Journal Entries
10 Dead Important Things What I Learned at the Meet
Posted Feb 19, 2012
1) Sho's got a rack (putting the "chest" in Manchester, indeed)
2) Pastey's definition of "general knowledge" is fundamentally flawed
3) Mr Nerd's beard is beyond epic
4) There's no Californian translation of the phrase "what's occurring?"
5) Lil gets progressively more scouse the more booze she gets down her
6) Bel's linguistic pedantry isn't confined to the web (I'll amend that slip-up soon)
7) If you put a group of people who've never met together and add beer, the first topic of conversation will inevitably be plumbing (hello Sho, Zens, etc)
8) Phil's your go-to guy for a round, and deserves undying adoration
9) Superfrenchie doesn't smile. Ever.
10) TRiG labours under the misconception that chocolate is a great drinking snack
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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2012
Meets, Money and Moisture
Posted Feb 16, 2012
In a display of fantastic timing, my dishwasher has spewed forth a frothy mixture of rank water and food particulates. Possibly due to the fact I've not cleaned the filter in months, and that L can't see the point in scraping plates.
This means I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm borderline skint, with just enough cash put away for the meet (and pre-meet), but my kitchen is currently underwater (don't really care, it'll be the landlord's problem in a few weeks, and they've been terrible for three years).
Removing said water will cost money. Money which is earmarked for the meet.
So depending on how much it costs, I might have to miss the pre-meet, or the pre-meet and the meet. Which will be a bit of a downer.
Oh, and I've not even started my badge...
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Latest reply: Feb 16, 2012
Valentine's Day
Posted Feb 14, 2012
Some people get breakfast in bed, romantic trips abroad and other such romantic fripperies.
I was kept up until 4am by L coughing and snoring (she's got a cold) and woken up at 6am by Han and Chewie taking it in turns to push books, my alarm clock and a pair of glasses off my bedside table.
As such, I'm very tired and not particularly in the mood for huge romantic gestures. And if the woman's got me some disease for Valentine's Day, then I might have a rather snotty, sniffy meet.
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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2012
How Long is a Tether?
Posted Jan 26, 2012
I'm not sure, but I'm perilously close to the edge of mine.
L's back in hospital tomorrow for gallstone-related tests. That could turn into a stay while they whip the damn thing out, or just yet more waiting. Remaining outwardly calm while worrying has always been my forte, but I'm sure she's noticed I'm on a shorter fuse than normal.
Then there's work. Oh, and buying the house. And the fact that I'm nominally helping a friend promote a nationwide poetry tour (gratis), helping another get to grips with promoting his local stuff and making excuse after excuse to Happy Nerd about not pulling my weight on the Comms Team.
And to top it off, I'm going into a weekend with a cool £20 in my pocket, because this has been the longest gap between pay-days I've ever had.
So I apologise in advance if I turn into a flaming ball of rage at any point in the near future.
You have been warned.
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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2012
London Types
Posted Jan 17, 2012
Has anyone else seen this hideous parade of anti-London racism from a cruel and hateful human being?
No true artist would use such a perjorative term to label his work.
He might be viewed as a great artist in some quarters, but in the artier corners of Peckham and Edmonton, William Nicholson will always be a hideous human being whose jokes are all horrid insults.
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Latest reply: Jan 17, 2012
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