Journal Entries
I made up two new words today
Posted Jun 8, 2007
If you "don't give a hoot" you don't care. So, if something is worth caring about it's "hootworthy".
Eg: that new YouTube video is really hootworthy.
A gorm is something someone lacks that makes them gormless.
Eg: She's in want of a gorm.
That scientist really has the gorm.
(I'll add these to the neologisms thread when I find it. But I can't find it. And I can't be bothered.)
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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2007
I blinked
Posted Apr 17, 2007
Something woke me up. The sound of something. It was something mechanical. A machine in the distance. I'd become accustomed to this sound as the sound of a new day. I was ten years old, in my tent, in the garden of nan and grandad's house. In a while I would go to the house. Nan and grandad would soon be up and would cook me a huge breakfast and tell me about their exciting plans for the day.
I knew these days would last forever.
I blinked and nan and grandad were gone.
I blinked and I'm 37.
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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2007
Hmm, lookalikes
Posted Dec 29, 2006
I see a young guy around town who looks like Syd Barrett. No, scrap that. He IS Syd Barrett. I want to approach this guy and ask him if he is aware of the resemblance or if he's even heard of SB (I think he's about 20). I would be mortified if he chuckled and said "Yeah, everyone says that" because I HATE being like a sheep and acting the same as everyone else. But I would like to find out if he's aware of the resemblance as I'm sure if they make a SB biopic he'd walk into the role (assuming he can act a bit). Quite uncanny.
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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2006
Ha ha
Posted Oct 25, 2006
This pic made me laugh!,%20Mickey%20(I)
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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2006
"I'm going to tour the world for a year to find myself"
Posted Oct 7, 2006
So they say.
Or "I'm going to a kibbutz to find myself"
Or "I'm going to meditate for a week to find myself"
Did you ever find yourself?
How does one find oneself?
Do you have a life purpose?
Who am I? What am I doing here? Why does this have to be so confusing?
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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2006
The Groob
Researcher U217019
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