I'm a monster. I admit it.

22 + 1 x 7 + 0 + 9 - 2 = 42

...because I'm not creative enough to think of anything better to put here.

Hi, How Are You Today?

I'm LunaMoth. I live on the planet Earth in the Sol system of the Milky Way. I'm far too paranoid about weirdos like you, yes YOU, to be more specific as to my whereabouts. I'm VERY new to H2G2 and in fact I have never coded or edited or engaged in any of this fun stuff before this very moment, so be patient with me.

Fun With GuideML

I'm into: Quentin Tarantino films; Recreational Drinking; Tattoos and Body Piercing; Side-show Freaks; Tom Waits; Cult Films; Making Extravagant Costumes; Recreational Drinking; Philosophy; and Death. Questions?!?

Yes; You Said "Recreational Drinking" Twice.

Well... that's because it's twice as important as anything else. Right? Shut up.


The truth is, the whole reason I'm putting all this crap in here is to practice with GuideML. Not that it's not all true. It's just not interesting or important in any way. How am I doing? Let's try something else. Smileys? Hmm.

smiley - vampiresmiley - hangover And by the way, concerning this: smiley - flan, WHO decided to make the flan airborne?? I want names, I want links, I want someone to take responsibility. Because that's... well, that's just really intimidating. Oh look, LOOK! I did an underline!! Devilish child.

Oooh! Special Effects! I love this delicate little picture. Kinda reminds me of me, but the other way around. I actually have real horns in person (they're purple, too!), but the devilish front is just a facade hiding the true demons inside. No, wait, I mean hiding the little angel.. no. Nevermind, this picture has nothing in common with me. I'm a monster, I admit it. And I'd never wear that horrid shade of pink.

On An Entirely Different Note

My father forced me to read the Hitchhiker Trilogy when I was about eight years old. Well, truthfully, he made me read the first chapter of the first book. Within a couple days, I'd read the first three books. Since, I've followed the adventures of Dirk Gently and the rest of the mishaps in the life of Arthur Dent on my own. As I was growing up I was the only kid I knew who enjoyed that particular breed of humour. So, as you might imagine, H2G2 is a dream come true!

Drop me a message if you have anything to say, no matter how inane. I need the attention desperately. Ta. smiley - kiss

A Dominatrix and her Dog


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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