This is the Message Centre for Furious_of_Forges

Starters at Silka:

Post 21


Thanks very much indeed Riocaz (May I call you Lee?).

This has really been very smooth.

I'm starting another thread for those of us who are coming.

Meeting at Borough Market.
smiley - cake

Starters at Silka:

Post 22


Ian, where? Here in H2G2 or over on the main food chat board?
I must admit I prefer the main board but can't find the thread wherever it is!

Starters at Silka:

Post 23


Hi Kavita,
It'll be here, I'm afraid, because really this isn't "public" in the sense that the main food boards are, sorry.

You know, I'm surprised no one's suggested hosting a "chatterbox" or two on their own h2g2 spaces. I've been catching up with the main boards gettng ready to leave on Thursday, for examplepreparing the computers for the changes - answering messages and emails, and the usual guff, so that's why I've not yet made it. smiley - sadface

I'll do it right away, sorry.


Starters at Silka:

Post 24


No worries... I just thought I was being thick when I couldn't find it.
NO RUSH! smiley - biggrin

Starters at Silka:

Post 25


Who's a dumbo?

I called it Meeting _a_ Borough Market. I really will have to learn either to type or to proof read,. (one day). smiley - doh


Starters at Silka:

Post 26


Why? I do it for a living and I never have smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Starters at Silka:

Post 27


Oh and Ian, of course you can call me Lee.

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