This is the Message Centre for ~:*-Venus-*:~

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 21


morning venus.

good to hear that you are improvingsmiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

hsmiley - rose

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 22


Hi Helen smiley - smiley
I got the e.mail thanks, words of wisdom eh!
Right i have to go to work now smiley - groan

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 23

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

have a good one jen

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 24

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi venus and iain
where have you been hiding i've missed you both
life isnt the same noweh
the shoppe is like ghost town now
i hope you are both ok take care
jinty x x x x

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 25


Hi Jinty smiley - smiley
I don't spend as much time on here as i used too. and no it is'nt the same anymore, alot of my friends have gone and conversations have died. Its very sad smiley - sadface
How are you keeping? well i hope smiley - smiley

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 26

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Chin up eh!! and you Jinty!!

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 27

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi venus and simon
i hope you will both keep smiling there is always someone worse than you ...not that thats much consalation to you when your feeling down
i'm off in a couple of hours to babysit my grandson for 2 weeks ----arent i the lucky one smiley - wah
living on an island with only a pub and museum and the museum not even open till april
i think i might survive my chum is going with me she likes looking after him i'll play on the pc and let her get on with it
see i am a kind person after all i beleive in sharing as long as it doesnt involve me
take care and remember if you need a good moan i'm not far away and i have BIG EARS
will be in touch keep smiling
which chin did you mean me to keep up simon the first or the second hee hee
jinty x x x x x <(_) (_)>

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 28


Hi Jinty
Aaww you are sweet sharing your grandson, i like to share mine so much, that i could almost give him away!! smiley - evilgrin
Have a good time smiley - smiley

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 29

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

My third one Jinty!!

Two weeks one an island with a pub!! sounds great!!!

smiley - rofl

U ok Venus??


New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 30

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

it might sound nice venus...b...but imagine getting barred ...nightmare especially if there is no offysmiley - wizard good to see yee you again jintysmiley - surfer

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 31

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Venus,
Good to see you around again, although sorry to hear you have been through the 'Mill of Life'. I can only hope things improve for you. The days are getting longer, the birds are singing their very hearts out, it is getting warmer, and all is in a state of rebirth.
Maybe a good walk along the beach, with a small bag to collect interesting flotasm, and then when you get home, see what you can create.l Works for me. Problem is the designs never last. They either go off or the glue doesn't work.
Anyway, take care Hun, and drop by sometime. You have been missed.

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

smiley - musicalnote

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 32


Hi Neal
Nice to hear from you smiley - smiley i take it you never got my e.mail! i'll drop by your space and say 'hi' soon smiley - biggrin

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 33


Aye youve had a hard time lass you kept that out of out conversation chin up the summer is almost upon us and you with the big garden you will be kept busy and have the best summer we up in scotland well thats another story im still moving snow smiley - winkeye

Stick in lass smiley - smiley.

smiley - hugs & smiley - kisses

Wullie smiley - cheers.

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 34


smiley - biggrin Hhmmm theres lots you don't know about me!
Oh yes! the big garden is going to keep me so busy i wont have time for anything else smiley - laugh

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 35


Hope you dont mind me adding to this smiley - erm.

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 36


No no not at all smiley - smiley as you can see, others have added comments and suport. Its nice to know i have friends smiley - biggrin

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 37


Anytime hen anytime

Wullie smiley - cool.

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 38

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Venus,
Just thought I'd let you know I have booked 10/07/04 off from work as Holiday, so I am now committed.....some people would say I should going to the Summer Meet...No excuses....even if I turn up with no nails...scared of crowds.
Shall see you there.

smiley - musicalnote

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 39


Hey thats good news smiley - smiley Hopefully 'Belena' will be comming over from Germany for the meet aswell, so that will be 2 people i know smiley - laugh

New year, new beginings?? Pah!!

Post 40

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I also now have my digital camera, so maybe I can get my Triffid identified.
I am also pleased Belana comes as she too seems a little on the down-side. Just need to see what is happening in London at that time. Having lived here for 18 years, There is still lots for me to see, but also lots I have seen that people outside don't know exists.
Anyway, lets just hope 10/07 is the date, and I won't smiley - chick out this time, I promise....Holiday dates are too precious...

Take care, going off now as it is 19:06.

smiley - hug

smiley - musicalnote

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