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Lizzbett Posted Sep 7, 2004
My parents were married at 19 too and they have been married for 40 years now.
The weather we have had so far this week makes me extremely glad to be on leave. It was so gorgeous here on Sunday that I couldn't just spend another day in the garden (which I did on Saturday). Chris was out playing golf all day, so I walked to the funny little branch line station that is about 10 minutes from my house and hopped on a train to Felixstowe. It was a bit odd being at the seaside on my own, but it was beautiful down there.
Yesterday (Monday) I went to the seaside again, this time to Aldeburgh with Chris. We got stuck in a traffic jam on the way there and by the time we arrived, the sun had disappeared behind a blanket of cloud and the wind was blowing so hard that the seagulls were going sideways! This didn't stop us from spending about two hours there and eating our fish and chips on the beach.
I've been out in the garden a lot again today and tomorrow I shall make myself miserable by going shopping for clothes. Then on Thursday we should be going to London.
It's just as well you didn't go to Florida. An awful lot of people don't realise that there is such a thing as hurricane season in that part of the world and unfortuneately it co-incides with the British summer.
Chat again soon.
smurfles Posted Sep 9, 2004
hi liz,it sounds as ths though you're making the the best of
your week off,you certainly got the right weather for it.It's been lovely here too,i even managed to get out during
the day,which is unusual for me.The scooter has been a god send
for getting into the garden,i've loved been able to sit in the sun for a while.I had booked a gardener
to come and remodel the garden, and lay new turf ,starting on monday,as a
surprise for hubby .It was all going to be done
when we came back from holiday,but i've had to tell him,as we shall be here.
We have talked about going to london next week for a couple of days,but i want to see what the weather is like.Hope you enjoy the shopping trip,my holiday
hings should have been on a plane today!!!
I'm going to have some lunch now,hope to hear from you soon.Enjoy the rest of the week.luv salx
Lizzbett Posted Sep 14, 2004
Hi Sal,
I can't say I exactly 'enjoyed' my shopping trip - but I did buy a couple of things so that was a success.
Last Thursday we have a lovely day out in London. We went to Greenwich and visited the Cutty Sark, Maritime Museum, Royal Greenwich Observatory and Queen's House. Spent most of Friday just dossing about, really. Saturday we went down to Felixstowe and had a look around Languard Fort, which was more interesting than I had expected and Sunday was another lazy day.
Actually, I didn't feel too well on Sunday or yesterday and I feel lousy today . I've come out in sympathy with you - I've got vertigo. I went to the Doctor this morning (a rare event in itself) and he has prescribed me some Serc. He suggested that it would not be unreasonable for me to take some time off work sick, but as it is only my second day back from holiday I am reluctant to do so. I will see how it goes.
Chat again soon.
smurfles Posted Sep 15, 2004
Awwww,liz,>you have my sympathy.I used to take serc,theyre excellent,but we didn't know then it was going to be a long term problem.After i saw the consultant he put me on a different type of medication,and i have been on that ever since.I have just got in after a traumatic mother had a fall ,and i got a call to say they were waiting for the ambulance ,so it was off to the home to wait with her.That was at 1.30p.m.and the ambulance arrived at around 3.30.The general opinion was that she had broken her hip,but thankfully there is no break,just badly bruised.I eventually arrived home at 9.p.m tonight, starving hungry,and shattered.I left my daughter and sister up there,waiting for transport home ,and so far they are stil there,and it's11.10.p.m.As they both have commitments early tomorrow i will have to go back if the ambulance doesnt arrive soon,
i will post more tomorrow,i have lots of e-mails to catch up on,and seem to be getting very neglectful lately!!!
Hope you soon feel better.
luv salx
Lizzbett Posted Sep 16, 2004
Oh dear Your poor old Mum gives you a lot of worry, doesn't she.
I'm feeling miles better than I was, although my nose still feels funny which makes me think I have a sinus infection. I would rather treat the cause of the dizziness than just treat that alone, but perhaps what is causing it will have gone by the time I run out of tablets.
smurfles Posted Sep 21, 2004
good morning liz,hope you're feeling much better by now,and the the vertigo has lessened considerably.It has been a funny sort of two weeks,but at last the gardener has almost finished,my poor hubby is back at work,and i am thinking we can maybe start looking for that eagerly awaited holiday.
I have never seen as much mud,i think a couple of days of bright warm sunshine would be just the ticket right now!!!Lots to write about,i will have to update my journal as soon as i have the time.Hope everythings okay your end,and you're looking after you soon.
luv sal
Lizzbett Posted Sep 21, 2004
Well, the vertigo is better than it was, but still not right. However, the doctor did say to give the tablets a good couple of weeks. As long as I remember to walk slowly and avoid anything with flashing images (so that is about half the TV output in this country), I don't feel too bad.
Chris has had a bad cold over the past few days and I suspect that the germ he has may well be what is infecting my sinuses and causing the dizziness. It sounds a silly thing to say, but I would be glad if I broke out in the same sort of cold as Chris has just had because I think that would sort of shift things and clear whatever blockage it is making me feel ill.
It is a lovely bright sunny day here, but the wind is chilly. I've had to put tights on this morning and I do hate wearing tights.
smurfles Posted Sep 25, 2004
good morning liz,i hope youre feeling okay now.In my experience you'll probably be feeling slightly off balance still,it's a weird feeling ,isn't it??i do hope it is sinus,but it sounds to me as though maybe that's a coincidence,although it would be nice if it wasn't.
keep taking the tablets liz,that's what they tell me!!!!I didn't ask you if you werestill at work with it...i darent go out in case i fall when i'm at my worst,but th
en i'm a pessimst at the best of times!!!
take ca care,chat soon.
luv salxx
Lizzbett Posted Sep 27, 2004
I haven't had any time off work with the vertigo, no. There has only been one day when I felt too bad to go out and that was a Sunday. I seem to have several days when I feel much better (like most of last week) and then suddenly it comes back (like it did on Friday), which makes me wonder if the 'good' days are anything to do with the medication, or just a coincidence. I've been OK over the weekend and I went for a little stroll yesterday evening, which was nice. The doctor said that I would need to take the tablets "for a good couple of weeks" and it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I started them. I intend to carry on with them for at least a few more days, but I would rather not have to take strong medication so I hope to be able to stop them soon.
smurfles Posted Sep 28, 2004
hi liz,just going to visit at hospital,my mother has broken her hip,so theyve operated.will post again when i get back.
luv sal
smurfles Posted Sep 29, 2004
hi liz,just got back from the hospital again,things are much the same,although they've had her up and in a chair yesterday and today,and she was moving her leg while she was sat today!!!!!
wE've been told that she might bet be able to go home in about 7 days,so fingers crossed.
i hope you're okay luv,and feeling less dizzy now.will be on again tomorrow all being well.take care.
luv sal
Lizzbett Posted Sep 30, 2004
I'm feeling much better thanks and I hope to start weaning myself off the tablets over the next couple of days. I still feel as though there is a block of concrete up my nose though.
My Grandma had a hip replacement operation last year (not quite the same as a break, I know) and she was only in hospital for four days!! She then spent about two weeks in a convalscent home before being allowed to go back to live with my uncle. I hope your Mum recovers as well from her broken hip.
smurfles Posted Sep 30, 2004
hi liz,glad you're feeling better ,i am surprised the doctor is stoping the tablets so early!!!!when you stop taking them,i'm sure that you'll be okay.the operation my mother had was a hip replacement,but she is so very frail now,and refuses to eat much,that is worrying me.shs very tired as well,but that could be the energy she is using when she walks a few steps,it seems to drain her.
I think she finds it confusing as welll,due to her state of mind.Of course,i'm a born worrier,which doesn't help at all!!
billy has come home fr from work and gone to bed,he has flu,so the paracetomol are out,and thd the teapot will be hot all day,bless him.
better get the kettle filled again!!chat soon.
luv sal
Lizzbett Posted Oct 1, 2004
I never said that the doctor was stopping the tablets. He didn't say that I had to take all 84, he just said that I would need to take them for 'a good couple of weeks'. I've been taking them for well over a fortnight now and they are interfering with the rest of my life now so it's time to start cutting them back.
Why do men always think they've got flu? I bet it's only a cold. Poor Billy, I hope he feels better soon. Chris had a cold a couple of weeks ago, which he largely ignored. He went around to a friend's house on the worse day of it and he was so snotty and snuffly that he ran out of tissues and she had to give him a toilet roll.
I made Chris cook my tea again last night I don't think once a week is going to kill him and he does b****r all else.
Anyway, I'd better do some work seeing as Mrs Boss is in the next room. We get rid of her for three days next week as she is going on her honeymoon (she got married last Friday).
I hope your assorted family members don't give you too much worry over the weekend.
smurfles Posted Oct 4, 2004
hi liz,hope you're okay.I'm sorry ,i asumed that you were seeing the doctor,i should'nt make assumptions i suppose!!!
Billy is much better,but it's a rare event for him to take to his bed,he must have felt grotty.He got up the following day and took himself of to work as usual,he doesn't like having to stay at home at all!!!!!!!
Did you have a nice meal??It always tastes better when someone else has done the cooking,doesn't it.
It's been a busy weekend,i have been dog-sitting for my youngest dughter,it's her birthday today,so she had a couple of days in london,and wen to a show.She lives in lincolnshire,so it was nice to see her.<
My middle daughter moved house on friday as well,,and the the eldest has done the hospital mother seems to be picking up now,she has started eating again,which is a big relief.i'll be going to see her later today.
Did you have a good weekend,or has it rained as much as it has here??it's been very blustery,and i wanted to do a little something in the garden,which is growing quite well now.
well.time for and a search for some lunch,chat soon.
take care.sal
Lizzbett Posted Oct 5, 2004
I didn't do much at the weekend really, apart from the usual housework. I walked into town on Sunday morning but it was a brief visit. I had seen a full length coat in Per Una that I liked the look of. I saw it last Thursday when I was sheltering in M&S because it was pouring with rain outside. As I was sopping wet at the time, I thought they might not appreciate me trying on any clothes so I decided to go back on Sunday. When I got there, they only had one coat left and it was too small for me. Oh well, the walk into town and back did at least get me some fresh air and exercise.
I hate shopping.
It rained in the afternoon both on Saturday and Sunday but apart from that it was pleasant.
I'm glad to hear that your family are recovering from their various ailments.
Chat soon
smurfles Posted Oct 8, 2004
Morning liz,how ya doing ??????It's been a hectic week again,but mum is back home at last.She went back yesterday,and this morning ng i rang to see how she was,she had been fine,and slept well,thank goodness.
Have you had good week wiithout mrs.boss!!
i hope you've managed a bit more time me in here,and generally spoilt yourself!!Hope you're feling better ,did you get a coat,or have you you avoided the shopping bit
I love shopping,but only in the centres,i can't do the trailing from one to another outside.
Hope you have a good weekend,i'll look forwrd to to catching up a little now i have a while longer between visiting.
chat soon.luv sal
Lizzbett Posted Oct 11, 2004
No, I didn't get a coat. I have been back to M&S twice but they really do seem to have completely sold out of the one that caught my eye. I had thought I might go shopping at the weekend, but when it came down to it, I just couldn't be bothered.
I'm glad to hear that your Mum is on the mend. I haven't spoken to my Mum for over a week. I'm trying to get away from this routine that we have of talking on the phone every Thursday evening. I haven't always got anything to tell her. She is the one who says "we don't have to talk every week" but then if I don't call at 8pm on Thursday, she rings me and says "is it my turn?" Chris is on lates this week, so I may get bored enough to telephone her one evening, but not Thursday!! (Me? Pedantic?)
I haven't done much over the weekend (again!) apart from housework and a little bit of gardening. I wasn't exactly bursting with energy - the shift that Chris was on last week disturbed my sleep and so I was tired by the weekend. We were in bed by 10.30 on Saturday night!!!
Mrs Boss is back and seems to have reverted to her uncomunicative and grumpy old self. I saw an advert for an event in a newspaper yesterday that my department is involved in. Not only has she not told me that we are involved, but my telephone number is on the add so I am going to get calls from people about something I know nothing about. Bloody woman!
Anyway, on that cheerful note, I had better get on with some work otherwise she might catch me skiving when she comes back from her meeting.
smurfles Posted Oct 13, 2004
hi there liz.i really hope this will post this time..i've tried twice before,and had no luck!!!just to let you know my mother is in hospital again.She had another fall during the night,and has landed on the new hip, so is back in again.The consultant says that nothing is broken,but the ball part has been pushed further up into the socket,and it will take a few days for the pain to ease.That's as long as it doesn't move anywhere else.Looks like were all back to hospital visiting again,i don't care as long as as they get it sorted out this time.
Hope all's well with you ,and chat to you you soon.take care.luv sal
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- 231: Lizzbett (Sep 28, 2004)
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- 233: Lizzbett (Sep 30, 2004)
- 234: smurfles (Sep 30, 2004)
- 235: Lizzbett (Oct 1, 2004)
- 236: smurfles (Oct 4, 2004)
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