This is the Message Centre for Tomboygirl

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 21


Doing anything interesting/exciting on your 10 day holiday from work? Jammy git! smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 22

Titania (gone for lunch)

2 minutes?smiley - aliensmile<--green with envy (I know there's an 'envy' smile, but I like this one better

I live outside of Stockholm and go to w*rk by commuter train - all in all it takes me around 1 hour from door to door (in one direction)

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 23


I couldn't handle that long travelling to work and back anymore! For my old job I had to get bus into town which was okay as I didn't start work until the afternoon anyway but I didn't finish work until 6.15pm.I would usually miss the 6.15pm bus and more often than not the 6.30pm wouldn't turn up and the 6.45pm bus would be late and turn up at 7pm so most nights I wasn't getting home till anout 7.30pm. There's only one bus that travels to my area from the town centre so I spent half my life waiting for buses which wasn't funny in the middle of winter!

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 24


Hello smiley - blush

Have you ever sent an e-mail you wish you hadn't sent?(I think I already know the answer to this one!) I have and I just wanted to say I was sorry.smiley - blush

A lot of what was written was said in the heat of the moment, when I'm upset/hurt/angry I tend to say a lot of things I don't mean.

I just wanted to say that and to say I'm glad you started talking to me again through H2G2 as I've missed our friendship.smiley - sadface

For anyone reading this that don't know us, we are old close friends, not ex-lovers as you might think from reading this smiley - biggrin.

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 25

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Well, i'm afraid i agreed with just about everything you said, and i think you were correct to say it, and i understand why you said it. Though i only skimmed the email before deleting it(i didn't need that stuff floating around my head in too much detail), it seemed to agree with what other people have said to me as well, though perhaps not in quite so many words....

I tend to think stuff said in anger, or when smiley - drunk is more likely to be the truth, than carefully thought out tactfull letters.

I often feel lonely and as a consequence i put far too heavy a demand on people close to me. I know this- but it is kind of a complement i suppose- it means i enjoyed your company very much! But that kind of attention is scary, i know that as well. Afterall two people in the last few months have been doing something similar with me- almost stalking me!! and while the attention is nice... well lets just say i understand how you felt.

My social skills are awful, and it is absolutely amazing that i have as many friends as i do. I truly don't mean to hurt anyone, i just say some really really stupid things, and say them in really really stupid ways. So it's me that's sorry. You don't have anything to apologise for.

Perhaps we are better off as virtual friends via the hallowed pages of H2G2, for now at any rate?

And there i go again- talking about myself too muchsmiley - sorry

Titania- smiley - sorry you must be wondering what on earth you have stumbled intosmiley - yikes Your travel does sound a mite nightmarish, though perhaps your city is a little more picturesque than most of ours? What do you do to relieve the boredom during your journey?

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 26

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Oh right-holidays. No i'm not doing anything in particular- just had to use up the time. Though i did start off the day well, by electrocuting myself via an exposed light socket....smiley - run

Really ought to be more carefull with electricity, especially as there aint no one around to re-start my heart!!smiley - yikessmiley - angelsmiley - ghost

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 27

Titania (gone for lunch)

Sorry, I seem to have stumbled into a private conversation here - just let me know if you want me to unsubscribe...smiley - blush - I wouldn't take any offence, honestly!

30 minutes of my way are spent walking to or from the commuter train station - and I enjoy walking, so that's no problem

30 minutes spent in the commuter train, usually reading, or listening to music, or struggling to come up with another episode of my series in smiley - thepost - or playing a game on my PDA!smiley - biggrin

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 28

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

No worries T+R- there's no such thing as a private conversation on the websmiley - biggrin

Your travel arrangements sound similar to mine. I have a nice walk to my station (15mins, or 8 minutes if i smiley - runwhich i usually have to)then a 20-30minute train journey. I usually get a wee local bus on my return journey from the station though.

I live in a semi-rural village which is very prettysmiley - smiley so i much prefer this way of getting to work, than driving, especially at this time of year with early morning mists over the loch and all the Autumn colourssmiley - zen

Once on the train i usuallysmiley - zzz unless there are folk i know on board, in which case we talk loudly,annoying all the other folk who are trying tosmiley - zzz

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laugh

I recently got a free sample of... of... uh... book-on-a-CD? Listening to a book rather than reading it? And of course I had to end up next to two persons who were happily chatting away while I was trying to listen...smiley - biggrin

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 30

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Suppose that's why so many folk drive, eh? Getting your own space and all that. As i live alone, however, i usually enjoy the chance public transport affords of some social interaction with fellow human beings!

My train usually has 6 carriages, and i get the very last one as it is usually very quite, so i'm not usually disturbed. On the downside, when train arrives in the city, i have about a 5minute walk pushing past folk, just to get to the front of the train and out of the station!

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 31


smiley - smileyThanks for accepting my apology (I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't), I know I said some pretty horrible things and I do feel bad about it as I don't like saying bad things to people. I hate arguing!

You're right though, for now I think we should stick to talking on H2G2 and see how things go from there. It's just nice to have cleared the air.

Who's been practically stalking you? Can you tell me in code!?! smiley - biggrin Sorry, just being nosey!

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 32

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

In codesmiley - huh

Well, i'll try to think of a way...

smiley - runsmiley - drunk

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 33

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Right- back from pub... smiley - yikes oh wait a moment what's happened too the last 2 days?smiley - yikes

AAAAanyway- just about to leave for Glasgow- meeting John for drinks in Shawlands- staying over at mums tonight.

Hope i don't miss any Aurora whilst indoors- you keep an eye out. (check out the relevant thread on my pagesmiley - biggrin)

As for stalking news- well i cannae really comment hear- you never know who may be reading

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 34


How's John?

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 35

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

yeah- he's good. Got a woman by the name of Catherine! Not met her yet, but they seem to get on very well!

Martin And Caroline(Celine) still blissfully happy toosmiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 36

Titania (gone for lunch)

Since I stumbled into this conversation following a link from the most recently updated conversations on the <./>info</.> page, and since you two seem to know each other not only on h2g2 but in RL (Real Life) as well... I can't help feeling like a sort of intruder, even though none of you have implied anything...

So - this will be my last posting in this thread, and then I'll unsubscribe. I hope that you'll find h2g2 as 'sticky' as I have, and if you have any GuideML questions (my original reason for butting into this conversation) you know where to find me!smiley - smiley

Enjoy yourselves and remember: smiley - dontpanic

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 37


Don't worry about it Titania, you're welcome to join in our conversations any time! smiley - smiley

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 38


Saw Martin and Caroline aka Celine! in Somerfield a week before I went on holiday but I didn't make myself known cos din't know what he'd be like with me considering the situation at the time. Also saw Choi Woi aka Jet Li! that same night, he was there on his own, so we said hi to each other anyway.

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 39

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I've never really explained to anyone what happened, so you would've been ok. Only told Martin we werent in contact anymore about 2 weeks ago!
It's not exactly a situation i was proud of, so i wasnt about to go blabbing to anyone, despite John's constant proddingsmiley - erm

I'de rather we didnt ever discuss this again, put it in the past, and start a fresh. I'm deeply sorry, and i hope im a better friend to you in the future.

So, TBG, whaddaya look like?smiley - winkeye

The girl with the lovely entry..

Post 40


I agree totally. smiley - smiley What were we talking about again smiley - biggrin

What do I look like? Well, I'm totally stunning smiley - biggrin (I wish)! What do you look like then?smiley - smiley

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