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Post 1


I can't see any reasoning to some peoples actions,it's unbelievable !!
My neighbour went on holiday just before christmas...she's a single mum,with a 14 year old daughter,and twin boys of 12,and works really hard.
When she had been away for a week her house was burgled.Not that unusual ,you might think??
The family presents were taken ,of course,we hear about similar cases every year.
The whole family are STILL living in a hotelsmiley - sadface
The intruders not only took all her valuables,they mashed the furniture up,scattered broken glass,and make up all over the carpets,then ground it all in.They drank her spirits she had bought in,jumped on the beds,and smashed them up ,and what they couldnt take they threw round the house.They even walked all over the clothng they had pulled out of the drawers.
It has been uninhabitable since....and they are still cleaning it up,weeks later.
We are told that money for drugs is the main reason for burglaries nowadays.....but why all the damage???
I really do wonder what is going through these peoples minds when they're doing this sort of thingsmiley - weird


Post 2

Moving On

I think you're crediting these ba****ds with something they haven't got in the first place Smurf - a mind for anything to go thru.

I don't know *why* people do stuff like this, I don't understand the mentality of them; I can understand anger and frustration, but why direct it at someone who is probably as badly off as them - why not at least have the sense to direct it at someone who possibly *could* deserve to hear about it?

Without trashing a home, of course

Oh... they can blame it on something, I expect; their upbringing, their tough lives, the fact there was a "y" in the day; I've no doubt their lawyers can come up with some medical or mental condition that excuses or at least gives us a reasen for anti social behaviour like this.

Any excuse'll do, just as long as the problem isn't addressed.

It might cost money, or effort, or god forbid, actually looking and thinking and *doing* something about it.

Blame it on Society if you like.

It spreads the blame nice and evenly and no one has to do a damned thing about it, because then it's always Someone Else's Problem.

Which can be easilly misfiled and lost in a huge mountain of statistics for a future generation to sort out.

Am I being overly cynical?


Post 3


smiley - blue

How people can get enjoyment out of making life totally miserable for others, I just do not know. It just defies any kind of common sense. There isn't any excuse for this sort of thing. It's the product of a diseased mind. And the trouble is, incidents like this are commonplace enough.

I really don't know...


Post 4


smiley - sorry to hear about this Smurflessmiley - sadface The sad fact of all it all is, that even if these scrote's were caught by the police, they probably have a social worker who will go to court and give a some sob story or other, then the scrote's will get away with community service for a few hourssmiley - ermsmiley - grr

It seems like this all over the UK, we have have had our garden wrecked, shed broken into, and bricks thrown at our windows, as "we didnt fit" in this area, as we are what they call decent law abiding folk who live on disability benefitssmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger,


Post 5

I'm not really here

I hate to blame the 'youth of today' but it does sound like kids, rather than real burglers. Burglers want to get in and get out quick, to lower the chnace of getting caught. They don't want to spend time smashing the place up, making a mess, drinking, and then take the time to make sure the mess is well and truly ground in. They just take what they can sell and clear out. I assume. I don't actually know any burglers... But it does sound as if this was something that must have taken some time to do.


Post 6

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Best not to get me started, so I'll just say, "string the b'stards up by the b*ll*x....
It does sound like kids, (any age from 12 upwards these days), but kids high on gawd knows wot to start with..
I feel for the poor family who are suffering because of this mindless act.. smiley - loveing thoughts sent out to them...


Post 7

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Really sad loss for the family.
I agree it sounds like kidssmiley - sadface
This has been happening for generations- not new.

Just as depressing and shocking to be violated in such a way.
It is done to newly built homes just before people move in.

Worse when it is a family that has worked hard for everything and has little or no coverage. It is for funsmiley - ill sad ,revengeful, destructive form of fun , urine is also often used smiley - erm

I hope they and the other neighbors are safe from further harm.


Post 8


Its the same old story, folk who work hard to get the nice little things in life, get it stolen from them by others who cant even be bothered to go out and work for such thingssmiley - erm
So they just cant stand people having things they haven't got, so they destroy it or take it away from themsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger

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