10

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

ooops sorry
i understand now
anyway congratulations to you both smiley - rose
hope you'll have a long and happy life together
just put my stupidness done to my auld age i can only get worse i'm a lost cause smiley - rofljinty smiley - hugs

What a lovely experience

Post 11

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I enjoyed the pictures proud smurfles *mum* sent me.
Can I say that? Well I did!

Not there smiley - love just for the cake, though I am sure it was good!smiley - winkeye You two look very happy and sooooo good looking too!smiley - bubbly

What a lovely experience

Post 12


The wedding sounds lovely - really romantic and full of meaningsmiley - rose. And how fabulous to get married in such a scenic and beautiful place as The Lake district.

Congratulations to all concernedsmiley - bubblysmiley - goodlucksmiley - bubbly

...and thanks to Sal for sharing this with us - it's special to read about such joy and happiness on a dull, cold winter daysmiley - cheers.


What a lovely experience

Post 13


smiley - bubblysmiley - lovesmiley - goodluck

And to repeat what Lizzbett said - thanks for sharing such a lovely experience with us, sal.


What a lovely experience

Post 14


Thanks to everyone for their good wishes,it makes me glad that i found this site,and the people on itsmiley - hug.I still have a lovely warm glow inside when i think of the occasion,and look at the pictures we all took.<smiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

What a lovely experience

Post 15

Universal Granny

Nearly time to say Happy Anniversary, then!

smiley - discosmiley - giftsmiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - applausesmiley - hugsmiley - disco

smiley - hugUG

What a lovely experience

Post 16


What a lovely share, Sal smiley - hug It sounds wonderful. And a wedding in the Lakes smiley - magicsmiley - magic

All the very best for long and happy lives together smiley - bubblysmiley - cake

Any smiley - cake left over btw? smiley - winkeye

What a lovely experience

Post 17

Universal Granny

Er... Frenchbean, old bean........ Post 14, you will notice, has a 2005 date on it - I just resurrected the thread for the first anniversary...

I think perhaps any leftover smiley - cake is going to be a bit stale by now! But I'm sure, if there is any, Smurfles will say you are welcome to it!

smiley - smileysmiley - hugUG

What a lovely experience

Post 18


smiley - dohsmiley - laugh

I was offline much of last year... and I never look at dates smiley - doh

Anyhow... good luck wishes and congratulations don't go stale, do they?

smiley - smiley

What a lovely experience

Post 19

Universal Granny

Absolutely not! Here, have a bit of freshly baked smiley - cake to make up for me being so "picky"!!

smiley - hugUG

What a lovely experience

Post 20


UG, you're very sweet smiley - ta

I don't mind "picky" at all

smiley - smiley


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