This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

Starters at Silka:

Post 1


So what will people be having:

I personally think the mixed starters sound divine, does anyone want to share a portion with me (£7 between 2)

Starters at Silka:

Post 2


Mmmmmm... sounds gorgeous!

I'll have the lemon sole to start please...

Kavita (Kavey)

Starters at Silka:

Post 3



I'm SO pleased Mamta can come. That's great good news. smiley - ok

In some sort of attempt to make life easier, if no one else wants to share with you, Riocaz, Jacquie will, and in that case, I'll have the spicy squid. If someone else does decide to share with you, then Jacquie & I will share another mixed starter between us. (Hope that makes sense).

So that's four out of the 12 of us fixed.

I'll see if I can erase the other thread.


Starters at Silka:

Post 4


I'll share with you Riocaz. The food sounds great at this place. I'm really looking forward to it.

Starters at Silka:

Post 5


I'll ask mum and get her to post (or I will for her) tomorrow...

Starters at Silka:

Post 6

Stokey Sue

If there is taker #6 for the mixed starter, I'll be #5 and share.

If #6 fails to make themself known, I'll be very happy with the crab cakes! smiley - smiley

Looking forward to it! smiley - cool

Starters at Silka:

Post 7


London Meet on the Sat 16th
Hello Riocaz
I am sorry I have not kept up with the thread, have been rushing around a lot and then I have been away. It will be really nice to 'put faces to names' at last, even though not true names (except mine of course smiley - smiley)!
I will have Spinach and Potato Kebabs for my starter. I am trying to create a vegetarian kebab today, made with dried chickpeas, the green variety. I had these in India last month and they were very nice. So, it will be nice to get some ideas, if mine don’t turn out nice smiley - wahsmiley - erm.
I am happy to share with anyone, as long as theirs are vegetarian or sea-food starters. As some of you may know, I gave up meat and chicken a few years ago!
Look forward to meeting you all, smiley - bubbly!

Starters at Silka:

Post 8


So, to summarise where we are so far:-

Riocaz & Nutmeg will share a mixed starter
Jacquie & Ian will share a mixed starter
Kavita will have the Lemon Sole
Mamta will the the spinach & potato kebab
Stokey Sue will either share a mixed starter if anyone else will
or will have the crab cakes.

That leaves 5 of us still to decide.
Chocolate Ros

I don't think there's a tearing rush, smiley - run though it would be good for Riocaz' nerves if you could tell him. I imagine most of you will see this when you get back to work, as will he! smiley - smiley


Starters at Silka:

Post 9


Sorry to be late - haven't been on-line since close of business Friday. Would like the char grilled chicken tikka as a starter.

Can't wait to see you all.

Sue (schuey)

Starters at Silka:

Post 10


But, if Stokey Sue needs to someone to share her platter still, I will do that instead. I am easy (it has been said!!!)

Sue (shuey)

Starters at Silka:

Post 11


Just noticed this in the thread. I'll go for the squid please.

Thank you.

Starters at Silka:

Post 12


I will happily share a mixed starter if you don't have a 6th person.

Alternatively the squid sounds delicious.


Starters at Silka:

Post 13

Stokey Sue

So that's me & Zanna on mixed starter number 3, I think (brain hurts)

Starters at Silka:

Post 14


Sorry - haven't been online properly since Friday night! It looks like its just me and patsyfagan left. If she happens to want to share a mixed starter I'll have that. If not I'll have the squid.

Starters at Silka:

Post 15


Forwarded from Patsyfagan smiley - biggrin

If there is not someone else who wants to share the starter for 2, then I will settle for the spicy crab cake



there is, Chololate Ros would like to. So that's settled.


Starters at Silka:

Post 16


hi guys!!

So, here's the final line up.

Four mixed starters

Riocaz & Nutmeg
Jacquie & Ian
Stokey Sue and Zanna
Chocolate Ros and patsyfagan

(or rearranged as anyone prefers!)smiley - biggrin

and then:-

Kavita will have the Lemon Sole
Mamta will have the spinach & potato kebab
Josh Squid
SchueySue char grilled chicken tikka

So that's absolutely brilliant. smiley - okok> Thanks all of you for coming back so promptly. I dare say that when Riocaz comes and has a look, he'll make a note and contact the restaurant this evening.


Starters at Silka:

Post 17


I will give them a call this evening and confirm.

Starters at Silka:

Post 18


Sorry all, I forgot to do it last night.

They have now all been confirmed by the restaurant.

Starters at Silka:

Post 19


What time are we meeting at the restaurant and what (real) name is the booking under?
Ta muchly!

Starters at Silka:

Post 20


Hehehe, guess that would help.

The table is booked for 1:30 but was told we could turn up anytime from 1.

Table is under the name of Lee Donovan.

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