This is a Journal entry by The Groob

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 1

The Groob

I see a young guy around town who looks like Syd Barrett. No, scrap that. He IS Syd Barrett. I want to approach this guy and ask him if he is aware of the resemblance or if he's even heard of SB (I think he's about 20). I would be mortified if he chuckled and said "Yeah, everyone says that" because I HATE being like a sheep and acting the same as everyone else. But I would like to find out if he's aware of the resemblance as I'm sure if they make a SB biopic he'd walk into the role (assuming he can act a bit). Quite uncanny.

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 2


Where do you live? smiley - drool Have you tried walking past singing Another Brick to see if he gives any reaction?

There's this man who has something to do with Mainline buses around here. Not sure what he does, he's mainly seen hanging around bus stops wearing a luminous yellow jacket helping elderly folk get their bus pass out. Anyway, he's Rod Stewart's twin. smiley - wow

I think he knows it know though since I walked past humming Some Guys ... and he now sports a pair of sunglasses and Rod-ified hairstyle.

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 3

The Groob

These lookalikes need to wake up and smell the coffee. I know a few lookalikes who are doing mundane jobs when they could be earning money as a professional lookalike. If I do manage to get a discussion going with them I always make a point of telling them there are lookalikes agencies who could be paying them £££ just for turning up at a venue. It's happened to me...a few years back (we're talking 80s and early 90s) a guy came up to me and told me to sign up as a pro lookalike.

Unfortunately resembling this person isn't something one should be proud of smiley - erm

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 4


I've not seen Rod in a few weeks. P'raps he's found a new job ...

You must tell me now that you've mentioned it. smiley - bigeyes

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 5

The Groob

Yes, I must. It was Neil from the Young Ones. It hasn't happened for years now - probably because he isn't on telly much and my forehead has become a little larger (?) There was a stage when people started telling me I resembled Tarantino but that stopped happening too.

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 6


Whoah, that's odd. I couldn't watch the Young Ones for years. Still get a bit twitchy about it. smiley - weird

Who do you get told you look like now?

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 7

The Groob

It's been a long time since I've been told I resemble anyone. I guess that perhaps at last I've developed my own physiognomical* style. Do you resemble anyone Footie?

* Word!

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 8

The Groob

Oi! Footie! I asked you a question!

Hmm, lookalikes

Post 9


I'm sorry. The backlog overwhelmed me at some point last week. smiley - doh

A few weeks ago I tried on someone's glasses, ones with quite thick black frames. If I mess up my fringe while wearing them I look alarmingly like Garth from Wayne's World. smiley - biggrin

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