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Hot what???

Post 1


just in case anyone has set me e-mails recently to my hotmail addy.I must apologise if you haven't had a BRAND NEW internet provider is causing some real problems,it's a matter of smiley - goodluckif we manage to get on to the internet at all!!!
Do keep trying to mail me though.. and i'll keep trying to read and should be sorted out in the next day or they tell me!!!!

Hot what???

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

That sounds like fun, hunny smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Hot what???

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - sorry to hear that. Hope it'll be better soon. smiley - hug

Hot what???

Post 4


smiley - grr

It's molto annoying when they don't play ball Smurfles smiley - hug

Maybe you should let us know who it is smiley - biggrin

Hot what???

Post 5


smiley - grr You would have thought that by now and with so many people using the internet that they'd have got things running more smoothly smiley - cross

smiley - goodluck

Hot what???

Post 6


That is why I am glad that we live in a Cable area, as I have heard so many bad stories about some of the other ISPssmiley - erm

Not only is their service bad, but some of them impose D/Load limits as wellsmiley - sadface. I might just have a 2meg connection, but its always up around that speed as wellsmiley - ok

So I hope yopu get it sorted soon Smurfles smiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Hot what???

Post 7


This IS cable smudger!!!!
Well.originally yorkshire cable,then telewest,then telewst/ntl,and now it's virgin media...but the problem started before it became virgin!!
It's no good ringing,,i've spent hours on the phone with various people,calls as long as an hour,give or take a few minutes!!!NowI've just given up,smiley - steamsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

Hot what???

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*grabs the Matt smiley - lurk because she can't hide behind Rob the Carpet anymore* smiley - erm

Hot what???

Post 9


Well if you can get on line, try using the "Self Help" page on Virgin Media smiley - ok
I had problems a few days ago, and could not get on line at all? then some stupid smiley - bleep at the call centre told me to log onto a certain site? Hello! I said, I cant get on line at all, same answer smiley - grr

I the end, I managed to find the problem, it was Windows itself that was blocking me from getting on linesmiley - erm It had lost my connectionsmiley - sadface
There is a good web site for all Cable customers, its called Cable Forum, worth a look!

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Hot what???

Post 10


Thanks smudger,i'll tell hubby when he comes home!!I was on the phone again to them last night,and went through all the same procedure that we've gone through so many times i've lost count....then they told me it was something the engineers were fixing!!!!smiley - steam
It's three weeks today since the problem started,they must work very slowly!!smiley - laugh

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