Journal Entries

Leah in Ireland

For the first time ever, the wonderful wee Leah has arrived in Ireland, and is staying with us ( and her Dad ) here in Dublin for a few days. If you fancy looking at photos of besotted people doting over a seven-month old star, here's where to go:

Don't say you haven't been warned.


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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2004

At last, good photos

At last the Irish Crafts Council have come up with good professional photos of our work, so I've put them in a fotki album, for anyone who's interested:

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2004

best Conspiracy Theory Yet

Here's a good one I just heard. G.W.Bush already has Osama Bin Laden under lock and key, but isn't going to allow it to be publicised until a few days before the USA presidential voting begins. That way he'll be seen as a hero, and be re-elected.

On the very remote chance that this is true, this rumour should be circulated as widely as possible to pre-empt Bush's strategy.

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2004

China Army at the Edinburgh Festival

The PLA, the Army of the People's Republic of China is due to perform at this year's Edinbugh Festival. The so-called "People's Liberation Army" is the main instrument of China's invasion, occupation and exploitation of Tibet.

The PLA is the main builder and developer of new Chinese infrastructure in Lhasa, and other Tibetan cities. The new Glomud - Lhasa railway has as a prime objective the speedy moving of China's nuclear missile armoury from Xining ( in the northeast of Tibet ) down to the Indian border regions south of Lhasa.

The PLA is also responsible for keeping the lid on Uighur-Muslim resistance in Xinjiang ( which was the Republic of East Turkestan until China took it over ).

The PLA is also responsible for maintaining the military threat against any moves towards formal independence in Taiwan.

All in all, not the sort of organisation that should be receiving the honour of performing at the Edinbugh Festival.

Here's a link to the SFT protest action. Please use it and circulate it to your friends:

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2004

Signs of the Times

Two press releases which just came through the Tibet Support Network, One from Global Resources, the other from the China Support Movement.

Gross National Happiness: The True Measure Of Success?
Bhutan - His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, recently received an Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University during his official visit to Britain. His Holiness is supporting the movement for happiness to be adopted as an economic indicator. In a letter of support to an international conference in Bhutan on Gross National Happiness, he writes: “As a Buddhist, I believe the purpose of our lives is to overcome suffering and cultivate happiness. But by happiness, I do not only mean the temporary pleasure that is derived from material comfort alone. I am thinking more of the enduring happiness that results from the thorough transformation and development of the mind that can be achieved though the cultivation of such qualities as compassion, patience and wisdom. At the same time, on national and global levels we need an economic system that enables such a pursuit of true happiness. The purpose of economic development should be to contribute to rather than obstruct this goal.”


"Bloody Crack Down on Peasants Protesting Against the Illegal Sale of Collective Land Property by the CCP Officials: Thirty People Shot and Four Leaders Arrested."
At 2:30 AM on August 2, 2004 600 Armed Police surrounded and attacked the Shi-Jia-He Village in the northern Suburb of Zhengzhou city in Henan Province. The cause of this armed attack was due to the fact the villagers have appealed to the higher government organs many times against the illegal sale of the village land, a sale which makes the villagers have less land to produce food and also the fact that the proceeds of about 40 million RMB Yuan were stolen by the village party officials.
The government mobilized 600 armed police and tried to kidnap away the leaders of the villagers who have protested against the party officials and wrongdoings. People went out of their homes to resist the effort to arrest their leaders and the armed police started to shoot toward the crowd. More than 30 villagers have been shot and six of them have been wounded seriously. They have been sent to the Zhengzhou Central Hospital and are under emergency operation as of now.
Four people were arrested and only two have just been released to their homes. The village is still being surrounded by the armed police and more than 300 government officials are still mingled with the villagers and request them not to continue their appeal.

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2004

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