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hi there sal

Post 81


Hello jean,hope you're feeling better lovesmiley - hug If not i should take myself off to the doctors if i were you.The weather is pretty mild here,although it seems to turn cold mid afternoonsmiley - brr
Thanks for the card..i haven't even written mine yet,but i have got a few bits in present wise.....i'll have to get a move on !!Take care,chat again soon.smiley - kiss

hi there sal

Post 82


smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly
Hi Sal hon,
Hope u and Bill are ok, i am at the Quack`s tomorrow to see what my blood result`s smiley - groan are so i think he will be giving me antibiotic`s as my chest is real tight and as for the weather it`s cold here as well as wet, can not complain though been brill untill a week ago.
I am just about finished my Christmas stuff, only have to make 1 more cake, and 1 to decorate and it`s all done, present`s are wrapped and card`s all sent off, feel great about that, because i started late didnt think i would get all done.
Take care hon.
smiley - love to u and Bill.
smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

hi there sal

Post 83


Hope the doctors went smiley - okjeansmiley - hug
I don't know if you know jim(this is his thread),but he used to be on LDsmiley - smiley
Do say hi to him,he lives not too far from me!!

hi there sal

Post 84


Hi Sal,smiley - hug
smiley - laugh Just like me i still cannot get the hang of posting into the right box smiley - groan Hi Jim hope you read this and smiley - sorry if i`m taking your space, Sal will tell you what a Dundahead i am, never do thing`s right.
Well Sal hope every thing`s smiley - ok at your end, i did go to Quack`s and he was so supprize at how tight my chest was he gave me some Amoxicillin as well as Prednisolone i have to take 8 of those every morning that`s because of my Asthma it alway`s play`s up when i get a cold.smiley - blue it is first 1 this yr so cannot really complain, every 1 i meet tell me it`s because i had the flu jag, but i was told that cannot happen but as it was my first i am not sure.
Well Sal sweetie, gonna go i do not feel like it but must crack on and get that last Christmas cake made or it`s not gonna be ready in time. So chat soon hon.
smiley - love and bbb smiley - hug s to you and Bill.
smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss
1 for you jim smiley - kiss

hi there sal

Post 85

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi jean, sal
thats what h2 about lol,we share what we have.smiley - smiley
hi sal
i,ve just received my first xmas card,that in itself isnt anything
its from john chrlish and his wife in knaresborough.
you remeber about 3 or 4 yrs back i wrote the ew277 guide, the missing plane, in 1944,14th june.
and uncovered what hapened.on the plane was a malcolm charlish,i tracked john down to let the family know when i found out the truth of what happened.
they send me a xmas card every year since i let them know.i,ll be sending one back in the next few days..
i have my pc working again, fitted a new drive, and added the sound, now all i need is to sell it, i cant afford to go online anymore.smiley - disco jim xxxx

hi there sal

Post 86


HI nice of them to keep in touch with yousmiley - hug

If i were you i'd hang on to the pc,you never could find a way to afford having broadband again,and then you'll wish you had!!!I'd think about it for a while !!

Jean..i'm sure it doesn't matter where you post love,jim certainly won't mind ,i'm sure..the more the merrier!!

hi there sal

Post 87

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
nay, ive had a good year efore the fiasco, so now its time to get rid, if i can get £150+ for it, i,ll take it, its now a lot better than when i got it,
from 20gigs to 80gigs, and 128 to 256 memeory, with xp windows.
smiley - disco jim xxxx
ps jean is welcome anytime.smiley - love

hi there sal

Post 88


Hi again Sal and Jim,
Well Sal hope all`s well with you and Bill?? Im ok over that horrid cold i got it has left me a bit sluggish but that should go, went to Glasgow yesterday (Tues) found some real nice curtains for my living room, so put them up today (Wed) look`s nice. Are you ready for Christmas yet?? i am just about finished only 1 more cake do finish off then all done, thank the lord. God bless you both take care hon coss i care smiley - hug and smiley - kisss smiley - love Jean.
Jim i just read over some of the thread, seem`s you are about to sell your PC some advice hon, do not do it, you never get back the value also you will miss it when it`s gone, i know as i was off line for quite a while after i moved it was a relief when i got it back on, i missed all my good friend`s lost some as well because they had gone of line when i was, do try to keep it.
God bless you smiley - kiss s Jean.

hi there sal

Post 89


Hi jeansmiley - hug nice to hear from you love.I've done most of my cards,and got some pressies,but still have a bit to do.Glad you're feeling better,are you doing anything special for Christmas?
I have been looking for new curtains for my lounge,but we're thinking of moving,so it seems a bit pointless really,and i haven't seen any that i like yet!!!
You take care,chat soon.smiley - cuddle

hi there sal

Post 90


Hi Sal,smiley - hug
Well sweetie hope alls well? every thing`s great here, yes i am all done smiley - smiley for Christmas only the food and smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwine to buy, but John and Val are taking me for that, as i am doing Christmas dinner at mine this year, it should be great first time in years i will be at home for Christmas, always been at John`s.
Sal didn`t know you were moving when and why??? hope your gonna keep in touch, as for curtain`s when you need them if you have a T J Hughs try them i got mine on Wed this week, real cheap lol need`s to be when were on the pension.
Gonna go now hun get some dinner, rummbly tummy smiley - smiley
Take care God bless
bb smiley - cuddles smiley - love and smiley - kisss to you and Bill

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