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Thats just plain silly!!

Post 1


I know it's been a strange year in terms of gardening. A dry winter followed by a dry summer has confused alot of plants. So much so, that i have a daffodil in bud! That is just the strangest thing. smiley - laugh

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 2

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*the totally facetious question ...*

Are you sure it's a daffodil? smiley - silly

It may be some warped, space-rayed hybrid thingie. You know, a Canuck thing. smiley - laugh

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

It has been strange - a large chunk of our garden has disappeared and been replaced by a big sheet of plastic and a small puddle!

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Everything looks 'normal' here smiley - erm

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 5

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Growths, spasms and early fadings of everything seem to be becoming the norm. But hey, it DOES mean less grass cutting. For me anyway. smiley - biggrin

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 6


Yep, it's definately a daffodil smiley - huh

Hey Rich
I here puddles are the 'in thing' what with water shortages an all smiley - laugh

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 7


I remember last year I had some flowering in December. Also, this years forget-me-nots which were pulled up when they started looking bad, have seeded, and next year's ones are flowering now.

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 8


Hey KB.
I'm not sure i like plants flowering when the should'nt, as it most likely means then on't flower again next year smiley - sadface

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 9


It's interesting though - to see what way it all evens out over time.

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 10


Yes, thats true. I wonder how long it will take a plant that only flowers once a year, to adjust back to normal flowering.

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 11

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi there Venus smiley - hug.

How are you doing?

I would have to ask as to what the definition of 'normal flowering' is? Where is the bench-mark?
Reading Gilbert White seems to indicate there is no defining timeline to base the study on, although his recordings do give a start position from that period, and so give a moveable bassline.

The Camellias in Kew gardens are in perpetual flower now, and many plants are flowering earlier, and lasting longer. Thios is why there has been a dearth of aphids, which will affect the Ladybirds and Lacewings next year, so in 2008 expect a plague of aphids as there will be few predators.

BTW, I am considering the start of the Northerly migration. Anyone want to tag along? smiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 12


Hi Neal.
I replied to our other thread, but you may not have seen it. I'm doing ok thanks smiley - smiley

I guess there is no bass line as such, however, i don't think its normal for daffodils to flower in September smiley - huh I've never heard or seen it happen in my neck of the woods. Some shrubs often have a second flush of flowers in particularly mild years. Sometimes though, its because they are struggling to survive and flower before dying smiley - sadface It could certainly affect the balance if things continue to flower this way. Early bees might find there is no food for them and a sudden harsh winter, could affect plants that have used their energy to produce flowers out of season.

I think i'll pass on the migration, its too cold up north. smiley - laugh

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 13


When is a daffodil not a daffodil?
When it opens up to reveal a yellow Auntunm crocus smiley - wow I forgot i had those smiley - erm

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 14

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*glances up at post #2* smiley - whistle

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 15


I suppose that explains that one then!

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 16


Yeah i know, i got it wrong. Still, at least everything is how it should be in the garden smiley - smiley And the bright yellow crocus is very pretty smiley - biggrin

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 17

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Sadly, it appears that you've associated with me for far too long, Lady Goddess. And are aquiring some of my great skills with plants. smiley - yikes

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 18

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Nearly the same Genus. smiley - laugh

Long stems, Trumpet-shaped flowers in various colours, green leaves, bright saffron-yellow stamens.

I can see the reason for the confusion though smiley - winkeye

smiley - kiss

smiley - musicalnote

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 19


Hey! I don't think i'll ever ba that bad Nick smiley - laugh

I should have remembered i planted them, but i plant so much stuff its always a surprise when something suddenly appears smiley - smiley

Thats just plain silly!!

Post 20

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - hug If I had planted them, they'd be appearing in the Falkland Islands by now, if anywhere.

Don't forget, I can kill spider plants. smiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

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