This is a Journal entry by The Groob

I'm not very nice

Post 1

The Groob

I'm not very nice. Be wary of people who describe themselves as 'nice'. That's the best advice I can give you.

I'm not very nice

Post 2

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

I am nice....nothing wrong with being nice.

I'm not very nice

Post 3

The Groob

I am nice too. I know I am nice. But usually I find (and my online friends confirm this) that you should be wary of people who go overboard to tell you they're nice. They usually have something to hide IMO.

I'm not very nice

Post 4

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Everybody has something to hide that could potentially make them be perceived as not nice. Everyone wants to be perceived as nice...if not actually be nice. So, maybe the correct phrase should be "I try to be nice."

I'm not very nice

Post 5

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

I try to be nice.

I'm not very nice

Post 6

The Groob

I'm nodding in agreement. What bothers me is that I know that virtually any individual is potentially a killer or a torturer. You only have to look at history. Or look at the news smiley - erm

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