This is the Message Centre for **katelyn**

Hi there...

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Greetings Researcher 220589!

Welcome to h2g2 smiley - ok

I am Mort, one of the <./>ACES</.> (Assistant Community Editors) here to meet and greet new members to h2g2 and offer any help I can.

You can change your researcher number to a nickname, by clicking on the 'preferences' button - should either be in the left hand column, or along the top menu of your personal space.

To help navigate this site, RocketMan and Shea have created pages of very helpful links that cover just about everything in how to get started here. Just click on the numbers and you will access the pages direct! A725500 and A534953. They list links to current talking points, <./>ThePost</.>smiley - thepost our weekly newspaper, as well as clubs and societies which is where you will find people with similar interest to yourself. And of course the page that everybody wants to find – the smiley - cakesmiley - dragonsmiley - smileysmiley - bluesmiley - magic <./>smileys</.>! just click on the link or any actual smiley smiley - biggrin to get the full list.

If you need any more help feel free to pop by my page U204689 , leave a message and i will get back to you ASAP.

smiley - cheers


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