This is the Message Centre for ~:*-Venus-*:~

Just for the record....

Post 61

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Take it from the beginning, m'dear. Venus despises snow, as does a mutual friend B'Elana. They talked of a snow haters club, and were trying for a good name for it ... smiley - laugh

Just for the record....

Post 62


Hey! I like that one AD smiley - biggrin Much better than any we could think of smiley - doh

Just for the record....

Post 63


Well, i´ve always taken great pride in my ability to abbreviate
And, dontcha worry, you´ll most probably live to see the end of harsh winthers in europa..
.. hopefully though, you live a little more than the estimated water-level rise of 9-37cm, above sea-level..?
Anyway, -all climatic considerations aside- How´s your overall existense sweetie?


Just for the record....

Post 64


Ya AD know, if the water level rises by that much, i think i can safetly assume it's time for me to grow webbed feet and gills smiley - laugh One of the drawbacks of living in a county thats almost flat.

I'm doing fine thanks m'dear smiley - smiley
It's been a long while since i've seen your user name around. How have you been? and what have you been doing the last.....3 years is it? smiley - senior

Just for the record....

Post 65


That should have read >Ya know AD<
You will notice that my typing has'nt improved either smiley - laugh

Just for the record....

Post 66


Dear god do you still use this site...?

Oh, soz hia n all that guff hope your well?

Just passing through thought it would be rude not to say hi 2 u smiley - smiley

Guess who I work for now....?

Just for the record....

Post 67


"Venus with gills and webbed feet"
..Well hunney, all things taken into account, it might be an evolutionary leap in a sensible direction..
But you´d probably have to renew your shoe-collection,
-and scarfs would likely be coming back into fashion,in a big way (actually, i´m not in a position to say whether it has indeed been out of fashion lately..)
-Anyhoo, -you´d still be very attractive!
.. Maybe even the main attraction, -you see, one of my aquaintants has this, ..hmmm, travelling excibition fair, and i could probably land you (as a manner of speaking, f´course )a sweet deal

Well, i´ve been quite busy groomin my -
(..should i tone it slightly blue, do you think? would it work with my teint? please be honest)
-in between makin myself the happy father of yet another beautifull babygirl, and trying to make ends meet, ..
It´s not as simple as it sounds,if it sounds simple, -as most decent people come to realise along the way, -and i can´t even claim that i´m a part of that particular social segment.. hmmm..


Just for the record....

Post 68


Good heavens!! Hey Mark, all i need now is for Rebs to crawl out of the woodwork and the show is complete smiley - laugh
How the devil are you? IS it right you are working for the big B? smiley - cool

Just for the record....

Post 69


Hey AD smiley - smiley
I'm not sure i've got long enough to evolve gills and webbed feet before i start pushing up the daisies smiley - erm It would save a fortune on footwear though smiley - laugh
My you have been busy. How old is your newest baby girl? I bet she's really cute smiley - biggrin Making ends meets seems to be a lifetimes work for some of us, it never gets any easier. Still on the bright side, those that have never have to struggle and have everything handed to them on a silver plate, are rarely happy at all.
smiley - biggrin

Just for the record....

Post 70

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - wow There ARE other grand-parents in this world? Whooo-hooo !!! smiley - laugh

*envisioning a webbed-toed Venus ... smiley - erm ... The strappy-sandals and nail paints just don't work ... *

Just for the record....

Post 71


It certainly is true, I crossed over the line and thought after using my skills to break the system I may as well join them n get paid for fixing it :s

If that makes sense of course smiley - winkeye

Plus there's 20% off anything from Virgin megastores..

God I feel so dirrrty being a corporate monkey smiley - smiley

Woodwork? yeh us old timers do have a habit of suddenly appearing outta the internet haze. Thing's good with you these days? smiley - cheers

Just for the record....

Post 72


smiley - laugh Nope webbed toes would'nt look right in strappy sandals.

Just for the record....

Post 73


I'm impressed Mark smiley - biggrin It's about time you put your talents to 'legal' use smiley - winkeye
There's not many of us old timers here these days smiley - sadface though i've made loads of new friends in the years that i've been using this site smiley - smiley
Things are good with me, even better now i can get out in the garden again smiley - biggrin
Hows things with you? Have you seen anything of Bratty and Rebs?

Just for the record....

Post 74


smiley - erm

smiley - smiley
I'm a good bwoy I am.
smiley - erm
Hahaha! No really it's more than a new leaf, imagine a huge leaf if you will.

Well, actually imagine a massive leaf bigger tah you could imagine.. if of course imagining something bigger than you can imagine is possible.

Then get that hooooooj leaf turn it over (careful not to flatten any small towns whilst doing so). There you have it, my leaf turning.smiley - ok

What you doing in your world these days?

Having fun n all? smiley - magic

Then again, daft question. Everyone enjoys life it's grrrrrrreat.

Hmmm.. I'de make a great advert for anti-depressent, even though I'm not on them smiley - erm

God I've just confused myself again.

Where is the smiley banging it's head against a wall?smiley - bluelight

Just for the record....

Post 75


Actually i'm imagining the giant tree that leaf fell from smiley - yikessmiley - laugh

I'm still obsessed by plants and gardening smiley - erm I've reached a new level now...Orchids! No thats not a substitute for an expletive smiley - erm It's my latest passion. Growing hardy orchids in my garden smiley - magic It's taken alot of research to find out if this is possible to do, but as i already have a couple growing on the lawn, it should'nt be too hard. The only thing thats holding me back at the moment is the cost smiley - yikes but i'll get there in the end smiley - biggrin

I see you've found the new smileys. I like this one > smiley - rolleyes

Just for the record....

Post 76


Yes yes I do like the nem smileys.

I bought my mother an orchid when she came over for christmas, you'd think I'd bought her a million pound note.

Not that there is such a hting like. But let's for the sake of argument pretend there is smiley - winkeye it'll simplify thing's.

Just watching most haunted :s

Just for the record....

Post 77


Oh god my typo's are getting worse.

Just for the record....

Post 78


For some reason women like orchids, maybe it has something to do with dreams of tropical beaches being waited on hand and foot smiley - zen It works for me anyway smiley - biggrin
I havent watched Most Haunted for a while, it's not been the same since flamboyant Derek left. It always made me smiley - laugh when he was 'possessed'....he was possessed in more ways than one smiley - laugh

Just for the record....

Post 79


Allo Venus Darlin
just popped in to see if you are still aroundsmiley - kiss

Just for the record....

Post 80


Hey! Kif smiley - kiss Hows you doing m'dear?
smiley - wow This is fast becoming a long lost friends thread smiley - biggrin I like it! smiley - magic

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