This is the Message Centre for Tomboygirl

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 161


Hello, the big 30 here smiley - biggrin

Thanks for your texts.

The girls at work had decorated my desk for me with balloons and banners with all my cards waiting for me to open. They gave me a bottle of wine and some money. The temp who started last week on reception gave me a box of chocolates for my birthday and to say thanks for helping her out so far which was really nice. Had to wear a badge saying 30 on it all day long! Nicky who is on maternity leave came in with her new baby girl and she gave me a bottle of wine and a box of chocs. If you're good I'll try and keep a bottle of wine for when you're over to share with you!

Tony gave me the Jamelia CD, the last Henrik Larsson book, the Celtic away top and a scanner for the computer! Got a gold chain and 2 pairs of trousers from my mum and dad and also a mini water dispenser which is cool. They're taking Tony and I out for a meal tonight. Still got my sisters present and Tony's family presents to get tomorrow.

Anyway, got to go and start getting ready so will speak to you soon.

Bye for now smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 162


Hello. How's you? Hope you've had a good weekend.

Tony arranged a birthday night out for me on Friday night in Clockwork. A really good night. I was surprised that everyone he asked turned up! There was Scott, Sara, Steve, Shona, Paul, Joanne, Dave, Laura, Robert and wee Paul. Wee Paul came back to ours after we got ourselves some chips and he helped us drink the bottle of champagne that Steve and Shona had gave us. Still feel ill actually, shouldn't have had the champagne after all the jack daniels and coke!

Last night Tony's parents took us and Tony's sister and her fiance out for a meal to one of our local restaraunts. Food was lovely.

Anyway, looking forward to a quiet day today. Speak to you during the week. smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 163

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Well, hi there!

Thanks for the picture- it's very good. As i say though, if you compress the image by saving it as a low-medium quality jpeg (as i only learnt to do a few months back..)it will still look just as good on the screen, but only be about 30-100k instead of 800 or more!Then you can send me loads more..

That movie you sent me last week was nearly 3meg (3000k) and it took best part of an hour to downloadsmiley - yikes It also wouldn't let me download any other mail till it had finished, and it kind of crashed both my email accounts for a while cause i tried to cancel the download..smiley - wah But thanks for sending it anyway smiley - whistlesmiley - winkeye

Had a great weekend in Edinburgh as i said in the text. There were some very attractive women at our table(all in couples of course), and there's nowhere i would rather be than in the company of attractive women... I stayed over at Loui and Jules flat, then we had a very relaxing stroll around a bit of Edinburgh (the meadows), lay on the grass for a while whilst taking photos of each other..(we're all into photography!)It was a rather nice warm day to relax.

Left edinburgh about 7ish and got home just before 10. So that was my weekend.. Tell you more when we speak.

Off Wednesday as usual, then Friday last day, then down to Michael's on Sunday morning for my week off, then your the following weekend. So there you are.

smiley - biggrin

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 164


Sounds like you had a nice weekend too, Edinburgh's nice. Might not get chance to phone you now. Aadila over tomorrow night, although if she leaves early enough I can give you a phone and known her she'll be told by her parents to be home for 9pm or something! Meeting Tony in town after his work on Thursday but shouldn't be home too late unless we decide to go to cinema. So hopefully speak to you either tomorrow or Thursday night. If not, then have a great time visiting your brother (tell him I said hi).

Look forward to seeing you a week on Saturday (7th August), should be good. smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 165

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I'm lookng forward to it as well. It's been sooo long since we've actually met!

I may be over at Andy's sorting out our website, which is currently a bit of an enbarrasment(I helped get Andy the B+Lwebsite contract a wee while ago) bit just text me if i don't pick up.

Wont say anymore just now as i'm pickled after the pub quizsmiley - drunk

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 166

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 167


Hello. That's me got my first funeral over and done with. It was actually a lovely service. Before we all went in the hearse passed with the coffin and flowers shaped in the name Jean and I just lost it! As we all walked in the song Make The World Go Away by Elvis (one of my aunt Jean's favourite songs) was playing and it played again as her coffin was lowered into the furnace below so that was quite moving also. I swear to you though, I'm sure I heard the fire roaring below which was pretty disturbing! I kind of composed myself through the service although my lip trembled a lot which is something I do before I cry! As we were leaving my uncle John, cousin Jacqueline, her husband and son were standing there so people could shake hands/hug or whatever and I just burst out crying as I hugged my uncle John! He was fine though and just said I was worse than my mum! My cousin Sarah was the same as me, she lost it at the end also.

All went back to pub in Paisley for drinks and nibbles. My aunt Jean left me a bottle of perfume, one of my favourites that I hadn't actually owned myself for a few years. My uncle John took me aside at one point and told me that she had left Tony and I an envelope (obviously with money it it!) for our wedding so that upset me too.

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 168


She was like that though, constantly thinking about others, even when she was really ill. Hopefully my uncle John will be okay, he kept it together today but he might not be so good tonight. Me and him have always been close, I'm his blue eyed girl, he's called me that since I was a baby. Everyone's always said I'm his favourite niece and my aunt Jean really loved me as people keep telling me which really upsets me more!

Anyway, enough of all this morbid stuff! Hope you have a good weekend and hope to speak to you either on phone or on-line before you go away on your hols. Take care x

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 169

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Heysmiley - cuddle If you can't cry at a funeral...

Don't worry about hearing the flames- i'm pretty sure in most instances the actual deed isn't carried out till later on. If you looked outside the building you were in you would probably see that the place with the chimneysmiley - erm is in a separate building.

That knowledge actually consoled me at Tracy's funeral!- even after the curtains closed she was still in one piece for a wee while.. sort ofsmiley - erm

Actually had a dream last night about her- quite vivid- i think we were talking.. My dreams usually take about two years to catch up with events, so that would be about right...

I hope you're OK. Enjoy what she's left you- you can show me the stuff(not the money- i know what that looks like!) when i'm up next. Take care you, and we'll chat soon,

smiley - cuddle Xx

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 170


Thanks for your words of comfort. I think I would find it harder if I didn't believe in life after death but I do so I know she is out there somewhere watching over me.

You know they do say that dreaming about a loved one who has died means that it's their way of contacting you, if you believe in that sort of thing, which I do!

Anyway, speak to you soon. Take care xsmiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 171

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I think about death and dying far too much these days- really need to get a life!

I do hope that if we are being watched over, they are discreet about *when* they watch, if you get my meaning... After all, Tracy used to think me such a nice blokesmiley - winkeye

Maybe you can't shock the dead... smiley - erm

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 172


smiley - biggrin I've always wondered about that too!

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 173



How are you? Hope you enjoyed your time in Belfast, Tony goes there on Friday for the weekend. I've been off work since last Wednesday and I am still off but will have to go back tomorrow as my self-sick certificate is up today, it covers you for 7 days and my work count the weekend for some strange reason even though office is closed at the weekends!

Doubt I'll get chance to speak to you before you go on your hols as going out to watch the football tomorrow night, Tony wants to go to the cinema on Thursday night and I'm supposed to be going to the pub on Friday night with some people from work.

Anyway, have a good time in Ullapool and take loads of photos (which I'm sure you will!) for me to see, especially photos of sheep but don't talk to them too much or you might scare them away. smiley - biggrin

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 174

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cuddlesmiley - winkeye

Baaaaaaaa. Posted a thing about Belfast on my page, but will go into *much* more detail when we speaksmiley - bigeyes

Enjoy Friday, and we'll speak upon my return.. or maybe if you're lucky i'll corner a sheep and call you on the mobile during next weeksmiley - smiley

Martin will be joining me for first 3 or 4 days then John arrives on Monday (he's in London this weekend to see Billy Connoly). Should be fun, but Martin's leg hasn't healed properly yet, so we'll have to get the drinking and driving(not togethersmiley - yikes) part of the holiday done whilst Marti-poos is with us, then Big John Boy can take the punishment on the hills with me- hooo yes!

catch ya later smiley - kiss

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 175

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Time to resurrect this one i think.. Just cause I like seeing the heading on my page really. That was me having one of my funny* moments when I thought that one up- dead proud I is of that one- oh yeah..smiley - whistle

smiley - run

*funny ha-ha, not funny strange- I have those moments virtually all the time.

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 176


That's funny, I check this site every day and I never noticed you had posted on our thread. I do apologise! Hello smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 177

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Hello backsmiley - ok

I'm sitting here doing my usual internet stuff, when i should be doing research on the web for an interview on Monday. Not going to say anymore just now or on phone tomorrow, as I believe telling everyone about these things jinxes them.

Suffice to say it is not the usual run-of-the-mill job. It is very highly paid and an interview I will actually have to spend the weekend preparing for. I'm the only applicant, and the M.D. is flying in from America to interview me.

Shit! What happened to me not saying any more! Godamm!! smiley - grr Guess i've not got the job then. smiley - wah

Seriously though- i'm not saying any more about it unless i make it to 2nd interview, so no point in trying to get more out of me!

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 178


Say no more, I wouldn't want to jinx anything for you! Good luck smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 179

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

smiley - yikesOh it's my turn?!smiley - yikes

Just sitting here waiting for news on interview... and waiting.... supposed to know same day... and waiting...

I'm going to look back at this post in a few minutes/hours/days and think one of two things, either;

Poor sod- decision had already been made as he wrote this, or

Wow! written before my life changed!

And believe me- this is a life changing job..

Bye the time you read this, I'll know, either way... So nervous.. much, much, more nervous than before the interview...

and waiting....

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 180


My fingers are crossed for you smiley - smiley Let me know when you hear anything. Will probably try to phone you on Thursday night.

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