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Should our police carry guns??

Post 1


Yeterday two women police constables were shot in our townsmiley - sadface.As far as has been determined from the news reports they were answering a call from a personal alarm.It turned out to be an armed robbery.One officer was killed,the other badly injured.Sky news invited people to text with their opinions ,and many people said the police should carry guns ,not be issued with them only when something as dreadful as this happens.I really can't make my mind up,although it feels as though they should have been able to protect themselves better,they were wearing vests,A controversial subject ..i know..but what does everyone else think???

Should our police carry guns??

Post 2


I think it will be a sad day indeed if we ever have to arm all our police force in this country. Their track record so far of the ones who are armed has not been a good result by any meanssmiley - erm
The whole way of policing has changed in this country, and as long as the courts are giving out poultry sentences it seems that there is no deterrent for these criminals.
Whats the point of bringing out all these new laws about assaulting emergency workers, if the culprits know that they will never be caught, and if they are, that they are going to get away with itsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Should our police carry guns??

Post 3


Smurfles, now look what you've donesmiley - rofl

Hi, Smurfles,

I hadn't realised it was your town. I am so sorry. I was amazed that two WPCs were out together, and that one at least was a Probationer. It seems someone slipped up badly there.

My grandfather was a Police Sergeant in an altogether gentler age, when the Police commanded respect among most people, and I would still support them in their difficult task. However, I do worry that so many mistakes seem to be made, resulting in the loss of life.

Like Smudger I would not be happy to see our Police Force wholly armed, and I am sure they would not like it either. Oh, by the way to be PC it is a Police Service now!! Not everyone has the temperament to be trusted with firearms, and I think it would lead to more deaths and injuries. I despair of "career" policemen telling the people at the sharp end to meet targets, fill in reams of paperwork, and waste valuable time doing work that could just as easily be done by a civilian.

Until the Government of the day gives the proper support to all our Emergency services, the Courts dole out sensible sentences, and prisons are provided to accommodate those we wish to have removed from circulation, things will never get better.

Those of a criminal mind know they can get away with things, and if they get caught they will get a slap on the wrist, or a derisory sentence and be out in a few months. The do-gooders have held sway for far too long.

As for mixed messages - smiley - steamsmiley - grr
Clamp down on Binge Drinking/Allow 24 hour opening;

Criticise people for getting in to debt/ but allow more and more gambling and Credit Card lending;

Start children's schooling in the cradle/when they can't even teach the three Rs properly yet; (Oh, and that isn't a knock at teachers, but the system!)

Expect parents and teachers to take responsibility for childrens' behaviour/ then outlaw the use of all punishments and sanctions;

Take away people's Pensions ( nearly said steal - Whoops!) but give all and sundry handouts for free.

Tell you to stand on your own two feet, buy your own house, work hard for your old age/ then take it all off you in Tax??!

Is it any wonder that people are confused? Children have no rules or guidelines on behaviour any more, but in spite of this many grow up to be wonderful human beings. Those who do not are suffering from three generations of degeneration. What else can we expect? What happened to self respect, self control and respect for others?

I would like to see parents, teachers and police given back the power to discipline, teach and chastise, then perhaps the need for guns etc. would be reduced.

This Lone Voice is going to shut up now and wait for the backlash smiley - sadface while she waits for the Govt. to stop encouraging more people to become drunken, drugged and debt ridden drop outs. In your dreams smiley - steam

Well, you asked the question Sal smiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon Spitting feathers smiley - devil

Should our police carry guns??

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

It would be a sad state of affairs if we have to arm all our officers, but the way things are going it seems like it could well be the only answer... The problem we face then is trigger happy cops.. It happens, sadly...
It's comimg to summat though, firemen are being fired at these days by public d/heads, if not by bullets, by bricks, stones n the like.. We've had that sort of idiousy locally... But why???? What's the reasoning behind all that???

Should our police carry guns??

Post 5


Having been trained to use guns, you learn to respect them as they are built for killing people. Yet no amount if training can teach you what to do in Every situation, as no two are ever the same.smiley - erm

When the adrenaline starts flowing and you have to make a split second decision, to fire or not to fire, there is no time to react to any thoughts that you may have on the consequences of your actions.smiley - sadface

No amount of training can teach you that scenario, the only thing that stays with you is the guilt. Its also a true fact, that when it comes to writing up a report of an incident that happened only a few hours earlier, its amazing just how much a person can forget. Take two statements from two people who were there, and the stories can be totally differentsmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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