This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 1


This was in a local research magazine,i thought i'd like to share it!!smiley - smiley
Abraham Lincoln was electedto congress in1846.
John F Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln waselected president in 1860.
JohnF Kennedy was elected president in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the white house.
Both presidents were shot on a friday.
Both presidents were shot in the head.
(Now it gets strangesmiley - weird)
Lincoln's secretary was named kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by southeners.
Both were succeeded by Southeners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson,who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808
Lyndon Johnson,who succeded Kennedy was born in 1908

John Wilkes booth,who shot lincoln wasborn in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald,who shot Kennedy ,was born in 1939

Both assassins were known by all their three names
Both names are composed of fifteen letters

Lincoln was shot at the theatre named Ford
Kennedy was shot in a car called Lincoln,made by ford

Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assasin ran and hid in a warehouse
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theatre

Booth and Oswald were assassinated beforetrials

Aweek before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe,Maryland
Aweek before Kennedy was shot he was with Marilyn Monroe.



Post 2

Moving On

Life's usually full of em Sal....but that's a pretty impressive set of facts!

smiley - ghost spooky!

P'raps Its a Sign of..... something?smiley - winkeye


Post 3


I've seen this before Sal, but it really is peculiar isn't it?

Hope you are smiley - ok. I seem to be swamped with stuff at the moment and I'm having a job to keep up.

Take care. smiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon


Post 4


WOW!!!!!I don't usually come in here Sunday mornings,we go out for lunch as a rule.Today daughter no1 is going to a christening,so we have the day to fill in.I just posted t one of your threads WSsmiley - laugh
Ev.hope all goes well on tuesday,before i forgetsmiley - hug
Right,off to get ready for retail therapy i think....have a good day all,


Post 5

Moving On

Cheers Salsmiley - ok

I'm sure it'll all go fine on Tuesday, but I'll admit to being a bit gibbery

I don't usually come in on Sundays as a rule, but I have a choice today

- start the coursework for the Summer Holds.... or have a bootle on H2 before meandering down to the beach.

No contest really, is theresmiley - biggrin

Enjoy the rest of your day, each - please feel free to retail therape for all of us Sal!
smiley - hug


Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi Sal, funny coincidences, I wonder who finds the time to research them , though smiley - biggrin
I brielfly talked to your daughter yesterday, she asked me if she knew me smiley - laugh


Post 7


Hi belsmiley - cuddle
This was in a family research magazine,so maybe the coincidences just caught someones eye.
Do you mean sarah...i didn't now she'd been in here..have to go and smiley - lurkon her page!!Lovely to hear from you,as always.smiley - hug


Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't know who I talked to, she had logged into your account smiley - laugh


Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Indeed smiley - ghost~spooky~ stuff alright...history tends to bring up those eerie parallels once-in-awhile(to keep us on our toes or give us the heebie-jeebies or whatever).


Post 10

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi Smurfles,

I do not know but it is extraordinary.

Hope you are well,

AR1 smiley - schooloffish


Post 11


That's probably the most interesting thing I've read all week. It must have taken someone a long time to research and compile that.

I wonder what it's like to be that dedicated?smiley - laugh


Post 12


Hi liz.i found it intriguing too.It was in one of my family tree research books,and most of the people that research are really dedicated.I have put a lot of hours in to finding ancestors,but still looking for the elusive "Tabitha"smiley - laugh
I have found some more family members though,one who died as recently as 1985......but i'm stuck again!!!!!
Glad you found it as interesting as i did!smiley - smiley


Post 13


Hello there AR!.Lovely to hear from you....I'm smiley - ok,although a bit too hot.I hope the weather isn't too overpowering for you.
I have intended to post to yur space....we have found a christiana in the familysmiley - laugh


Post 14

Researcher U1025853

Hi Smurfles, so many coincidences its quite spooky, I must send this by email to Moonglum, he will be fascinated.

How are you, hows the heat where you are? I was catching up on sleep and was woken up by someones new wooden wind chimes.


Post 15


Hi kaz(waving enthusiastically)!!!
Hope you'll let me know what moonglum thinks of the e-mail!!!
I have slept badly too for two nights nowsmiley - yawn,it is soooo hot!!
I have windchimes at the front, and the back, of the house......i hope they don't disturb anyonesmiley - yikes!!
Hope lifes treating you wellsmiley - hug


Post 16

Researcher U1025853

These windchimes are new and someone is playing with them I think. I am not sleeping badly, just not getting enough, which is why I was catching up this morning. Last night it was 26 degrees in our flat, I am strange, I got a chill. I do that a lot in the heat, I just don't cope well, its annoying!


Post 17

Researcher U1025853

Hi Smurfles, Moonglum thought it was very weird indeed!

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