Journal Entries

I'm not very nice

I'm not very nice. Be wary of people who describe themselves as 'nice'. That's the best advice I can give you.

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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2003

Freelance writing

Are there any freelance writers out there? This is something I'd like to get into. I'm not short on ideas, but the problem is kind of 'er, which foot first?'. Anyone with any experience of this then kindly drop me a line.

At the moment I'm working on a 'curiosity corner' idea for publications. I think this could work for different publications. This would include items such as 'the face behind the voice' where we see the face behind well known voices such as that of the lottery announcer, TV announcers and the speaking clock. The corner would obviously need to be themed for different publications.

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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2003


I thought it would be fun to compile some lists on here. Contributions are invited for these top tens.

To start off:

1) Celebrities who've been to prison
2) Celebrities who swore on TV

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2003

Music Project

Still thinking about what to do with my music process. I posted the following to the community on 11/2/03

I have perfected a system/process for composing music. I now want to "go public".

The central method of the process is very simple and only takes about ten minutes to learn. It has made me a very productive and fulfilled composer/songwriter.

I'm talking to intellectual property experts at the moment as I want to be recognised as the originator of the idea, but I am not looking to make financial gain.

1) What are your thoughts on the best way to publicise the process?

2) What are your initial thoughts on the process itself?

3) I'd also like to know if anyone wants to jump on board. The process works very well for me but I will want to know sometime in the near future if it works as well for other people too.


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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2003

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