This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 21

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

all saucepans securely locked away in the cupboard.... lol... smiley - smiley


Post 22


good morning..there..what a way to get someoneones attention....banging saucepans indeed......
now a nice<smiley - tea with toast,and a smiley - rose on a tray....that's different!!


Post 23

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - tea and toast sounds lovely sal, all set off by the smiley - rose ...
deffinitely much nicer than those noisey pans..... lol...

smiley - love


Post 24


smiley - run`s through with a tray ov smiley - stiffdrink what about dreaming about these instead ?

Hiya smiley - smiley


Post 25


aaawww thts nice..thnk you!!
do we know you???smiley - sorryif ive ive forgotten!!!hello anyway!smiley - biggrin


Post 26


Always ready to welcome newcomerssmiley - ok Hi! come in and have a smiley - tea & smiley - cake, we are not a bad bunch really, when you get to know ussmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 27


Hiya smiley - smiley

You may remember me as LADY/THUNDERWING ? i think it was you Sal that pointed me in Sheryl`s direction coz ov my interest in witches smiley - witch

Trish smiley - rose


Post 28


Hiya Smudger smiley - smiley

Im Trish, smiley - ta for the smiley - tea & smiley - cake
im ok in small doses, im sure Sheryl will back me up smiley - rofl
chat soon

Trish smiley - rose


Post 29


Ah! your welcome Trishsmiley - ok
Do you know folks, Ive forgotten what this thread is aboutsmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 30


hello everyone....hi trisrish.
smiley - sorryi idnt know you by the the new name...nice to hear from you.hope youre keepeeping smiley - ok.luv salxx
smudger...the thread was originally about dreams...but but the least said ab about that he better.....the site seems to be bahaving ing itself...sssshhhhhh!!!hope you and mk2 are wellsmiley - lovexx


Post 31


Ah! Dreams! smiley - ta Sal, now I know, funny thing is Ive not had a dream in ages!!I used to be able to remember themsmiley - erm must be getting oldsmiley - laugh

Well Im down South on Sunday to but a second hand electric scooter for MK2, from a bloke I met on the ex-service site I use. So it will be a dream come true for MK2!smiley - laugh
and a 10 hour round trip for mesmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 32

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I remember Lady Thunderwing!smiley - smiley
Hi There!

If I recall correctly ,you like smiley - hug and thunderstorms....


Post 33


hi smudger...i hope its just what youre loking for < miht be a long tng trip for you,,,but it'll be a go god sendendend for MK2.smiley - goodluck!!


Post 34

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

YAY! Smudger you are getting a scooter for MK2!! smiley - love Wonderful!
Your 10 hours invested will give her many more hours of joysmiley - biggrin


Post 35

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Smurfles it has been a long time since we were on at the same timesmiley - hugI hope it is a good day for you.


Post 36


Hey! this seems to the thread for meeting up with old pals Eh!smiley - ok

Its nice to see you all chattering awaysmiley - laugh any way I will let you all know how my trip went, and what MK2 reckons to her new freedomsmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 37


aaawww abbi,i missed your postintingsmiley - love.we had a d a visitor,and everyone was waiting for a tv programme to start,so io i had to turn off ff for them to watch the tv!!! shall loo look forward to hearing how MK2 has taken to her scooter!!!i hoe your prepared to smiley - runsmiley - run<smiley - run to catch up o heo her!!smiley - biggrinxx


Post 38


Hiya Smudger,Sal & Abbi smiley - smiley

smiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - cake all round freshly baked & poured from ye oLDe tea shoppe, so how are you all doing ? i can never remember my dreams either smiley - rofl yes im the one who loves storms & would like to (just once) chase storms in America smiley - biggrin i wouldn`t like to live with it all the time though must be terrifying never knowing when it will strike & whose house will be taken!!..
Mother Nature is a powerful force not to be crossed.
Hope to chat again soon smiley - smiley
Take Care smiley - love Trish xx


Post 39


mornin all.

talking of weather.
we live about 3 miles from the ironbridge in shropshire.
with the weather as it is, most of the river severn is on flood alert and they have been trying out these new barriers.

the river is about 20 higher than normal and in places is in the houses along the rivers edge.
but the barriers have stopped some of the damage that usually happens.

the 'main' road alongside the ironbridge is closed off, but we could get to the car park on the other side of the bridge.
it was quite eerie and spectacular as we stood on the bridge in the dark, watching and listening to the water as it rushes downstream.

apparently, the barriers are stopping the water damage near the places that they are erected, but because the water has to go somewhere and there isnt enough room in the riverbed, its flooding in places that havent flooded before.

with the weather conditons changing so much, the thought of living in a peaceful cottage by the river is now a distant memory.

smiley - rose


Post 40


hi all..the thought of a lovely little ottage somewhere i very apealing helen...but water is soooo powerful,it ,it scares me!!!as i cant even doesnt sound a good ideaea!!!smiley - biggrinwind,water and fire all scare me when i ponder on the devastation they can cause.......i fel so smiley - sorryfor the people who's homes are flooded time after time......and the less mobile ile who aree trapped for days.

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