
I'm Steve, I live in sunny (yeah right!) cornwall. I'm 17 years old, learning to drive - which is great fun! Um....hobbies...let me see - well, I guess music is my main interest. It's the on thing I do truly adore. I can get into music really well, as in I feel like i'm inside the music. There's some music I simply won't listen to however. I'm mainly into rock and metal, I'll listen to some classical music - not sure why, think it's because I've been playing the flute since the age of 5, so I've had it hammered into me. I like jazz, Pink Floyd (I feel they have their own self-named genre), um... That's about it. As I mentioned a bit ago, I play the flute, not taken any grades, been learning a strange style called the suzuki method - maybe some peolpe on here have heard of it? Should take my grade 8 within this year though. He says hopefully.

I like watching rugby, football - i'm not fully into them, dont follow them closely, just like to watch a good game. I like to drink on the weekends, and I also smoke a small amount of da 'erb, which I do not think is a bad thing.

I'm in college studying law, i.t., psychology and sociology. It's all good. Um...can't think of a lot more to say, so I'll be off now. I'll post my email address for anyone who is interested in chatting. See ya hitchhikers. [email protected]

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me again... May 17, 2003
Hi there... Mar 1, 2003


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English Unpatient

Researcher U220657


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