This is the Message Centre for ~:*-Venus-*:~

Just for the record....

Post 41


By the way hayayfi, where were you living then..around Nelson Bay or did you live in Medowie like most others off base. My ex sister-in-law. Donna Edwards worked as a barmaid in the Mess on the base during the 90's.

Port Stephens is smiley - magic..The Blue Water Wonderland. Ivan Lendl, the tennis player used to play golf at Nelson Bay Golf Club. Us mere mortals from Tanilba Bay, Mallabulla and Lemon Tree Passage could only afford to play at Tanilba Bay Golf Club....smiley - rofl

Just for the record....

Post 42


Just come in from watering the orchard I'd say someone has purloined my snow Nic please rush more urgently.smiley - winkeye What news on the granddaughter frontsmiley - magic

We chose to rent privately rather than take RAAF accommodation so we lived at Corlette - Bagnalls Beach I loved my time there good people,smiley - hug beautiful scenery, smiley - biggrinfantastic weather what more could you ask for.

I take it the storms have damaged your garden Venus I am so sorry to hear that,smiley - wah it’s always awful when something you spend so much energy tending ails or is damaged through no fault of your ownsmiley - cheerup

Just for the record....

Post 43

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I'll see what I can do about more snow then. But I think the Hercs that fly out of this town daily are a bit busy right now. smiley - erm

Mommy and new little smiley - angel were home yesterday, in fine health and spirits. And a couple of piccies have been added to my Fotki page. (Still found from a link on my Personal Space)

Gotta smiley - run, the work-day begins soon. smiley - groan

Just for the record....

Post 44


Corlette, Anna Bay, Nelson Bay, Salamander Bay and all that area is wall to wall housing now..its diabolical..That was the best part of Lemon Tree passage,It couldn't be built out...smiley - cheers

Just for the record....

Post 45


Nic she is beautiful smiley - magic will put in a word with Him upstairs ,flyhi> re a good future for her enjoy your day

Just for the record....

Post 46


Does this ring a bell...

Just for the record....

Post 47


Funny they didn't use Tommaree and Yacaba for the picture insteadsmiley - run

Just for the record....

Post 48


smiley - bigeyes Blimey, it's been busy on this thread smiley - laugh

Well i'm sorry to say i can't send you any snow now. It's rained all afternoon and melted it....and i for one am very pleased about that smiley - biggrin

Just for the record....

Post 49

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

So then you traded in your skates for a canoe? smiley - bigeyes

Just for the record....

Post 50


Hello allsmiley - smiley

And what a glorious day it is the sky is overcast with a fine chilly wind blowing in from the desert smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - magic I can't smell rain yet but the clouds they is a trying.

So just for the record what is the ettiquite of starting to chat with someone else on someone else's thread is it okay or is it something a kin to carjacking and not done in polite company.smiley - erm

I am happily scooting around the house doing all the jobs it has been to hot to do for weeks now....smiley - biggrin oh how I love the winter months may they soon arrive.

Just for the record....

Post 51

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hiya, good Lady. You caught me just as I was leaving the wires for the night.

Ummmm, if something looks like it would be a serious hijacking of a chat, usually one party or the other would call directly on the other. Personal Space to PS ... But that sometimes gets missed in the flush of the moment. smiley - smiley

Just for the record....

Post 52


Seemingly, karma exists in Hebe-land. Just as I read about yours being trashed by the snow, I spotted a tiny one in my garden that must have been sown courtesy of a birdy's jacksee! smiley - laugh

Just for the record....

Post 53


That's not karma though is it? Can't think of the word I'm angling for. smiley - doh

Just for the record....

Post 54


I dunno about karma, is'nt bird pooh meant to be lucky if it lands on you? smiley - yuk
A bird in the hand is worth a Hebe bush? smiley - silly
It must be turds law!!
Ok, it's been a very long day....smiley - footprints

Just for the record....

Post 55

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Jeez, ... and I thought I was the one sniffing paint fumes all day smiley - drunk

smiley - rofl

Just for the record....

Post 56


I blame you then! smiley - biggrin

Just for the record....

Post 57

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

No worries, m'dear, I can take it. smiley - biggrin

Just for the record....

Post 58


Springtime-enthusiasts Negating Ordinary Wintherweather
..Know that youre way past this one, but thats where i dropped in..

Just for the record....

Post 59


Woah, SHOW not SNOW..
Snow Haters Organized Worldwide ..

Just for the record....

Post 60


okay feel as though I got sucked up into the storm front along with the german paraglyder have I missed something heresmiley - erm

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